2015 – 005 Who signed The Climate Declaration


The Climate Declaration published a week ago in the New York Times was signed by 160 individuals. Curiously, if you visit the website of the European Environment Foundation – the entity responsible for the declaration – it’s difficult to find a list of these people’s names.

The list is embedded in an image file, which in turn is embedded within a PDF. A person must go to some effort, including the running of optical character recognition (OCR) software, in order to tease them out. As a public service, I’ve done exactly that. The names of the 160 individuals who signed onto this declaration appear below, listed in alphabetical order as was the case in the full-page ad. (More about this declaration here, here, and here.)

My analysis of these names continues, but in the interim it’s worth reflecting on the fact that all of these individuals claim to be “aghast,” “terrified” and “devastated.” All of these people believe:

the Earth is heading for 4 to 6 degrees Celsius of global warming

despite the fact that there has been no warming to speak of for at least 14 years(and perhaps as long as 26 years, depending on which numbers you consult).

The European Environment Foundation went to a great deal of trouble to secure signatures from people associated with several dozen countries. Because, you know, global warming is a pressing concern in Cameroon (where three of these 160 signatories reside and where life expectancy is a mere 57 years), in Eritrea (wherehealth care spending is near the bottom of the barrel as a percentage of GDP – it’s ranked 184 out of 190 countries), and in Zimbabwe (where 60% of the population lacks access to basic sanitation).

Here’s the full list of the signatories to the September 2014 climate declaration:

