2016 – 041 Boris is right and he has knocked the lid off a very nasty can of worms

Boris is right and he has knocked the lid off a very nasty can of worms – more nasty than I think he fully realises. He has done Brexit a massive favour by drawing attention this very significant info that the BBC refuse to broadcast.

Information on the EU is very partial and frequently deliberately inaccurate. These posts will inform you of what is the true nature of the EU

If you find them of interest please forward on to all your contacts,

The committee members of the embryonic EU in 1964 were all committed Nazis

EU Facts

Who was Who in the “Brussels EU”:
Meet the financiers of the “Brussels EU”

CE | Brussels | P-002432/00-3 | 19640424


Boris is quite correct. Historian Rodney Atkinson gave a speech to House of Parliament 26 Feb 2008 to inform MPs ( those who turned up?) of the Nazi origins of the EU

The committee members of the embryonic EU in 1964 were all committed Nazis

On April 24, 1964, the West German Gov appointed a committee of 5 Bureaucrats to be the key architects of the “Brussels EU” – all of whom were active members of the IG Farben/Nazi coalition during WWII (IG Farben supplied the Zyklon B for the gas chambers) .They met at the “Brussels EU” headquarters to start proceedings to establish the European Economic Community later to become the EU… read more go to www.theeuroprobe.org 2016 – 037

See also www.theeuroprobe.org 2012 – 021 The Origins of the EU from Paris in 1870 to Berlin in 1942 to Strasbourg in 1944 to Berlin in 1964

www.theeuroprobe.org 2013 – 043 The EU Coudenhove plan for mass immigration and eradication of the white tribes of Europe

www.theeuroprobe.org 2016 – 015 Synopsis of the EU What the EU has planned

www.theeuroprobe.org 2016 – 038  How Germany in 1944 made preparations to rule Europe politically not militarily by establishing and using EU after realising they would lose the war.

… read more go to www.theeuroprobe.org 2016 – 037  The 5 original members of the committee to set up the EU

www.theeuroprobe.org 2016 – 038


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