2023 – 032 The timeline of the EU

A major effort is being made by thwarted Remainer MPs and Civil Servants to try to reverse Brexit. They have prevented Brexit being properly implemented for Brino instead and now they have achieved a political coup in our government, the like of which a Banana Republic would be proud of, to install unelected and  Rejoiner PM and Chancellor and now Cameron – an unelected Foreign Secretary all Remainers. There is now an energetic movement, not to get theUK back into the EU, but to ‘align’ the UK with the EU. That is for the UK to accept all EU rules and regulations without any UK input into them. That would make the UK a vassel state of the EU. Sunak is steadily replacing Cabinet Brexiters with Remainers. Not to rejoin the EU but to keep us ‘aligned’ with the EU and have to accept their regulations and laws.

Since leaving the EU the government and Civil Service had made strenous efforts to not implement Brexit but Brino instead (Brexit In Name Only) ensure that Brexit looks bad and rejoin under onerous conditions.

If you want to sell your goods into the EU you naturally have to meet EU rules and regulations but they want us to accept their rules and regulations for the sale of EU goods into the UK and world however unsuitable they are for us.

Read The Origins of the EU below and decide whether you want to rejoin or stay out and get Brexit fully and properly implemented not the BRINO that our goverment is enacting, why the Caucasians are being replaced by migrants and why the EU is leading to a WEF Reich.

“The World Economic Forum (WEF) started in the 60s based on European Old Money is responsible for many of the problems we have today. The EU is largely a construct built/based on WEF ideas and has tried to export their ideas worldwide. It seems to have distinct commonality with Weishaupt’s New World Order.

If you find this post of interest please forward it on to your family, friends and MP.    editor@theeuroprobe.org

The notion of an European wide government is, on the face of it, very desirable. It should prevent Europeans slaughtering each other at regular intervals to their disadvantage and to the advantage of others. However that assumes that such a government would be a democratic one and the nations of Europe keep their individual nationhoods and cultures. The EU is a completely undemoratic government by a few unelected politicians with a token and toothless EU parliament. It also wishes to replace the nations and their unique cultures with a universal EU state and culture and to replace the various Caucasian Peoples with a single Mestizo people. The reason for mass migration into Europe. All without consulting the people to see if that is what they want.

In 1964 the EU was started and was a construct between IG Farben German members who had survived the war and a group of European Marxists. They combined as they both wanted a completely undemocratic EU.


There is a very significant element within the UK parliament and our Civil Service who are secretly trying to reverse Brexit – and now not so secret. It is important that people know the nature of what they are advocating.

When PM Heath wanted to get us into the EU in 1972 he promoted the EU as simply as a Trading Organisation. – The Common Market. The Common Market never existed and from the start it was to be a federal state with all national sovereignties completely transferred to the unelected EU Commission using Funk’s 1942 manual as a base. Heath deliberately lied to the British people and parliament when he said there will be no transfer of sovereignty. The reason he lied he later gave was that ‘the British people are too stupid to govern themselves’. It has since been reported he was subsequently awarded £1,5 million by the EU.

Paul Henry Spaak, one of the founders of the EU, said  ‘the way to achieve a politically integrated Europe is to initially pretend that it will be merely a Common Market – nothing more. By the time the European people come to realise its true nature it will too late for them be able to change it’.

Altierio Spinelli, another founder, said ‘The aim should be to slowly assemble the units of a supranational government by stealth and only declare its purpose at the end of the process by declaring a constitution.’

The EU maintains is support by ‘bribing’ the politicians and bureaucrats with big salaries and pensions and immunity from prosecution for minor (sometimes not so minor) personal fraud, the least of these are claiming exagerated expenses.

It now seems to be cooperating with the World Economic Forum (WEF) as a precurser to possibly merging though not clear yet whether the EU wants to join with the WEF or be a rival to it??

For the whole story read  http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2018-030-the-history-and-aims-of-the-eu-and-new-world-order/

This search for the ‘father of the EU’ is essentally the time line for the route to the EU.

