2013 – 034 For those who wish to know what Neo-Chartism is

The People’s Charter of 1838 came from working men who began to assemble to demand an improvement in their conditions of work.  They called for six basic reforms to make the political system more democratic. It was the origin of the Trade Unions and eventually the Labour Party.

  1. A vote for every man over the age of 21;
  2. A secret ballot;
  3. No property qualification for members of Parliament;
  4. Payment for MPs (so poor men could serve);
  5. Constituencies of equal size;
  6. Annual elections for Parliament.

They were assisted by the Primitive Methodists, started in about 1800. They had rejected the authority of ordained priests and felt that they should not have to go through a ‘gatekeeper’ to have an audience with their God. They could not attend church so became streetpreachers and acquired the skills of public speaking. Thus they were able to carry out the public speaking duties for the assemblies.

The Trades Unions were formed with a strong Methodist ethos before being hijacked by the Marxist tendency.

Neo-Chartism of 2010

Very Protestant and so have a very deep seated sense of individual liberty, free speech and tolerance.

    1. A vote for every man and woman over the age of 18.
    2. A secret ballot in person with postal votes only for those who cannot get to the ballot box or those overseas entitled to vote. Bulk votes not acceptable.
    3. Any British citizen entitled to stand for parliament and all their funding and expenditure itemised on the internet.

A Secure ID card with a photo that cannot be accessed by any official body and to be presented at the Polling Station and can only used for elections.

  1. MPs must have no criminal record, a British citizen for over 10 years and with over 10 year’s tax returns.
  2. Payments and expenses for MPs but all income and sources must be itemised on the internet.
  3. Being an MP is neither a career nor a profession; it is a vocation or a duty.
  4. All MP’s remuneration and expenses to be set by a committee of people randomly selected from the Jury list for 3 years service and all minutes of their meetings to be published on the Internet.
  5. Any MP or public servant found guilty of Malfeasance to be subject to dismissal, permanently barred from further employment in the public sector and in serious cases loss of all pension rights.
  6. The pension is of great importance to a civil servant and the threat of losing it would be the most effective restraint on their behaviour.
  7. Constituencies of approx equal size;
  8. 5 yearly elections for Parliament.
  9. Where an MP votes against the manifesto they were elected on then they must face their electorate for re-election.
  10. Amnesty given to Whistle Blowers and punitive sanctions on those who try to silence them with gagging orders.
  11. The last 6 of the 10 Commandments are pretty good to follow through life.

Mick Greenhough 2010

    • Mick Greenhough
    • I come from a coal mining family in Derbyshire and tin mining family in Cornwall and staunch Primitive Methodist tradition.
    • My father was pulled out of school to go down the pit when he was 11 as my grandfather was badly injured underground.
    • He was given a pair of boots too big that had to be stuffed out with grass. When he came home from his shift he had to go out stealing potatoes and swedes from the local farm. That was true poverty.
    • I have lived in Kent for 65 years.
    • I went to Bromley Grammar and left with 8 O levels and Intermediate Pure and Applied Maths.
    • Boy Scouts, Rover Scouts and a Scout’s Warrant.
    • Skipper of one of Sevenoaks lower Rugby sides
    • I did a Student Apprenticeship at Hawker Aircraft then a Post Graduate Apprenticeship on the 1154 supersonic Harrier hydraulics and a Dip. Tech in Engineering at Kingston C.A.T.
    • A Chartered Mechanical Engineer.
    • A Euro Ingenieure – a higher version of a Mechanical Engineer to cover Europe.
    • 2 years Territorial Army at Duke of York’s Sloan Square.
    • At the Scientific Instrument Research Assoc in Chislehurst on oil field instrumentation.
    • With Mobil Oil and Geoservice on Wellhead logging in Paris.
    • At Fort Halstead on the 105mm Light Gun, the FH70 155mm tracked Howitzer and the 120mm ammunition for the Challenger tank. When I left my equivalent army rank was Lt Colonel.
    • Formed my own company manufacturing diving equipment until it became cheaper to import ‘point of sale’ from the Far East than purchase the raw materials here.
    • Contract engineering in underwater construction in UK and several overseas countries (with a HSE pt 1 commercial diver’s certificate). In Poland, France, Cyprus and Hong Kong among others.
    • Journalist writing for Lloyds Register Marine div (now LHS). I am a member of the National Union of Journalists and have been a committee member of the London branch.
    • Committee member of Campaign for an Independent Britain.
    • Currently working with Queen Mary’s University of London on Tidal Flow Power.
    • Currently preparing an Internet newspaper the ‘The EuroprobeGazettel(?)’ to publish the news the BBC and mainstream media leave out .
    • I am married with on son and two grandsons.
    • However I did not go to Eaton and worked all my life at wealth producing jobs so I am definitely a Pleb.

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