Not the Fake News no7 FEB 2020
Comic Relief’s most recently published accounts also show it spent £11.9 million on salaries in 2017, with 30 staff earning more than £60,000 and five pocketing more than £100,000.
Since 11pm, 29 March 2019, the UK has paid the EU £10,802,392,282.24. This could’ve paid for 120 new hospitals, 469,669 nurses, 409,942 policemen, or even the repair of 203,818,722 potholes. A single pile of what we’ve paid in £20 notes would be 37.92 miles tall. #BrexitBetrayal
If you are upset with the contets of the BBC phone 0370 010 0222, just say what you think, the power is in the volume of calls
Common Purpose Conspiracy Government Infiltrators 9-15-07 Brian Gerrish Brian Gerrish CP
The earliest known conviction of one of these Muslim gangs — who have been pimping and prostituting English schoolgirls to Muslim rapists — was in 1975.
Rotherham Police have said they did not take any action against the Pakistan grooming gangs to avoid the Pakistanis rioting.
The BBC is still quoting Churchill’s “United States of Europe” line, and mendaciously implying that he saw the UK as part of a US of E. He was quite explicit to the contrary. “We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not combined”.
EU27 citizens can apply for settled status in the UK – COMPLETELY FREE. Cost for UK citizens to apply for the same status in France : €119 ((over £100) Cost for UK citizens to apply for the same status in Austria : €210 ((over £170)… via @facts4euorg
Tories have said – No alignment with EU law, No concession on fishing, No Single Market nor Customs Union. All they need to do now is withdraw from the EU army and revoke the UN Migrant Pact. We then have the Brexit we voted for.
Voting for Mayor of London
Posted on 15 October, 2019 | Leave a comment
Anyone who works in London can stand for mayor of London. Therefore anyone who works in London should have the vote for Mayor. Those who work in London have just as much concern for how London is run as those who live there.
Tories have said – No alignment with EU law, No concession on fishing, No Single Market nor Customs Union. All they need to do now is withdraw from the EU army and revoke the UN Migrant Pact.. We then have the Brexit we voted for.
Not the Fake News Jan 2020 no 6
Beware of how you tax the rich.
Every day, ten men went for a beer to the same bar and the bill for all ten came to £100.
They paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, something like this…
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing
The fifth would pay £1
The sixth would pay £3
The seventh would pay £7
The eighth would pay £12
The ninth would pay £18
The tenth man (a wealthy self-made man) would pay £59
The ten men who drank in the bar every day seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the bar owner threw them a googly.
Continued in
UK v EU workers rights:
Paid holiday leave UK 5.6wks EU 4wks
Maternity leave UK 52wks EU 14wks
Maternity pay UK 90% for 6wks / £140 for 33wks
EU No min pay Equal pay Has been UK law since 1970 Wages
The EU has no minimum wage, unlike the UK
Who were the SECRET 28 who ended all climate debate at the BBC? The perpetual climate warmongers
Follow @mickoforpington (editor of Not the Fake News) on twitter
Having followed Mickoforpington on (@ arennie44 Free Speech) that was taken away from me, without reason or right of appeal. For over 10yrs I have never witnessed him lie or exaggerate on any subject. So take what he is saying at face value. No wonder they’re silencing Robinson.
Since 11pm, 29 March 2019, the UK has paid the EU £9,010,929,179.15. This could’ve paid for 100 new hospitals, 391,779 nurses, 341,957 policemen, or even the repair of 170,017,531 potholes. A single pile of what we’ve paid in £20 notes would be 31.64 miles tall
When the Labour Party lost the 2010 election they inserted many of their Spads (Special Advisers) into several high level posts in Charities. They then changed the rules to allow Charities to be political. Hence those Charities are now little more than agents of the Labour Party.
EUROPEAN Union access to British waters costs the UK a colossal £8billion annually despite the UK only having access nine percent of fish and the susequently reduced nation’s fishing industries.
EU fishermen have stated that will not recognise the sovereignty of UK waters and will fish there regardless.
