Category Archives: Uncategorized

2022 – 013 Gordon Brown and the industrial raping of Rotherham girls

see also

2022 – 012 The EU is not bound by the ECHR, so why should the UK be?

The EU is not bound by the ECHR, so why should the UK be?
Why is it that nobody realises that the European Union (EU), as an entity, is not a member of the 46-member state Council of Europe.
That means the EU as an institution is not bound by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), so individuals cannot put the EU before the European Court of Human Rights for any violations by the EU as a body.
It also means that the EU Court of Justice, the (ECJ), is not bound by rulings from the European Court of Human Rights.
This is despite all EU member states being required to join the Council of Europe in order to be a member state of the EU.
The EU’s own 2009 Treaty of Lisbon requires the EU as a body, to be a member of the Council of Europe and to be bound by the ECHR.
But, well over a decade later, the EU is still not a member of the Council of Europe.
With the reason being, that back in 2014, the EU Court of Justice ruled that the EU joining the Council would not be compatible with EU law.
That can be construed as, the EU will not agree to any challenge to its own supremacy.
The UK now needs to follow suit and declare that membership of the Council of Europe is no longer compatible with UK law.
Especially as Russia has withdrawn and been ejected from the council, but still technically remains a member until September 16 – meaning that the Russian judge stays in place, actively involved in deciding human rights cases. And that may have included the Rwanda flight ruling.
Lester Taylor
UK Independence Party Spokesman for Brexit and Northern Ireland

2022 – 011 The Origins of Trade Unions and Labour

Mick Greenhough

I come from a line of coal miners. My grandfather had to work flat out to feed his family with virtually no opportunity to ‘better himself’. Due to the complete lack of Safety he was very badly injured underground and quite unable to work any more. My father, who at the age ot 10 had won one of 4 open scloarships in Derby on the basis of his ability at maths, had leave school to go down the mine when he was 11 and his brother also who was 9. Grandad was generously awarded 5 shillings and bag of coal a week so the pennies they earnt were essential. As such you would have thought they would be ardent Socialists or even Marxists but they were devout Protestant Primitive Methodists and Chartists. Incidentally they worked in the same pit as Dennis Skinner’s dad. They were very patriotic and pro British and my dad was dismayed at the anti British policies of todays Socialist Labour Party. He was incensed as he felt his Labour Party has been hijacked by socialist toffs and how they have betrayed what our ancestors had fought so hard to establish. The Labour Party of today is no longer the ‘Party of the Working Class’.

   Image   Coal mine workers in a elevator in. 1920 Belgium. : r/pics 

A true British worker and how coal miners were treated when working (also known as ‘White Privilige’)

However strategic industries such as electricity, water, gas should be under the control of the government but run by those who know how to run a company not politically motivated civil servants. Coal is far to valuable a raw material to just be burnt.

Mick Greenhough

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2022 – 010 What is the World Economic Forum?

The World Economic Forum (“WEF”). Exactly what is it?.

Professor Klaus Schwab is its self-appointed leader.  His remarkably inoffensively named organisation has set itself an objective. He aims to “improve” the “state of the world” and shape it in his chosen fashion. That is despite the WEF having no official or democratic legitimacy. This is a blatant attempt to control our lives by stealth.

“The WEF is a fanatical political organisation that uses fear and manipulation, like Covid hysteria, like the hoax of global warming, to really facilitate people thinking that somehow they’re the saviours, but really all you’re doing is helping them accomplish their goal, which really is a global public-private fascist movement, and fusion of big government, big tech [and] big money, to create a technocratic ruling elite, which conveniently is them.” “They want to create feudalism 2.0, in which we are serfs, and they are the lords ruling over us… That’s what they’re aiming for.”

According to Wiki, its funding is by private and governmental donors. It received an initial investment of US$460m from the governments of Germany, Japan and Norway, plus the globalist Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust. It allegedly brings together “decision-makers from across society” to work on projects and initiatives that (in its sole wisdom) it thinks will make a “real difference”.

One of those projects is the “Great Reset” initiative.


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2022 – 009 The Kalergi plan to destroy Europe.

The Covert Scheme To Destroy Europe From Within

The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe


2022 – 008 Archbishop Welby and the Woke Bishops of the Church of England.

Wokey Archbishop Welby and the Wokey Bishops of the Church of England.

If you find this post of interest please forward on to your family, friends and MP.


In the early ’60s when we first got cars we would drive down into rural Kent to to sample the delights of the country pubs.

On one visit on entering there was a group of 4 lads, very jolly but not drunk. They turned out to be trainee CoE priests from a local Church of England training college.