1775  The idea of a sort of pan European government (but of course a completely undemocratic one) was first mooted in 1775 by Adam Weishaupt but nobody was much interested then. Any attention was quickly overtaken by the French Revolution. He was a Bavarian philosopher who was then tasked by the internatonal banks to set up the New World Order and their illuminati. For information about Adam Weishaupt is just published confirming this read ‘New World Order? No Way Out’- a short history by Paul Casselle. now in 2024 is available from Amazon Kindle at 99p – a life changing read.

1870  the Center and North of Europe consisted of many small independant German speaking dukedoms, provinces, statelets etc. In 1870 a few of them and other independant small states joined Prussia to invade France and they very quickly occupied Paris.

1871  To follow up their success in invading France in 1870 all those small German speaking ‘states’ decided to combine to form a new country – Deutschland – Germany. From then on all the major European states and the UK began a massisive increase in their industrial and military base.

1914 Europe erupted into a war that killed millions The cause was very complex but Germany got the blame and it became a killing war on an industrial scale. It became a stalemate of trench warfare from which neither side could gain any advantage.

The Royal Navy blockade reduced civilian Germany population to near starvation and was the main cause of Germany’s surrender and losing the war.

1918 The war ends with Germany’s defeat. However the German army marched home in good military order with all their equipment. They did not feel like a defeated army but that they had been betrayed by sinister forces back in Germany. A belief that was to have dire consequences in the near future. Treaty of Versailles – the end of war treaty imposed such savage conditions on Germany that they felt were grossly unfair were to lead to WWII

1922 –  Richard Coudenhove Kalergi with his Pan European Movement and book ‘Praktischer Idealismus’ where he wanted Europe to be flooded with people from Africa and Arabia. He wanted to replace the white Caucasians by crossbreeding and outbreeding to form a Mestizo race as they will then be more docile and easier to control. (his words not mine). Effectively he wanted to remove the white Caucasian DNA from the human gene pool. It should have been no more than a very minor footnote in history but post-WWII the EU, and later the UN, took up his proposals.

He was the first recipient of the EU’s post WWII biannual Coudenhove prize. A prize for the politician or bureaucrat who has made a significant contribution to furthering the EU’s Coudenhove plan. The root of the anti-White policies of today’s UN and the EU and the mass immigration into the US, Europe and the UK. This is the reason behind the UN Migration Pact, Dublin II, Marrakech and the EU’s Barcelona Declaration.




In the early 1920s a group of 7 Germans met to discuss why Germany lost the war and what was to be the start of the process to eventually become the EU. They were  Carl Duisberg, Krupp von Bohlen, Fritz Thyssen, Hjaimar Schacht, Herman Schmitz, Max Ilgner and Heinricht Gattineau.

1920 A group of academics around the universities of Frankfurt start the Frankfurt School of Marxism. Not directly involved in the EU but they influence it. read https://www.theeuroprobe.org/2012-025-the-frankfurt-school-to-destroy-western-civilisation/

In the post WWI of the 1920s/30s this  group of German politicians and industrialists came together to plot how Germany would run all of Europe. They were a number of German Corporates that formed I G Farben (a conglomerate of 6 chemical and Pharmaceutical companies). What they decided was almost exactly what was to eventually become the EU.

Nicola Perscheid - Carl Duisberg vor 1930.jpg

Carl Duisberg – a brilliant Chemist who developed the poison gas and the mass-production of explosives for Germany’s war effort in WWI.

IG Farben were mainly major industrialists in the chemical and weapon industries.

Duisberg did the talking.  ‘The Keiser and the Junkers have lost. But German industry has won. Today we are in a stronger position than ever before the war. By proper organisation we can seize the markets of the world. We cannot do this tonight – or perhaps tomorrow. It will take time but can be done. German planning and German thoroughness will make it happen in the due course of time’.

Hitler was not involved until some time later when he became useful to them. It should be noted that Hitler was an avowed Socialist and Fascist. Fascism is essentially a anti democratic dictatorship government allied with large Corporations – e.g. the IG Farben/Nazi coallition.

read the 1942  ‘Sequel to the Apocalypse’ by John Boylan https://www.theeuroprobe.org/2024-001-sequal-to-the-appocalypse/

1933 – Sir Arthur Salter – an Enlish diplomat with his book  ‘The United States of Europe and other papers’. Wrote the book but did nothing about it except to stimulate a young Jean Monnet.