Post Brexit the Fisheries Protection will not be able to cope if the EU fisheries ignore our rights of UK waters. Commission those with suitable boats as Privateers with a letter of marque and the authority to board and seize illegal fishing boats. They can then claim Shipping Prize Law for the seized boats to auction the seized ships off.
We know the name of the philosopher of capitalism, Adam Smith. We also know the name of the philosopher of Marxism, Karl Marx. So what is the name of the philosopher of Fascism? Virtually no one knows. This is not because he doesn’t exist, but because the political left – which dominates academia, the media and Hollywood – had to get rid of him to avoid confronting fascism and Nazism’s unavoidable leftist orientation. It was the hard line Socialist Italian philosopher Giovanni Gentile with his book ‘Origins and Doctrine of Fascism’.
Fascism is essentially a Socialist dictator in coalition with Private Corporates and a rejection of Capitalism. The prime example is the I.G. Farben/Nazi coalition. I.G Farben was a conglomerate of large German Corporates with a very strong aversion of Capitalism
you may have to scan and past this hyperling into Google._
It is reported that all New Zealand lamb is Halal but they not identify it a such. If you object to having Halal foisted on you do not buy New Zealand lamb.
For those who object to the Brexit 50p piece. Happy to help you with this . Give your Brexit 50p coins to me, I will give you 33p back, tell you what to spend it on and you can pretend you are still a member of the EU
European Christian Churches: Vandalized, Defecated On, and Torched in the EU “Every Day”. 3000 +. Strongly suspect the Quakers? TV and MSM have decided not worth reporting.
It takes months or even years to get diagnosed as mentally ill. However the police can diagnose an Islamic terrorist as Mentally ill before his victims are cold.
Starmer is a member of the Trilaterite Commission, which is a NWO organisation controlled by the bankers including Rothschild and Soros. He is an EU puppet just like Grieve.
Greeks built the Parthenon to celebrate victory over Persia, Trajan a 126ft tall column to celebrate Rome’s conquest of Dacia, & we built our own to commemorate Nelson & victory at Trafalgar. Now we need on to celebrate our escape from the EU. The spare plinth in Trafalgar Square?
Not the Fake News Dec 2019 No 5
No 5 2019 go to
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Why is the EU so completely undemocratic? The Treaty of Rome and others were referred to as ‘for the Common Market’ but they were really precursors to the EU. The EU proper was started in 1964 by a committee chaired by a Walter Hallstein who later became the first President of the EU. In the 1930s and 40s he was one of Hitler’s top lawyers. He had a chum, Walther Funk, who in 1942 produced the manual on how Germany was going to run Europe after they had won the war. As chairman Hallstein used that manual as the first draft of the EU. Read
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Please spare me. Is Putin paying for this? M
The Climate Crisis is a Trojan Horse in which to hide the United Nations’ Agenda 21.
The EU/UN new World Order Plan – The Genocide Of The Caucasian People Of Europe and Agenda 21
We have been lied to by just about all MPs for so long we do not know which lies to believe now.
The deceit and lies of May, Robbins and Bercow have done enormous damage to Britain. Do you want to do something about it. We are crowdfunding for a private prosecution against May, Robbins and Bercow for Maleficence. A crime that carries a life sentence. Go to
The impeachment of Trump.
This is essentially a conflict between the Globalist Democrats and Populist Trump. Read
Very interesting?
FACT: #ClimateChange@Iromg
Cooking spaghetti & tomato sauce over 2 gas flames for 15 mins, the NO2 meter in the kitchen jumped to 1,300 micrograms/cubic metre – more than 30x threshold limit outside by roads. Yet its only drivers that are being punished for emissions
The NHS and its origins
In 1939 when men were called up for military duty the Army doctors were appalled at the number of men unfit for the military. From that the NHS was born. Sir Henry Willink, a Tory MP and Baronet, set up the NHS with a report by William Beveridge, an old style Liberal MP (certainly not to be confused with 21st cent Liberals), that was based on a book by Dr Benjamin Moore, The Dawn of the Health Age . In 1945 Willink handed the completed document to Bevan and the newly elected Labour Party who have ever since claimed as their own.