Me, being brought up a Primitive Methodist, always found it fun to engage with CoE people. Asking questions like – what happened to the gold the baby Jesus as given? The CoE is nothing more than the Church of Rome without the Pope, Confession or Mass. It has all their smells. bells and fancy regailier especially its authoritarianism. One question I like to ask them is if Frenchman is born in England is English then as Christ was born in a stable is he really a horse?

I began ragging them about the CoE and one, who was quite tipsy, said ‘we are not really Christians we are Marxists and we intend to rot the church from the inside’.

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2022 – 007 thelightpaper

2021 – 039 Why the panic on CO2 and Net Zero?

NET ZERO IS FOOLS GOLD it is a precurser to THE NEW WORLD ORDER  Part 1

Mankind is responsible for three mega threats to the survival of man. One of them is not Global Warming. They are toxic waste,  pollution and overpopulation in the 3rd world who cannot feed and look after their children. Manmade CO2 is being accused of being the cause of catastrophic damage to the world’s future. Is it? However, we surely need more CO2 in the air? At the moment future environmental events are all purely speculation or built on models based on past events.

COP26 ties U.K. taxpayers to punishing #NetZero targets – £20k boilers, £50k to insulate your house, £50k electric cars, heat pumps that do not work when the air gets cold- while the world’s biggest polluters utterly ignore it????

Anthropogenic Global Warming is essentially a creature of  The New World Order.

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2022 – 006 Klaus Schwab, the Great Reset and its threat to mankind


2022 – -005 On Klaus Schwab: International Man of Mystery


2022 – -004 The Cloward Piven strategy

2022 – 003 Brian Gerrish’s exposure of  psychological operations by our government

A very important read to understand much of what is happening now

Brian Gerrish’s exposure of  psychological operations  by our government; and the other, which transports this psychological operation, is the mainstream media

2022 – 002 Grenfell Tower and cladding

Who is Michael Gove protecting exactly?

It was Nick Raynsford who fobbed off the Garnock Court Select Committee in 1999 with BRE Fire Note 9 and commissioned Warrington Fire to compare Class 0 (National) to the classes in BS EN 13501-1.

Charles Falconer seems to have been in office when Warrington Fire finished the RADAR 2 report in early 2002, which told the Ministry that Class 0 (National) could be (European) Class C or D for composites.

Making a mockery of Diagram 40.

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2022 – 001

Rather like that petition to overturn the result of the referendum, there is something altogether too pat and too convenient about this story of a “wave of hatred”. An article on this subject by Brendan O’Neill appeared in the Spectator of 6 August  entitled “The Real Hate Crime Scandal” and I am indebted to him for the following information.

The police say that 3,192 reports of hate incidents were received in the last two weeks of June and 3,001 in the first fortnight of July, constituting a rise of 48 per cent and 20 per cent respectively . Many of these reports (the police cannot say how many) came from a website called True Vision which allows anyone anywhere to report anonymously something they say they experienced or witnessed. Every such report is instantly logged as a hate crime. No evidence required.

The police’s “Hate Crime Operational Guidance”  now stresses that the perception of the victim or any other person is the deciding factor in whether something is measured as a hate crime or hate incident. “Evidence of …hostility is not required…The perception of the victim  is the defining factor… the victim does not have to justify or provide evidence of their belief… and police officers….should not directly  challenge the perception”.

“Hate Crime Procedure” by Surrey Police instructs that, even when nothing hateful was said to the victim….still the police must record  the incident as hate crime, if the victim perceives it to be so. Manchester Police’s guidance says that, if a victim of alleged hate crime feels that the police are indifferent, this is then victimising the victim a second time “whether or not it is reasonable for them to perceive it in that way”. Truth is “immaterial”.

I now revert to my own experience of two incidents which might have generated three reports of “hate crime” and could have caused endless trouble for those potentially  accused.

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2021 – -42 Harry Miller v the ‘police’   (see link to video report)

I have watched a longer interview with Harry Miller, who has now won his case against the police for registering a “Non Crime Hate Incident” against him because of remarks he had made about transgender people. Of many matters mentioned, the following impressed me.

(1) The police had actually no business doing this sort of thing. The judge remarked that they had behaved like “the Stasi, the Gestapo or the Cheka”.

(2) Their actions did not arise from any law but from “guidance” issued by the College of Policing (a limited company owned by the Home Secretary which had no right to create such a law)

(3) The police could disclose his record (for instance) to somebody checking on Harry Miller’s suitability for employment.

(4) The police had been following this procedure since 2014. There must be hundreds of thousands of records of such illegal actions by the police and they need to be destroyed. The senior responsible officers need to be disciplined publicly – at least for “wasting police time” which should have been used for protecting the public. Police officers were instructed that they too could be guilty of “hate crime” if they questioned any report of such an incident, however ill-founded or far-fetched it was.