1933  – Jean Monnet. A close friend of Salter and he campaigned fervently for the United States of Europe, got the Treaty of Rome and the Coal and Steel Community which were precursors to the EU proper. He was pipped in the 1964 committee by Hallstein for the father of the EU. The EU has given him the accolade of Father of the EU to hide the fact the true father was a top lawyer in the I.G.FARBEN/Nazi coalition.  However, he was more than happy with the 1964 version that was agreed. He was aided, among others, by Paul Henri Spaak a Belgian Marxist and Alterio Spinelli an Italian Marxist (with his Ventotene Manifesto). It seems that post-WWII the surviving pro Nazis and European Marxists came together for their mutual benefit as both wanted an Authoritarian and undemocratic EU.

1933  The Nazi Party becomes the German government. It was a Socialist Party very opposed to Capitalism, the Free Market, free speech and completely undemocratic.

1939  Halstein’s Conquest speech  https://www.dr-rath-foundation.org/2016/06/the-hidden-nazi-background-of-walter-hallstein-founding-president-of-the-brussels-eu-commission/

In 1939 Hallstein gave a speech where he emphasised the importance of “The Law for the Protection of the German Blood and the German Honor” Original manuscript of his speech in Rostock. Although not in the Nazi Party this speech shows exactly where his loyalty lay. Hallstein was one of Hitlers top lawyers

(link: http://www.profit-over-life.org/books/books.php?book=54) profit-over-life.org/books/books.ph… Translation can be read here:    (link: 


Take your pick as to who you think was the Father of the EU.

My choice is Hallstein who the EU wants to write out of history in favour of  Monnet.

1939 Europe again erupts in war and this time Germany certainly was to blame. Many more millions of European Caucasians and others end up being slaughtered.

1941  Arno Soelter summarized the Nazi/Cartel plans for a post-WWII Europe under their control in his book: “The Greater Sphere Cartel”  https://www.relay-of-life.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/nazi-roots-brussels-eu-EN-20170227-03-chapter-3.pdf

This was to form the basis of Funks EGW

1942 How Germany planned to rule Europe by trade post 1918 https://www.theeuroprobe.org/2024-001-sequal-to-the-appocalypse/

1942 – Germany was convinced it would win the war. Walther Funk’s committee produced a manual Europaische Wirtschafts Gemeinsschaft (EGW) which was the formalisation of Soelter’s ideas. It roughly translates as The European Economic Community, the EEC (which by ‘coincidence’ is what proto EU was called in the 1957 treaty of Rome)  on how Germany would run Europe post-war. ( in English  http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2015-123-europaische-wiertschaftsgemeinschaft-the-1942-first-draft-of-the-eu/) It was to become the first draft of the EU in 1964. A thoroughly unpleasant man who although he spent the war behind a desk he was sentenced to life imprisonment at the Nuremberg trials.  At the Nuremberg trials American Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson labeled Funk as “The Banker of Gold Teeth”, referring to the practice of extracting gold teeth and wedding rings from Nazi concentration camp victims, and forwarding them to the Reichsbank for melting down to yield some 17 tons of bullion ? However he had a good chum – Walter Hallstein who will appear later.

For a personal experience by Edward Spalton read http://freenations.net/the-european-unions-evil-pedigree-berlin-1942/

Late in 1944 the German high ups realised they were going to lose the war. SS Obergruppenführer Dr. Sheid laid out how Germany should prepare for losing the war but winning the peace. A very high-up SS officer he organised the stripping of all the treasuries of the subject nations controlled by the Nazis to hide that looted wealth outside of Germany. Much of Germany’s patents and other wealth was also hidden outside of Europe.  That vast wealth was later used by Hallstein to overwhelm the other 4 countries on the 1964 committee who were destitute having had all their wealth looted by Dr. Sheid in 1944/5 . Ludwig Erhard also used it post-war with the Martial Aid money to help regenerate German Industry (The German Miracle). The German Establishment was more wealthy in 1945 than in 1939 mainly from the use of forced labour. Some of that gold was found by American troops but rumours persist of much more in hidden and disused and hidden railway tunnels and lakes. The British Labour Party used their Marshal Aid money to nationalise industries that were clapped out from 6 years of intensive war production.