  • Ibrahim Abouleish, Egypt, Right Livelihood Award, 2003
  • Ekwoge Abwe, Cameroon, Whitley Award, 2013
  • Badria Al-Awadi, Kuwait, UNEP Global 500 Award, 1988
  • Martin Almada, Paraguay, Europa Solar Prize, 2005
  • Karl Amman, Kenya, TIME Magazine Hero of the Environment, 2007
  • Dipal Chandra Barua, Bangladesh, Zayed Future Energy Prize, 2009
  • Nnimmo Bassey, Nigeria, Right Livelihood Award, 2010
  • Sergei Bereznuk. Russia, Rolex Award, 2012
  • Heide Bergmann, Germany, Trophée de Femmes, 2007
  • Andreas Bett, Germany, German Environmental Prize, 2012
  • Richard Bradford, UK, Ashden Award, 2006
  • Hildegard Breiner, Austria, The Nuclear-Free Future Award, 2004
  • Helen Caldicott, Australia, The Nuclear-Free Future Award, 2011
  • Wang Canfa, China, TIME Magazine Hero of the Environment, 2007
  • Aimee Christensen, USA Hillary Laureate, 2011
  • Terence Collins, USA, The Heinz Award for the Environment, 2010
  • Stuart Conway, USA, UNEP Sasakawa Prize, 2009
  • John Corkill, Australia, The Peter Rawlinson Conservation Award, 2001
  • Clive Crouch, Australia, The Peter Rawlinson Conservation Award, 2006
  • Erika Cuéllar, Bolivia, Rolex Award, 2012
  • Åshild Dale, Norway, Europe – Norway Laureate, 2000
  • Franz Daschner, Germany, German Environmental Prize, 2000
  • Juliet Davenport, UK, OBE for services to renewables
  • Patricia Davis, UK, Future for Nature Award, 2012
  • Rolf Disch, Germany, World Energy Globe, 2013
  • Ofir Drori, Cameroon, Future for Nature Award, 2012
  • Desmond D’Sa, South Africa, The Goldman Environmental Prize, 2014
  • Patrick Duffy, Canada, IAIA Outstanding Service Award, 2013
  • Jiri Dusik, Czech Republic, IAIA Individual Award, 2007
  • Raoul du Toit, Zimbabwe, The Goldman Environmental Prize, 2011
  • Michael Eckhart, USA. Skoll Award, 2008
  • Barbara Ehringhaus, Switzerland, Trophée de Femmes, 2009
  • Dieter Ewringmann, Germany, Adam Smith Prize, 2005
  • Malin Falkenmark, Sweden, The Rachel Carson Prize, 2005
  • Volker Finke, Germany, Umweltpreis Oko Plus, 2004
  • Barbara Galletti Vernazzani, Chile, Future for Nature Award, 2011
  • Debesai Ghebrehiwet, Eritrea, Ashden Award, 2003
  • Paola Ghillani, Switzerland, Binding Prize tor Nature and Environment, 2009
  • Paul Gilding, Australia, Tomorrow Magazine Environmental Leadership Award, 1997
  • Dener Giovanini, Brazil, UNEP Sasakawa Prize, 2003
  • Herbert Girardet, UK, UNEP Global 500 Award, 1992
  • Adolf Goetzberger, Germany, Becquerel Prize, 1997
  • Monika Griefahn, Germany, BAUM Environmental Award, 2014
  • Rainer Griesshammer, Germany, German Environmental Prize, 2010
  • Edeltraud Günther, Germany, International BAUM Environmental Award, 2008
  • Paul Gundel, Germany, Einstein Award, 2011
  • Evan Haigler, USA, Ashden Award, 2013
  • Mathilde Halla, Austria, The Nuclear-Free Future Award, 2005
  • Marion Hammerl, Germany, Bruno H. Schubert Prize, 2013
  • Harish Hande, India, The Ramon Magsaysay Award, 2011
  • Edeltraud Haselsteiner, Austria, ÖGUT Environmental Award, 2005
  • Klaus Hasselman,Germany, Frontiers of Knowledge Award, 2010
  • Hans Herren, Switzerland, Right Livelihood Award, 2013
  • Abul Hussam, USA, NAE Grainger Challenge Prize for Sustainability, 2007
  • Claus-Peter Hutter. Germany, BAUM Environmental Award, 2008
  • Dave lrvine-Halliday, Canada, Rolex Award, 2002
  • Wes Jackson, USA, Right Livelihood Award, 2000
  • Bianca Jagger, UK, Right Livelihood Award, 2004
  • Daniel Janzen, USA, Blue Planet Prize, 2014
  • Huey Johnson, USA, UNEP Sasakawa Prize, 2001
  • Tony Juniper, UK, Rothschild Medal, 2009
  • Danny Kennedy, USA, Global Green’s Corporate Environmental Leadership Award 2013
  • Ashok Khosla, India, Zayed International Prize tor the Environment, 2014
  • Elias Kindle, Liechtenstein, Binding Prize for Nature and Environment, 2014
  • Karel Kolomaznik, Czech Republic, Rolex Award, 1998
  • Lenelis Kruse-Graumann, Germany, BAUM Environmental Award, 2012
  • Nadezhda Kutepova, Russia, The Nuclear-Free Future Award, 2011
  • Frances Moore Lappé, USA, Right Livelihood Award, 1987
  • Jeremy Leggett, UK, Hillary Laureate, 2009
  • Daniel Lotoiye, Kenya, Whitley Award, 2013
  • Simon Levin, USA, Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, 2014
  • Louis Liebenburg, South Africa, Rolex Award, 1998
  • Gene Likens, USA, Blue Planet Prize, 2003
  • Peggy Liu, China, Hillary Laureate, 2012
  • Ahmet Lokurlu, Germany, TIME Magazine Hero of the Environment 2007
  • Claude Lorius, France, Blue Planet Prize, 2008
  • Thomas Lovejoy, USA. Blue Planet Prize, 2012
  • David Lowry, UK, The Nuclear-Free Future Award, 2001
  • Mindy Lubber, USA, The American Bar Association’s Award for Excellence in Environmental, Energy, and Resource Stewardship, 2012
  • Angela Maldonado, Columbia, Whitley Award, 2010
  • David Manalo, Philippines, The St. Andrew’s Prize for the Environment, 2007