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2021 – 041 info a short cut to Information you need before you vote next time

Information you should know before voting.

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2015 – 106 Gun Control in US and UK

2022 – 025 A Civil Contingency Corps

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2021 – 040 Smog and CO2

Smog is when smoke from coal fires mixed with fog. It was mixture of nitrogen oxides, ozone, sulphur oxide and particulates. It was common from the latter part of the 18cent and the problem came to a head in the 1950s. It was cured by the Clean Air Act and the processing of coal into smokeless coal.

However the change from smokeless coal to gas fired central heating lead to much less smokeless coal being used. CO2 has now become the apparent problem now. But why?

We need more CO2 in the air now to increase the yield of crops and vegetation.


This graph shows the decreasing amount of CO2 where it is now approaching a level where plants can no longer grow.

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2021 – 039 Why the panic on CO2 and Net Zero?

Net Zero is fools gold


Mick Greenhough

If you find this post of interest please forward it to all your contacts and MP. Anything you think is incorrect in this post please notify the editor below. No one has yet after several years

All predictions of the future climate are just speculation and opinion whether predicting a climate crisis due to man or a function of the earths nature that we can do nothing about. Those opinions are not fact until the future arrives.

We all want the natural world to survive and thrive be they plants or animals, but just as nature competes with itself to survive so do we and thereby is a dilemma for uncontrolled expansion of everything from rats to deer to humans.

There is an underlying conspiricy theory that Net Zero is nothing to do with climate  but the real aim of is to bankrupt the UK (and others) to reduce it to a shambles so a New World Order can be rebuilt from the debris based on Marxist theory. To that end the Club of Rome invented Global Warming in about 1987 which they hoped would frighten the worlds populace to turn to the New World Order for salvation. It is up to the readers to read this post then decide for themselves whether this conspiricy is true or not. The Climate crisis is not having the effect they hoped for so they are now trying to stop farming to generate a food shortage.

Between roughly 1300 – 1900, the world experienced the ‘Little Ice Age when the Thames froze over. We are now still coming out of that ‘Little Ice Age’.

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2021 – 038 Five ways to resolve the illegal migration, the fishing dispute and bypass the ECHR

Fishing and Immigration

2021 – 037 patrolling French beaches

Suggestion – do not give £150 million to the French to stop the inflatables.

Have teams of British ‘bird watchers’ who are given a paid holiday on the French coast armed with binoculars (day and night), a mobile phone, a SatNav and a book of seabirds. They saunter along the coast ‘watching birds’. If they happen to spot a dinghy they phone a control centre in the UK giving the satnav coordinates who then contact the French police. All very immediate.

Every couple of weeks or so the ‘birdwatchers’ are replaced with another group of ‘birdwatchers’.

However the people traffickers are usually armed and very dangerous. It may be better to send the SAS in mufti.

2021 – 036 Why we cannot trust the press


2021 – 035 Covid masks are quite unsuitable for Covid

If you find this post of interest please forward onto your family, friends  and contacts  and MP
If you can breathe through the mask then the covid virus can pass easily as well.
It should be noted that none of the G7 delegates and politicians wore them nor social distancing. This is now commonplace for those who consider themselves to be of importance.  The politicians also take them off when they think the cameras have stopped filming, nobody at Wimbledon or the football final wore them – why?
Mandating masks make it appear that the government is taking positive action whether or not they do any good.
The wearing of masks is nothing to do with hygene – it is an exercise to discover to what extent the population can be persuaded to obey the government whatever the reason.

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021 – 034 The Nazi roots of the EU


2021 – 33 Joe Biden and White Genocide  Joe Biden and immigration  and why white genocide is good for you   

2021 – 32 A very perspicacious assessment of the covid crisis


2021 – 31 log burners

The latest target for the cod climate scientists is log burning stoves.

They say you must use dry wood. You can never completely remove moisture from wood and how do you check it and how much should be removed?

To remove most of the moisture from wood you need to dry it in a kiln (using fossil fuel?) so why not use the heat for the kiln to heat the house instead?

If the wood is not burnt in a log burner what do you do with it? Burn it in the garden?

How will the Drax power station cope as it now only burns wood chips?  The wood chip comes from Canada. It is harvested using fossil fuel, chipped using fossil fuel, processed to remove water using fossil fuel, transported to the docks using fossil fuel, loaded onto ships using fossil fuel, transported across the sea using fossil fuel. unloaded using fossil fuel and transported to the power station using fossil fuel.  All this is done to avoid using clean coal ( developed after the smogs of the 50s and 60s and the Clean Air Act) while China uses vast amounts of coal and Germany is mining Lignite (very dirty semi coal) and opening up new mines

The only ‘dry’ fuels are coal, gas from fracking and nuclear.

How do these cod scientists get into positions of authority?

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