UPDATED: 22:30, 9 May 2009  Daily Mail  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1179902/Revealed-The-secret-report-shows-Nazis-planned-Fourth-Reich–EU.html

1952 KonradArdenauer  His ‘Little Europe’ became the Coal and Steel Community with the help of Monnet. Later to be expanded into the EEC then to become the EU. He was never in the Nazi party but Mayor of Cologne until Hitler came to power.

1957  The Treaty of Rome that started the EEC as a ‘Trading Community only’ It never was to be just a trading communitee but was to be a total political control of all sovereignty but that part was kept secret.

The US were very much in favour of a rebuilt EU to be a pacetime market for their expanded wartime industry and to be a bulwark against the Soviet Union.

1964 Walter Hallstein, though he never joined the Nazi party he was a very senior member of the IG Farben/Nazi wartime coalition and one of Hitler’s top Lawyers. A chum of Walther Funk. He became chairman of the 1964 committee to change the European Economic Community (purported to be only a purely trading block but later changed into the fully politicised European Union) into the EU. He was the first President of the new EU (how he achieved that is a matter of conjecture). He hijacked the EU for Germany using Funk’s  1942 EWG manual for the first working draft of the EU. It took until 1993 for the EU to be formally and finally established. As such he can truly claim to be the Father of the EU. He was not short of stolen cash to enable him to control that committee. For Hallstein’s full CV go to  https://www.dr-rath-foundation.org/2016/06/the-hidden-nazi-background-of-walter-hallstein-founding-president-of-the-brussels-eu-commission/

IG Farben was a conglomerate of private German Industrial and Chemical Corporates. They formed a coalition with the Nazi party in the 1930s. Such coalitions are the basis of Fascism and are very Corporatist and very anti-Capitalist.

1964  A meeting was convened to initiate a European Union. They were careful to exclude the UK from that meeting.

Ostensibly the EU was to prevent Europe going to war with itself ever again and trade freely with each other. However there were sinister forces in the background who wanted a Europe without nations, without different national cultures, the replacement of the Caucasian Europeans with a Mestizo race of Middle Eastern and African peoples mixing with the Caucasians and with a Marxist style government.

The men shown in this picture were the German delegation in the 1964 committee to start the EU proper:

The German Delegates to the 1964 committee to start the EU

  1. EU Commission President Walter Hallstein – the boss of the “Brussels EU”.
  2. German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard. a brilliant economist
  3. Ludger Westrick, Head of the German Chancellery.
  4. Karl Carstens, German Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  5. Karl-Günther von Hase, Head of the Press and Information Service of the German government.

It is worth repeating that all 5 were very high ranking and active members of the I G Farben/ Nazi Coalition during WWII though not all Nazi Party members. Even at the height of Hitler’s powers less than 10% of Germans were in the Nazi Party. However it should be noted that the majority of German teachers and civil servants who were in the Nazi Party and removed after the war were quietly reinstated a few years later. ‘Watcher on the Rhine’ Brian Connell 1957.

What were their backgrounds? To quote from EUfacts:

  1. Walter Hallstein, one of Hitler’s top German lawyers, was appointed the founding president of the so-called EU Commission, the highest body within the “Brussels EU.” In 1964, when this meeting took place, he had already been the chief architect of the “Brussels EU” construct for seven years. Hallstein, not legitimised by any democratic vote anywhere in Europe, ruled like a “tsar” – imposed by the successors of the IG Farben oil and drug cartel – over an army of 3,000 administrative servants in Brussels and a budget of billions of Euros (in today’s currency).

