If you find this information of interest please go to the home page left click theeuroprobe.org and donate £1
There is a World Wide struggle going on how to to control the future World. The Main Stream Media and TV are keeping it out of the public domain.
Brexit is part of that struggle.
The main links are listed below but for the complete story go to http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2018-030-the-history-and-aims-of-the-eu-and-new-world-order/
read to links below to get the whole story – control click on hyperlinks
Globalism and Populism http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2016-082-globalism-and-populism/
Operation Mockingbird http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2017-059-operation-mockingbird/
The Barcelona Declaration http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2016-081-the-barcelona-declarationtreaty/
Who was the father of the EU? http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2018-042-who-is-the-father-of-the-eu-not-monnet/