2015 – 131 Journalist’s freedom under very serious threat

End Impunity for crimes against journalists

End Impunity for crimes against journalists


End Impunity for crimes against journalists
Dear member,

The International Federation of Journalists global campaign to End Impunity for crimes targeting journalists launches on Monday 2 November – the UN day of action. The campaign and related activities will continue on a global basis until Monday 23 November.

The UN day marks the anniversary of the killing of two RFI reporters, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, murdered in Mali in 2013 and 23 November commemorates the date in 2009 when at least 32 journalists lost their lives in the Maguindanao massacre in the Philippines.

All attacks targeting journalists that remain unpunished must be denounced. The month of November is the time when journalists and media workers have an opportunity to speak out and actively support the End Impunity campaign.

What you can do to help:

  • Between 2-23 November take a workplace picture or selfie with the poster and tweet it to us at @IFJGlobal and @NUJofficial hashtag: #endimpunity – download the poster from the NUJ website: www.nuj.org.uk/documents/end-impunity-campaign-poster
  • Tweet the governments and leaders in the countries where journalists do not get justice
  • Hold a minute’s silence in or outside of your workplace and let us know about your local activity, email details to the NUJ: campaigns@nuj.org.uk
  • Help to publicise the campaign
  • Organise a collection at your next union meeting, in your newsroom or office and raise money for the IFJ safety fund.

The safety fund is an essential scheme to help our colleagues and since its inception the funds raised have been used to help:

  • Provide trauma counselling for journalists who survived the Maguindanao massacre
  • Supply flak Jackets for journalists in Gaza
  • Offer support to Burundian journalists during the current media safety crisis
  • Organise safe homes for East African journalists fleeing violence in the horn of Africa
  • Provide assistance to journalists in Colombia, Pakistan and Russia

Donations for the IFJ International Safety Fund can be sent to the following account:

The Safety Fund

a/c BE64 2100 7857 0052

Swift Code: GEBABEBB

BNP PARIBAS FORTIS BANK, Rond Point Schuman 10, 1040 Brussels.

Online secure donations can also be made through PayPal on the IFJ safety website:


The IFJ End Impunity campaign in 2015 has put specific emphasis on four countries: Mexico, Yemen, the Philippines and Ukraine.

To find out more about the campaign, visit the NUJ website: www.nuj.org.uk/campaigns/end-impunity

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London WC1X 8DP

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