He never joined the Nazi Party but before and during WWII Hallstein served the Nazi regime as a fervent advocate of Nazi law, including at the University of Rostock, Germany. On January 23, 1939, three years after his Nazi law colleagues had issued the Nuremberg racial laws – and only months before the Nazi/IG Farben coalition launched WWII by attacking Poland – Hallstein talked about future European law under German leadership (“Rechtseinheit Großdeutschlands”). He left no doubt to whom his loyalty belonged, saying that: “One of the most important laws (in Nazi-occupied European countries) is the protection Law for German blood and honour.” He chaired the committee to start the EU in 1964 and later became the first president of the EU.

In 1939 Hallstein gave a speech where he emphasised the importance of “The Law for the Protection of the German Blood and the German Honor” Original manuscript of Nazi propaganda speech in Rostock, 1939 http://www.profit-over-life.org/books/books.php?book=54) profit-over-life.org/books/books.ph… Translation can be read here:  http://www.reject-the-eu.co.uk/info/hallstein-conquest-speech.html) reject-the-eu.co.uk/info/hallstein…

  1. Ludwig Erhard had been an economic consultant to the Nazi/IG Farben-coalition. He was the founder and head of the Nazi-financed “Institut für Industrieforschung” (“Institute for Industry Research”) from 1942. Erhard was never a committed Nazi member but as an exceptionally gifted and talented economist, he was useful to them. Had he not gone along with the Nazis he would have probably ended up in a concentration camp.

After World War II, Erhard became an economic consultant to the Allied forces and later to the Minister of Economic Affairs and Chancellor in post-war Germany where he used his skill as an economist to bring about the post war German Miracle. Much German Industrial plant was requisitioned by the allies and he replaced them with new machine tools. He was then a member of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU). In one of his functions, he was responsible for the reintegration of the IG Farben managers sentenced in Nuremberg for crimes against humanity into leading corporate positions in post-war Germany after a few years in prison. None of them expressed any remorse for the thousands of their forced laborers who suffered indescribably and the thousands who died. It was he who was instrumental in the recovery of the German industry. The US with its Marshal Aid Plan wanted Europe to recover as a post war market for their industry greatly enlarged for the war effort. Erhard wisely used that money to reequip German Industry with new machine tools. The UK used the Marshal Aid to nationalise UK industry with its equipment clapped out after 6 years of intensive war production – that and militant Unions ensured that British industry was massively damaged post war.

One of those to be “reintegrated” was BAYER’s WWII director Fritz Ter Mer. This executive of the world’s largest pharmaceutical (!) company was convicted at the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal No. VI – for genocide in connection with the deadly human experiments with patented Bayer drugs in KZ Auschwitz (www.profit-over-life.org). With the help of Erhard – then Germany’s Minister of Economic Affairs – Ter Mer was released from prison and reinstated as the chairman of the board of BAYER by 1956.

Erhard publicly defended such an unspeakable act by stating that the selection of Germany’s post-war industry captains was necessary because of their “expertise in the field of economics and chemical technology”. Obviously, it did not bother Erhard that Ter Mer and the other pharmaceutical drug lords had been tried in Nuremberg for war crimes. As part of the “give and take”, Erhard was rewarded with the appointment as vice-chancellor of Germany only one year later.

He also helpd many thousands of Nazi bureaucrats sacked after the war to be nearly all quietly  reinstated within a few years

  1. Ludger Westrick was Chairman of the Board, President, and later Central Trustee of the state-owned “Vereinigte Industrie-Unternehmen AG” (VIAG) during the Nazi era. In post-war Germany, Westrick joined the Christian Democratic Party (CDU).

By 1964 – at the time of the above meeting – he had been appointed the head of the German Chancellery, one of the most powerful positions in the German political system. In that function, he controlled all the key decisions of German politics, including economics, foreign policy, secret service, political funds, public relations and propaganda of the post-WWII German government.

Westrick’s predecessor as head of the German chancellery – and the man who had coordinated the political and financial support for Hallstein. He oversaw the  construction of the “Brussels EU” from the German chancellery. For the first 6 years of the new European politburo of the cartel in Brussels it was Hans Globke. Globke was a key figure in Hitler’s Ministry of Internal Affairs. He was the lawyer who was responsible for implementing Nazi laws and regulations, subjugating the occupied countries of Europe under the rule of the IG Farben/Nazi coalition. Moreover, Globke was the co-author of the legal codex that made the Nuremberg racial laws binding law in Nazi Germany. This codex formed the legal basis for the annihilation of Jewish, Slavic and other people in Nazi occupied Europe. The second author of this codex, Wilhelm Stuckart, was a State Secretary in the German Interior Ministry and was one of the selected few participants of the infamous “Wannsee Conference” that decided the extermination of more than 7 million Jewish people.