Socialism, fascism & communism are essentially the same thing as far as those living under them are concerned.
Fascism is a coalition between a Socialist dictatorship and private Corporations with a complete rejection of Capitalism e.g. the I.G.Farben/Nazi coalition.
It was invented by Giovanni Gentile, an Italian philosopher and was taken up by Benito Mussolini.
The war between Nazi Socialism and Soviet Socialism is because Hitler wanted to get rid of what he called Jewish Socialism.
The Frankfurt School
that dominates our Legal profession and Educational Authorities. What is the Frankfurt School? Well, in the days following the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it was believed that workers’ revolution would sweep into Europe and, eventually, into the United States. But it did not do so. Towards the end of 1922 the Communist International (Comintern) began to consider what were the reasons. On Lenin’s initiative a meeting was organised at the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow. It was taken up by academics in the Frankfurt Universities who fled to USA and UK when Hitler came to power and brought their Marxism with them.
While The Frankfurt School has no ‘Mr Big’ or Bible/Koran/Mein Kampf it is a philosophy that many academics, dilettantes and politicians find very attractive indeed as it gives them unelected authority and unaccountability, secure jobs, good salaries and pensions with an exaggerated sense of their own importance. Good for their egos. They can then order the ‘plebs’ about without sanction. Saul Alinsky, the mentor of Hilary Clinton and Obama, his rules to destroy the democratic society ______________________________________________________
ex BBC TV News reporter Anna Bree’s exposes BBC lies and fake news
This is a powerful interview from a most intelligent and credible, not to mention brave lady.
Not the Fake News bulletin Dec 2019 No 4
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Johnson has still not confirmed that his version of Brexit will ensure that the EU will have absolutely no residual control over the UK post Brexit.
CO2 is not a problem. Pollution and waste is.
There is a UK company Recycling Technologies that has a plant up and running that converts all waste plastic back to oil and waxes.
Why will our Borough Councils not install their plant?
The law to reduce CO2 is mad. Most crops show that for any given level of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), increasing the CO2 level to 1,000 ppm will increase the photosynthesis by about 50% over ambient CO2 levels.
If you want to reduce the CO2 in the air grow more trees. If you want to grow more trees increase the CO2 in the air from 380ppm to 1000ppm. It certainly worked in the Carboniferous Era
Farmers pump CO2 into their growing tunnels to increase the yield of the crops.
The ‘Climate Crisis’ is a cover to the UN’s aim to destroy Western Culture and the industrial society.
The Great Climate and Global Warming Fraud invented by the Club of Rome
Joe Biden – Obama’s vice president on White Genocide
double click then open
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” George Orwell
The covert Labour manifesto.
Control clik
Are you angry with the deceit & lies of May, Robbins? & Bercow. Well not too late to do something about it. Go to We are crowdfunding for a private prosecution against them for Malfeasance. A crime that carries a life sentence. Also go to… …
Books to read
The History and Aims of the EU, UN and New World Order
EU – A Corporatist Racket by David Barnby AMAZON from the documents released under the 30 year rule it exposes the unbelievable treachery of MacMillan, Heath, Thornycroft, Howe, Rippon and Tickell in the 1970s.
Not the Fake News bulletin
Nov 2019 No 3
An independent News outlet using Social Media to bypass the Main Stream Media (now known as the ReMain Stream Media) to read on your PC, iPad, tablet or iphone
These bulletins are to inform you of the news and information omitted or truncated by the BBC and the Main Stream Media.
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Boris has promised to leave the EU on 31 Jan 2010 but he has not finished the rest of that sentence – ‘with no residual EU control over the UK whatsoever’. Until he publically confirms this his promise of Brexit has no credibility.
Western Civilisation is under dire threat from the United Nations and their New World Order.
There is a war going on worldwide but not with tanks and bombs. It is with propaganda, lies, deceit, bribery, the brainwashing of our children in complicit schools and universities and mass 3rd world migration into Western Culture countries.
It is a ‘war’ between Authoritarian Globalism and Libertarian Populism. The attempts to impeach Trump and the attempt to stop Brexit are part of this covert ‘war’ as is the mass migration.