  • Teresa Manera de Bianco, Argentina, Rolex Award, 2004
  • Charlie Mathews, UK, MIT Climate Colab Popular Choice Award, 2013
  • Csaba Mátyås, Hungary, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Fellow, 2010
  • Mardi McBrien, UK, The Sheila McKechnie Foundation Campaigner Award, 2013
  • Bill McKibben, USA, The Sophie Prize, 2013
  • Bernard McNelis, UK, Robert Hill Award, 2006
  • Julien Meyer, France, Rolex Award, 2006
  • Charudutt Mishra, India, Whitley Award, 2005
  • Judith Molnár, Romania, ÖGUT Environmental Award, 2005
  • Sidsel Morck, Norway, The Rachel Carson Prize, 1991
  • Reuben Mtitu, Tanzania, Ashden Award, 2008
  • Tsetsegee Munkhbayar, Mongolia, The Goldman Environmental Prize, 2007
  • Maggie Muurmans, Indonesia, Future for Nature Award, 2009
  • Nancy Lee Nash, USA, UNEP Global 500, 1993
  • Ramesh Kumar Nibhoria, India, Ashden Award 2005
  • Louis Nkembi, Cameroon, Whitley Award, 2010
  • Placide Nzisabara, Rwanda, Ashden Award 2011
  • Regula Ochsner, Switzerland, Trophée de Femmes 2007
  • Caleb Ofori, Ghana, Future for Nature Award, 2014
  • Antonio Oposa Jr, Philippines, lnternational Environmental Law Award, 2008
  • Juan Pablo Orrego, Chile, Right Livelihood Award, 1998
  • David Osborne, UK, Empowering People Award, 2013
  • Balgis Osman-Elasha, Sudan/Tunisia, UNEP Champion of the Earth Award, 2008
  • George Outa, Kenya, The St. Andrew’s Prize for the Environment, 2001
  • Billy Parish, USA, Ashoka Fellow, 2007
  • Jeunesse Park, South Africa, UNEP Sasakawa Prize, 2007
  • Daniel Pauly, Canada, Volvo Environment Prize, 2006
  • Stuart Pimm, USA, Dr. A. H. Heineken Prize for Environmental Sciences, 2006
  • Jonathon Porritt, UK, UNEP Global 500 Award 2000
  • Igor Prokofev, Russia, Whitley Award, 2011
  • Dailan Pugh, Australia, The Peter Rawlinson Conservation Award, 2001
  • Franz-Josef Radermacher, Germany, Goldener Baum 2010
  • Denise Marçal Rambaldi. Brazil, Bruno H. Schubert Prize, 2007
  • Florence Reed, USA, Shriver Award for Distinguished Humanitarian Service, 2012
  • William Rees, Canada, Blue Planet Prize, 2012
  • Eckard Rehbinder, Germany, Bruno H. Schubert Prize, 2004
  • Huguette Reynaerts, France, Trophée de Femmes, 2008
  • Uwe Riecken, Germany, Binding Prize for Nature and Environment, 2010
  • Marie-Monique Robin, France, The Rachel Carson Prize, 2009
  • Mario Robles del Moral, Spain, US Arbor Day Foundation Award, 2000
  • Martha lsabel Ruiz Corzo, Mexico, UNEP Champion of the Earth Award, 2013
  • Jamal Safi, Palestine, Zayed International Prize for the Environment, 2004
  • Thomas Scheurer, Switzerland, Binding Prize for Nature and Environment, 2007
  • David Schindler, Canada. Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement, 2006
  • Franco Schlegel, Switzerland, Binding Prize for Nature and Environment, 2008
  • Hans-Werner Schock, Germany, Becquerel Prize of the European Commission, 2010
  • Ignace Schops, Belgium, The Goldman Environmental Prize, 2008
  • Andy Schroeter, Laos, UNEP Sasakawa Prize, 2008
  • Oliver Schultz-Wittman, USA, Junior Einstein Award, 2006
  • David Schweidenback, USA, Rolex Award, 2000
  • Khop Narayan Shrestha, Nepal, UNEP Sasakawa Prize, 2011
  • Ursula Sladek, Germany, Goldman Environmental Prize, 2011
  • Tim Smit, CBE, UK, the RSA Albert Medal, 2003
  • Ian Smith, UK, Ashden Award, 2005
  • Andreas Speich, Italy, Binding Prize for Nature and Environment, 2013
  • John Spengler, USA, Heinz Award, 2003
  • Heinz Stockinger, Austria, The Austrian Konrad Lorenz State Award, 1991
  • Michael Succow, Germany, Right Livelihood Award, 1997
  • David Suzuki, Canada, Right Livelihood Award, 2009
  • Taro Takahashi, USA, UNEP Champion of the Earth, 2010
  • Tessa Tennant, UK, Joan Bavaria Award, 2012
  • Riki Therivel, UK, lAlA Global Environment Award 2003
  • Jean Thomas, Papua New Guinea, Future for Nature Award, 2010
  • Jim Thomas, Papua New Guinea, Australian Geographic Conservationist of the Year, 2014
  • Casson Trenor, USA, TIME Magazine Hero of the Environment, 2009
  • Samson Tsegaye, Ethiopia, Ashden Award, 2009
  • Sander van der Leeuw, Netherlands, UNEP Champion of the Earth, 2012
  • Els van Lavieren, Netherlands, Future for Nature Award, 2010
  • Carlos Vasquez, Guatemala, Whitley Award. 2012
  • Dale Vince, UK, OBE for services to the environment, 2004
  • Ernst von Weizsӓcker. Germany, German Environmental Prize, 2008
  • Tim Wahl, USA, Environmental Hero Award, 2007
  • Paul Walker, USA, Right Livelihood Award, 2013
  • Mingying Wang, China, Ashden Award, 2006
  • Eicke Weber, Germany, Einstein Award, 2013;
  • Beate Weber-Schuerholz, Germany, German Environmental Prize, 2007
  • Keith Wheaton-Green, UK, South West Sustainable Energy Champion, 2008
  • Jean Wiener, Haiti, Erick Eckman Award, 2014
  • Ellen Zimmerman, Canada, Yves Rocher International Foundation Terre de Femmes, 2006


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