Westrick, the man in the picture, was the immediate successor of Globke and had been introduced into his office by this man.

  1. Karl Carstens was an enthusiastic Nazi follower, joining the SA in 1934. He was a registered member of the Nazi party, the NSDAP, from 1940 on. In 1955 he became a member of the German Christian Democratic Union.

In 1954 Carstens joined the German Foreign Service and from 1955 he was the official standing representative of the German Federal Republic at the European Council in Strasbourg! Concurrently, he advanced to the position of Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs with the defined field of responsibility: “European Questions.”

In 1958 he advanced to the Head of the Division “Europe West” within the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  1. Karl-Günther von Hase joined the Wehrmacht, the German army, in 1936. He participated in the Nazi-German Invasion of Poland in 1939, the Battle of France in 1940 and the Invasion of Russia from 1941 to 1945, and married the daughter of a Nazi-General. His war record – Iron Cross (1939) 2nd Class (28 May 1940) 1st Class (26 June 1940)[2] German Cross in Gold on 21 February 1943 as Hauptmann in the 3./Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 92[2] Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross on 12 February 1945 as Major im Generalstab

After the war, von Hase joined a diplomatic school in the Federal Republic of Germany and started a blitz-career in German politics. From 1962 to 1967 – including the time of the above meeting in Brussels – von Hase was head of the press office of the German government and responsible for its public relations and propaganda.

So who was the ‘father’ of the EU? I would plump for either Carl Duisberg or Halstein. Make your choice.



1946  the USA was keen on a new united and stable Europe, as a market for its increased industrial base, with no more Euro wars and as a bulwark against Russia. The EU seemed a good option.

1970  Ted Heath’s close association with Halstein and their ‘secret meetings’ when he was PM af the UK for which he eventually received £1.5 million from the EU.

1972  The Ted Heath lies to parliament and to the public that the EU is no more than a Trading ‘Common Market’, although he knew full well it was to be a complete transfer of the UK sovereignty to Brussels, to win the vote. Within that European Communities Act our Civil Service had covertly slipped in the words ‘all EU law will become UK law without further enactment’. That meant that all EU law would bypass  parliament and not be discussed and approved by the UK.

As a sweetener to De Gaul, and later France, to be allowed into the EU  he donated our fishing grounds and space and satelite industry to France.

Heath was awarded £1.5 million by the EU  http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2013-003-the-betrayal-of-britain-by-ted-heath/

1974  A UK referendum  to remain/leave the EU. The UK voted to remain in the EU based on blatent lies by the UK government to parliament and the public. Again promoted as a only Common Market and the handing over UK sovereignty to the EU was kept secret. Heath deliberately lied to parliament and the people that there would be no loss of soveignty. He knew that was a lie but claimed it was necessary as the ‘British people are to stupid to govern themselves’.

20016  UK referendum in which the UK public voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU against the express wishes of our political elite, Civil Service, BBC and Media. Since then our Political elite and Civil Service have worked strenuously to implement BRINO and to thwart BREXIT and so claim BREXIT is a failure.

2019 Ursular von de Leyen  president of the EU. Completely unelected and appointed at a secret meeting.  Ursula Von Der Leyen’s Nazi grandfather, participated in the Sept. 1941 Babi Yar massacre during WWII. 33,000 Jews were shot dead, in cold blood. Her great-grandmother, Mary Ladson Robertson was a descendant of affluent US slave traders, from Carolina. https://williambowles.info/2022/03/02/the-eu-eyes-new-horizons/


 In Bavaria some 20,000 Nazi bureaucrats and teachers were immediately sacked after the war but within a few years they were nearly all quietly reinstated

1946 Paul Henry Spaak declared that the way to achieve a politically integrated Europe was to initially pretend it would be purely a Common Market to decieve the Europeans that it would only be a trading arrangement. There was never a Common Market. By the time the people come to realise what has changed it will be too late for them to do any thing about it.

