2018 – 037 UK citizenship post Brexit

UK citizenship post Brexit

 It has been reported that some 300,000 Londoners have moved out to the suburbs due to the violence in London..

 I would suggest that the reason Khan is allowing violent crime to proliferate is to encourage Londoners to leave London. He has said he would like 3 million more migrants (Muslim migrants to replace Londoners?) into London. This can only mean to secure his permanent position as Mayor.

 This could be a long way to prevent that.

 All UK citizens became EU citizens when the Maastricht Treaty became operative. That means that people who were UK citizens are now EU citizens and only a member of the UK. The EU citizenship takes precedence?

The last 20 years has seen a deliberate movement by the Deep State to destroy libertarian British Culture for a New World Order Soviet Culture. To replace the British people with Coudenhove’s mestizo people.. It will take some draconian actions to recover that libertarian culture.

If the current trend continues the inescapable result will be that the migrants and their descendants will outnumber and out vote native Britons within 50 years.  Unless this is implemented the British will lose control of their country.

British citizenship should not be given out like Smarties. It is something that should be well earned and if abused revoked.

Post Brexit we will have to reinstate UK citizenship. It will be a new beginning and we will have the opportunity to put right the mistakes of the past.

We can make all those who were UK citizens pre Maastricht (and their descendants) to automatically become UK citizens.

All others who are EU citizens remain EU citizens. They can stay in the UK but will have no voting nor citizen rights in UK. They will keep their EU citizen rights.

All non UK citizens to carry an ID card.

Refugees will come under the same conditions but will be entitled to temporarily sanctuary and limited benefits until it is safe to return to their home country. Once their country is deemed safe they must return there. They will have no choice of location of accommodation but where ever cheapest. They must report regularly to the local police to ensure they have not absconded. If they do abscond and are caught they are to be returned to their home country.

Those convicted of a crime with a custodial sentence 6 months or over deported immediately their sentence is completed with their nuclear family.

Appeals – only one appeal is accepted. If it fails the solicitor will not be entitled to further public funding.

Only UK citizens entitled to Legal Aid

Any further appeals to be funded by a charity supported entirely by public donations or pro bono by the solicitor.

Those who want to become UK citizens must conform to the following

  • 10 years tax returns
  • No criminal record
  • Have a job
  • Have accommodation
  • Have health cover (from their EU home country or private). Entitled to NHS once a UK citizen.
  • Swear allegiance to British law above all other law.
  • Swear allegiance to Queen and Country
  • Fluent in conversational English.
  • No free translation services.
  • Accept British customs over their inherited non UK customs
  • No infectious diseases.
  • They keep their EU citizenship (or whatever their original citizenship is) until they become UK citizens. Then have dual UK/EU citizenship.
  • Any breach of these conditions and their UK citizenship is revoked and they revert to EU citizenship only.
  • Children born in the UK to EU citizen parents would be EU citizens
  • People born in the Empire of British parents were given British citizenship when they returned home. It somehow got converted to anyone from anywhere.

Noncompliance with of any of the above will be reason to reject any application for UK citizenship or revoke it for later noncompliance but may keep their EU citizenship.

  • Those with no documents must return to their home country or the country they came to UK from to apply for a work Visa. ie If they came via France then they must return to France to apply for a visa there.
  • Anyone found with an illegal passport automatic deportation. (bogus marriage, stolen, fake)
  • No Legal Aid for non UK citizens. Funding can be via charity crowdfunding.
  • Students who have completed their studies to return to their homeland and apply there for a visa to work in the UK.
  • Application for UK citizenship or work visa must be applied for in their home country – where known.
  • Only those with full UK citizenship will be entitled to vote in UK elections.
  • UK citizens who work in a city to have the vote for Mayor of that city. They have just as much concern how the city is run as those who live there.
  • Only UK citizens will be entitled to social benefits (except temporary refugees).
  • Foreign visitors must have written confirmation that their home country will cover any health costs incurred in the UK.
  • Postal voting very strictly controlled.
  • Non UK citizens cannot own the freehold of land. Only rental or leasehold. Value of land to pay for the annual leasing until payed up. All such freehold, National Parks (including that of non Christian places of worship), village greens, Common land, school playing fields etc to be owned by a British Land Bank wholly owned by all British citizens and not government property. The government has no right to sell any off.
  • If a UK citizens buys a house from a migrant they have the right to the freehold. If they sell the house to a non UK citizen the Freehold goes to the British Land Bank.
  • Only UK citizens entitled to free education, health care, benefits.
  • Anyone employing or harbouring an undocumented migrant without informing the Police will be subject to a £25,000 fine for each migrant.

If a ‘refugee’ has no passport and refuses to give his country of origin he is put in quarantine until he fully explains himself. Give him an EU passport with a 6 month life with a no return to UK clause. Give them 6 one monthly payments of £100 to help them settle themselves somewhere of their choice.

Non UK citizens who want to work in UK

  • Time limited work visas with rolling renewal where applicable.
  • Employer responsible for their accommodation
  • Employer responsible for their health insurance
  • Employer responsible for them to leave when their visa expires.


The document for establishing City Mayors said that anyone who lives in the city or works in that city can stand as Mayor. Everyone who works in that city should therefore have a vote for Mayor of that City as well. If not the British citizens will lose control of our cities to foreign migrants.

© Mick Greenhough


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