The UN wants to dismantle the Populist Western Industrial Society and replace the world’s White population with Coudenhove’s Mestizo people with their Agenda 21. Western Civilisation is Free Speech, Personal Liberty and the right own personal property you have worked for. The right to use your talents to improve yourself, your family and spinoff for society in general. Globalism is a rigid Soviet style government of a few fabulously rich families, International Banks and Corporates with the population reduced to serfdom.
When the Industrial Society started the working conditions for many where often appalling. (Read George Orwell’s ‘Road to Wigan Pier’ to understand just how unpleasant it used to be for many workers.)
However the Industrial Society has now lifted many millions of people out of poverty and drudgery. It has produced the wealth and equipment that makes life pleasant for the majority of working men and women undreamed of in the Victorian era to WWII. But it requires the Work Ethic.
_____________________________________________________ The Assassination of JFK and the New World Order – Conspiracy theory or true. Read and make up your own mind.
Global warming and The Club of Rome.
In 1991 a Think Tank (linked to the Vatican) produced a report ‘The First Global Revolution’.
To quote them “Because of the sudden absence of traditional enemies, “new enemies must be identified.”[2] “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. They chose Global Warming and Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick curve (now thoroughly discredited) was a godsend for them. The Environmentalists continue to use Mann’s discredited Hockey Stick.
Read The Great Climate and Global Warming Fraud invented by the Club of Rome
The Britisches Freikorps 1943 and 2019 ?
Soft Brexit is a euphemism for Hard Remain.
Lord C M Baksa
Operation Mockingbird This it to control all the Media outlets.
EU funding of the BBC
The BBC gets over £30 million from the EU but if they broadcast anything the EU does not like they will lose that funding. Could it be described as a bribe?
Not the Fake News bulletin No 2 October 2019
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An independent news outlet using Social Media to bypass the Main Stream Media (now known as the ReMain Stream Media) to read on your PC, iPad, tablet or iphone. Printed press and TV press are in decline due to their unabashed bias and Political Correctness putting off readers.
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Johnson’s Surrender Agreement-a précis
May’s Surrender Agreement was the worst possible agreement in history.
The Johnson one is surely the second worse
- Any EU/UK disputes are to be settled by the European Court of Justice. The remit of the EJC is not to administer justice but to make judgments that further ‘ever closer union’.
- UK military to be handed over and absorbed into the EU Army. Will also lead to the EU control of the UK arms industry.
- UK Trade Deals with the rest of the world must be such as to never make the UK more competitive than EU.
- EU to control our Foreign Policy
- N Ireland will remain in the Single Market and Customs Union thus breaking up the United Kingdom
- EU can freely fish UK waters – not clear yet as to what extent.
- UK will no longer be in the EU but will be subject to considerable and very significant EU control
- It will legal under international law and bind the UK into permanent subservience to the European Courts in any dispute or arbitration.
- It is important to understand the significance of a treaty. A treaty cannot be revoked by a parliament as it is recognised as an international agreement. The Boris Brexit will be a treaty that will lock UK into EU control that we can then do nothing to get out of it.
- UK has to pay the EU £39 billion as penalty clause with no legal requirement to do so.
- In addition our Gov’t has awarded the contract for monitoring fishing in UK territorial waters post-Brexit to…….a French Company!! CLS or Collecte Localisation Satellites.
If UK stays in the EU these are the consequences.
Western Civilisation is under dire threat from the United Nations and The New World Order. They want to dismantle the Western Industrial Society and replace the world’s White population with Coudenhove’s Mestizo people. Read
Western Civilisation is Free Speech, Personal Liberty and the right own personal property you have worked for. The right to use your talents to improve yourself, your family and spinoff for society in general.
When it started the working conditions for those in the Industrial Society where often appalling for many. However as it has developed now the Industrial Society has lifted many millions of people out of poverty and drudgery. It has produced the wealth and equipment that makes live pleasant for the majority of citizens.
The Single Market Much is said about the Single Market. It is a sweet name to disguise its real nature. The BBC and MSM continually refer to it as if it is a ‘Stand Alone’ option.