It is important to understand that anyone who disagrees with the EU and its agenda is a fascist despite the fascist origins of the EU.


Klaus Schwab was born in Germany in 1938. His father was head of ‘#EscherWyss‘, a strategic company, which owned a concentration camp where prisoners were working for ‘Escher-Wyss’.

Notice the bust of Lenin. Lenin must be his Hero?


How did these bureaucrats, who were so involved with so many Nazi projects, come to have such prominent and influential positions post-war? follow the (stolen) money

 1945   Post war some 20,000 Nazi Civil Servants in Bavaria were dismissed but before long were all quietly reinstated – most of them Catholic. Of passing interest is the most of the Nazi leaders were also Catholic as were most of the senior EU people. Indeed the Catholic Church and the Vatican were very complicit in aiding the worst of the Nazis to escape to S America. ( Watcher on the Rhine by Brian Connell) The EU blue flag with the ring of stars is essentially the Halo of the virgin Mary devised by 3 Catholics of the EU.


Follow the money. The vast sums of stolen money hidden outside of Germany in the dying days of WWII.

1945 Alois Hudal Catholic Bishop of Berlin organises many of the worst Nazis to escape to Argentina and other countries via the Vatican.


1970  Ted Heath – the document that proved Heath lied to the British people and parliament  when he said that the EU was only a trading group and there would be no loss of sovereignty.   https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/883540/FCO-30-1048-Brexit-EU-secret-document-damned-Britain-EU-membership

Ted Heath then reported to have received £1.5 million from the EU

1995  The Barcelona Declaration to make the EU and all the N African states one country.  read https://www.theeuroprobe.org/2016-081-the-barcelona-declaration-treaty-for-the-destruction-of-the-european-people/

2015 Merkel invites unlimited migrants into the EU in accordance with Coudenhove Kalergi’s 1922 proposals and effectively the EU Barcelona plan to make the EU and N African states one country. see  http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2016-081-the-barcelona-declaration-treaty-for-the-destruction-of-the-european-people/

Blair also makes the UK Open Borders. Both Blair and Merkel did this without and consultation with the citizens of the UK and Europe.


New EU Suprimo Ursula Von Leyen reviewing a torchlight procession to mark her promotion. They seem to be singing the proposed new EU anthem  http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2012-24-proposed-new-eu-anthem/

2016 The EU make it illegal to sell bananas that are too bendy for public consumption

2016 The referendum to leave the EU. Against all the expectations of the MSM, the BBC and the political class Brexit won hansomely’. Since then the Civil Service and the political class have been implementing BRINO (Brexit In Name Only) not BREXIT to discredit Brexit and try to reverse it.

2018  Theresa May has a secret meeting with Merkel behind David Davis’s back, while he is negotiating with Barnier, to agree that Brexit will be in name only (BRINO) and the UK will be out of the EU but remain under EU control. Essentially  vassal state.

2018 Merkel opens the EU border to unlimited migration into the EU from Africa and Middle East in support of the Coudenhove plan and Barcelona Declaration.


2019 – 2024 Since leaving the EU the government and Civil Service had made strenous efforts to not implement Brexit but Brino instead (Brexit In Name Only) ensure that Brexit looks bad and does not take place.

2021 Ursular Von de Layen becomes EU leader by a backroom agreement between the faceless and unknown and completely unelected.

2023 The UK is still under the authority of the EU by the NI Protocol, many EU regulations and the European Court of Human Rights (which although was a separate body originally is now a creature of the EU). We have Brino not Brexit that the Tory government seems quite happy with that. Despite his pre election promises Sunak decides not to repeal all still existing EU laws and now wants to put UK military under EU control by the European Defence Agency. Sunak who has become the unelected UK PM by means of a political coup has decided not to repeal all the EU laws, not to leave the ECHR, not to stop illegal immigration, has negotiated the Windsor Framework to isolate N Ireland from the UK and keep them under EU law. He has reneiged on all his promises to remove the UK from EU control. Not to leave the EU but to be aligned with EU law so we are out of the EU but still subject to the EU.


