2016 – 004 Riots in France missed by BBC




By 100% FED Up

Jan 26, 2016

How socialism and political correctness are destroying a nation…

We reported about the crime and chaos taking place in France, as Muslim migrants who have no intention of assimilating, have flooded their country. The border town of Calais is a disaster, with migrants camping in “the jungle” hoping to catch a ride across the border into the UK.


France is also seeing a massive increase in rapes and sexual assault crimes by the “grateful” refugees. “Every day 33 rapes are reported in France, that’s one every 40 minutes!”

So far today, 20 have been arrested in French taxi driver, air traffic controller and  teacher protests as riots are taking place in 2 major cities. Farmers blocked roads and burned tires, as they protested only yesterday against the prices of dairy and meat products in the province of Brittany. It would appear to the casual observer, that socialism and political correctness are not working out too well for France. What do you think?  


Taxi drivers in France are blockading roads with burning tires in protest at the low-cost Uber app, resulting in at least 20 arrests. Air traffic controllers are also staging a demonstration, leading to dozens of canceled flights.

At least 20 arrests had already been made by 10 a.m. local time, following taxi driver protests around major cities including Paris and Marseille.

Drivers blocked roads with burning tires, prompting the arrival of riot police and firefighters. Some drivers had set pre-dawn bonfires which authorities had to put out.

Hundreds of taxis, joined by a few from Belgium and Spain, blocked a massive intersection leading into western Paris, causing huge disruption to the area.

The taxi drivers are protesting over working conditions and competition from non-traditional services such as Uber.

Uber drivers “vandalize professionals who are paying taxes, who respect the rules,” Rachid Boudjema, president of the taxi drivers union in Marseille, told AP.

In response to the protests, Uber sent a message to its French customers which said that the goal of the demonstrations was “to put pressure on the government to…limit competition.”

Here is an example of a violent clash today in Paris:

Meanwhile, a planned walkout from air traffic controllers prompted the French civil aviation authority, DGAC, to call on airlines to cancel one in five flights.

EasyJet said it had cancelled 35 flights, although Air France said it would operate more than 80 percent of its short and medium-haul flights in France and Europe. It did, however, stress that “last-minute delays or cancellations cannot be ruled out.”

Hundreds of thousands of civil servants and teachers also went on strike on Tuesday, protesting against a pay freeze and poor salaries. Teachers are scheduled to march in cities across the country on Tuesday afternoon.

It’s the newest challenge to Francois Hollande’s Socialist government and its stop/start efforts to modernize the economy, in response to low economic growth and record-high unemployment. Earlier this month, Hollande announced what he called a “state of economic and social emergency,” involving a €2 billion (US$2.1 billion) plan to revive hiring and catch up with the world’s economy.

The protests come just one day after French farmers demonstrated against the prices of dairy and meat products in the province of Brittany, blocking roads and burning tires. The farmers demanded that prices be increased because the proceeds from their sale don’t cover the cost of production. Via: RT


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