The Single Market is not a version of Pettycoat Lane writ large as Remainers like to promote. It is not really a market at all – it’s a Single Regulatory Regime that comes with several sneaky political requirements to ensure the EU remains in control.
- Uncontrolled migration from EU into UK
- Submission to the primacy of the European law and the European Court of Justice (The remit of the EJC is not to administer justice but to make judgments that further ‘ever closer union’)
- The Single Market and Customs Union.
- Acceptance of all EU standards even when not applicable to UK.
These are euphemistically called the ‘Four Freedoms’ by the EU. They are in fact chains to bind a country into permanent subservience to the EU.
Editor Mick Greenhough (follow on twitter mickoforpington)
Not the Fake News bulletin No 1
September 2019
An independent News outlet using Social Media to bypass the Main Stream Media (now known as the ReMain Stream Media) to read on your PC, iPad, tablet or iphone
These bulletins are to inform you of the news and information omitted or truncated by the BBC and the Main Stream Media.
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- Any Deal will give the EU some residual control over the UK. That is not Brexit. No Deal is the only Deal that satisfies the Referendum and gives Brexit. Never mentioned by the BBC.
- The Supreme Court is a creature of Tony Blair and the EU. It consists of lawyers selected for their extremist Left wing Globalist opinions and EU sympathy. They do not represent British democracy. They are unelected and they have crossed the line between administering law and making law. As such they are usurping to role of our elected politicians.
- This was tweeted by Elinor Dashwood@ElinorEusceptic Just read this comment in the Law Gazette. Is it verifiable? ‘Nine out of the eleven justices receive stipends of £175,000.00+ from the EU & the Supreme Court itself is a member of the network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the EU.
- I phoned the editor of Law Gazette to confirm. His curious response was that it was in Law Gazette but nothing to do with the Gazette. He said it was complete rubbish. When asked how many of the UK Supreme Court judges were Common Purpose alumni he slammed the phone down. However there certainly is a network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the EU and the UK Supreme Court is a member. Their loyalty is to the EU not the UK.
- For you to decide for yourself whether it is rubbish or not.
- To comment read and go to the bottom of the posting
Lady Hale, head of the Supreme Court warns government against US-style ‘politicisation’ of court appointments. Incredible???
- Who is the ‘Father ‘of the EU? Not who you think. The EU say Jean Monnet. Several others can claim that but Walter Hallstein, one of Hitler’s top lawyers, surely has the greatest claim. He had a chum Wather Funk who produced the 1942 manual on how Germany would run Europe after they had won the war. Hallstein used it as the first draft of the EU when chairman of the 1964 committee to start the EU. Read to make up your own mind.
- UK gets some 50 earthquakes a yearthat can be felt with many 100s of smaller ones – however some are over Richter 5. The Richter scale is logarithmic and increases by a factor of 10 so Richter 5 is about 1,000 times more powerful than the Richter 2 in Lancashire causing so much concern to the anti-frackers. Richter 2 is not enough to rattle your tea cups and of no consequence even if, and it is ‘if’, caused by Fracking. Surely a very important aspect of understanding earthquakes so why have the BBC not mentioned that?
· Book to read – BBC The Brainwashing of Britain by David Sedgwick. Tells why the BBC is such an extremist left wing organisation. Use the Amazon Kindle app to get a copy for your iPad at minimal cost. Be quick as the BBC are trying get it withdrawn.
· In 1997 John Major prorogued parliament for 5 weeks to suppress his Party’s ‘Cash for Questions’ scandal without anguish displayed by today’s opposition. If prorogating parliament was legal for Major then surely legal for Johnson? BBC must have forgotten that. When Johnson prorogued parliament it was legal. But incredibly the Supreme Court bypassed parliament and retrospectively changed the law. Surely that was illegal? John Major works for Swiss investment bank Credit Suisse as a senior advisor. Credit Suisse is against a no deal Brexit.
For archived bulletins
Editor Mick Greenhough (follow on twitter mickoforpington)
2 responses to “2020 – 006 NOT THE FAKE NEWS Feb 2020”