2022  Is the EU morphing into the WEF? It is not difficult to believe that the World Economic Forum is just an extention of the EU plan now? Their ultimate aims are very similar – Society run by an unelected elite with the general population reduced to serfdom. They both want to seriously limit farming to create a food shortage and an energy shotage and so be able to control the public. It is also difficult not to view the WEF as the Fourth Reich they are so similar.

2023 Sunak forces through the Windsor Framework isolating N Ireland from the UK. It is a covert plan to keep the UK under EU law. He is systematically replacing Brexiteer cabinet ministers with Rejoiners, and while not planning to rejoin the EU, he is making descisions that will make the UK ‘Align’ with the EU. That is to be out of the EU but under EU law and having no say in those laws. UKI will be Vassel state of the EU.

2023  WHO/EU Announce Partnership Creating‘Global System’of Digital VaxPass

The EU maintains its support essentially by Bribery. Big salaries and pensions for the EU politicians and the bureaucrats and promises of the same to those trying to get their country into the EU. They also tolerate a level of corruption by their bureaucrats so long as it is not too blatent – particularly their expences. However Olaf ( the EU corruption watchdog that is surely nearly as corrupt as the EU sometimes has to deal with corruption that is too big to cover up.  Dec 2022 16 MEPs houses were raided yesterday. 5 arrests, €600,000 in cash found!

It is the aim of the EU to destroy all the various vibrant cultures of the different EU countries for a single bland European culture that will be easier to control.

To describe the EU as the 4th Reich is not unreasonable?

2023  Sunak  probably will not rejoin the EU but will have us aligned with the EU and have to obey all their regulations as a vassal state. He wants the UK military to join the proposed EU army and put them under EU control, keeping UK under all EU regulations, refusing fracking to ensure the UK has to import expensive foreign fuel. The Windsor Framework that keeps N Ireland under EU control. What we have now is a Kakistocracy for a government. He is unpicking BREXIT a salami slice at a time.

2023  Sunak rejoins the EU Horizon scientific project to get the UK closer to the EU. However Horizon also includes research for the EU army (that Clegg decared to be a fantacy) and was used as a bargaining chip to get Sunak to agree to the Windsor Framework.

When we were in the EU

99% of people never used FoM – 96% of economy not linked to EU – 92% of businesses never trade with EU And it took 15% of NHS budget each year as a fee and we contibuted £20billion a year for less that 10% benefit????



The Frankfurt School was started by academics in the Universities around Frankfurt in the 1920s. They expected the Soviet revolution to sweep through Germany and hoped to establish a German Soviet State. However Hitler won that battle and the academics, mostly wealthy Jews who could clearly see their future in Germany, were able to flee to the universities of the UK and US.

The Frankfurt School quietly developed their philosophy in the universities of the USA and the UK. http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2012-025-the-frankfurt-school/ Their big chance came during the Vietnam War and the turmoil it caused in the university campuses of the US and UK. Such academics as Saul Alinsky had a very big influence on Obama and Clinton . http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2016-052-hillary-obama-and-the-cult-of-alinsky/ Many University academics now support this philosophy and it is difficult to get a University teaching post unless you support it too.

It became known as the Age of Aquarius and of Liberated Personal Freedom, whereas, in reality, the covert Frankfurt School of Marxism (appendix 3) was beginning to have an effect.

While it has no ‘Mr. Big’ or Bible/Koran/Mein Kampf/Das Kapital, it is a philosophy that many intellectuals and politicians find very attractive indeed. It gives them unelected authority and unaccountability, secure jobs, good salaries and pensions, and an exaggerated sense of their own importance. Good for their egos. They can then order the disenfranchised citizens about without sanction.

So how does the EU maintain its status? Essentially by bribing the EU Civil Servants, bureaucrats and MEPs with very high salaries, pensions and expenses and the opportunity for mild fraud. So long as they stay true to theEU they can live the High Life.

Mick Greenhough  3 Dec 2018

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