This is from Rodney Atkinson Free nations. I had to change the writing to bold as it was too pale for me to read, but I can forward the original if you like it Di xx
Never in the history of our nation has a prime minister concluded a surrender document ceding such comprehensive and indefinite control to foreign powers. Before she started negotiating we had the clear freedom to leave. Her new Deal means we now lose that freedom. We pay £40bn with no commitment to a trade deal. On 29th March we lose our rights but none of our obligations. The forces attacking us today are identical to those who appeased or collaborated with Fascism in the 1930s.
Theresa May’s contempt for democratic government was plane as she effectively abolished a Department of State, kept details secret, hoodwinked her colleagues and bounced her Cabinet into “approving” it without a recorded vote and without having time to read its contemptible contents. In the USA such a leader would be impeached. Here she must be voted out immediately by her party.
“They (the British) must align their rules but the EU will retain all the controls. They apply the same rules. The UK wants a lot more from a future relationship so the EU retains its leverage”
Leaked diplomatic note Sabine Weyand deputy chief EU negotiator
Leaked diplomatic note Sabine Weyand deputy chief EU negotiator
A ZDF (German Television) report said: “In Brussels they say that the EU has asserted itself all along the line. PM May had to swallow a lot.” Indeed she had swallow her own “red lines”, repeatedly lying to the press as she did so.
We could have had a clean withdrawal at any time after June 2016 when we voted to leave the EU. But now we have a “withdrawal” deal which keeps us in UNDER CONTROL OF THE EU until the EU agrees we can go! And it could be highly profitable for the EU to force an extension of the Transition into a new budget period and rip us off for a few more tens of billions of pounds!
- We pay £40bn exit fee now with no guarantee of a trade deal in the future. When UK Brexit Ministers wanted to make the payment conditional on a trade deal they were overruled by the civil service (!) and Theresa May.
- There is no mention of getting back our share of the massive value of EU buildings and infrastructure for which we have paid for 46 years (see recent post
- Free movement continues with an agreement that we allow anyone who is here or comes here in the next 2 years (at least) to stay here and bring their extended families.
- EU citizens in the UK for 5 years will “enjoy equal treatment with the nationals of that state” and so will their family members. Because this is not defined this could mean becoming UK citizens and voting in Westminster elections!
- The EU arrogantly says the UK and Spain must set up a Committee on Gibraltar!
- EU tariffs will continue to advantage continental industry but tax British consumers (food, clothes are particularly hit)
- British fishermen will continue to sacrifice the vast majority of the fish in our territorial waters to EU fishermen during the transition and the EU is already making the case that even after that we must continue to give them access to our waters if we want to sell our fish into their market! This is an unheard of principle in trade and shows the imperial control which the EU seeks over supplicant nations! As Lee Rotherham points out: “…fishing campaigners point out, since the UK does not regain management of its assets, stocks can be bartered to the point of pillaging by Council members without the UK being even in the room.”
- We would be still in the Common Agricultural Policy with British farmers unable to produce what they could, unable to trade freely outside the EU and paying to subsidise their competitors in the EU.
- We would still be unable to start new trade deals with any other country e.g. USA, Commonwealth countries.
- Article 87 asserts European Court supremacy over not only UK judges but over the UK Government transposing its EU obligations during transition – and four years after that.
- The UK is being ripped off by accepting a full budget share of EU pension liabilities because we have a very low percentage share of UK staff in EU institutions who will benefit.
The only things we are exiting on 29th March 2019 are our rights – to equal treatment, to MEPs, and to British EU Commissioners. We are no longer a member state but we maintain all the costs and are being discriminated against on funding and projects like the Galileo satellite system. For instance the UK has boycotted an EU aid spending plan vote over Brussels’ Brexit bullying. It accused the European Commission of discriminating against UK based organisations over Brexit, and refused to endorse the billions of pounds of spending – even though we continue to pay in after May’s so called “Brexit”.
Finally under Article 129, the UK is bound to avoid actions “likely to be prejudicial to the Union’s interests” in any international organisation, agency, conference or forum. How is that to be judged? Virtually any free choice we make to engage with the rest of the world on better terms than the EU could be said to be prejudicial to the EU.
Mrs May says she cannot re-open negotiations on the Deal – but I note that it is called a “DRAFT Agreement on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU”. Drafts are so called because they CAN be amended in normal transactions. But this of course is the imperial EU issuing its orders, not a reasonable agreement between “partners”.
Northern Ireland
would no longer be separated from UK BUT would nevertheless be subject to different customs rules. It would mean different regulations for Northern Ireland – more EU law in agriculture, the environment, state aid and other areas and there would also be checks on goods traded from Northern Ireland to the rest of the UK.
Enforcing those laws will mean an EU presence: EU representatives will be present to enforce and implement the law relating to Northern Ireland, and the UK will have to facilitate their work and carry out necessary control measures
No wonder the DUP are seething. As one DUP member said “Dublin would have more say (thru the EU) about NI than London!”
“Civil Servants would routinely return from Brussels with the fruits of their endeavours, often having strayed beyond Cabinet mandates or setting policy decisions in legally binding text before Ministers had even discussed them… The general approach always seemed to be: Don’t upset Brussels… No wonder this deal cannot command the support of the majority of politicians – remain, leave, left or right. It has been forged, not by those who have a political pulse, but by those who are risk-averse, pro-remain and do not want Brexit to happen.” Suella Braverman, Former Minister DEXEU
Braverman says that the critical extension clause 132 which binds the UK to the EU indefinitely (until the EU agrees to our going) “Did not appear in any draft I saw”. Dominic Raab the Brexit Secretary of State had only seen an 80 page document. When he got to the critical Cabinet meeting there were 585 pages and the cabinet had not read them before the meeting! Raab wrote in his letter of resignation:
“This is, at its heart, a matter of public trust,” he told the PM, concluding: “I cannot reconcile the terms of the proposed deal with the promises we made to the country in our manifesto at the last election… I believe that the regulatory regime proposed for Northern Ireland presents a very real threat to the integrity of the United Kingdom. I cannot support an indefinite backstop arrangement, where the EU holds a veto over our ability to exit…”
It is worth recalling that May was never elected leader of her party and her first general election she lost so many seats that she survived only with the help of the DUP’s 10 seats.
- May set up the Department for Exiting the European Union – and then effectively abolished it, taking over the negotiations at Nr 10. The Brexit Secretary resigned. Now his successor as Secretary of State has also resigned.
- May held meetings with Cabinet colleagues with no minuted record of the discussions.
- At the crucial Cabinet meeting to approve the Deal she refused twice to have a recorded vote of the Cabinet.
- On two occasions when May had concluded an agreement with the EU on Brexit the German Chancellor and then more recently the irish Government knew what was proposed before the British cabinet or Parliament.
- MAY did not consult her critical partners in Government, the DUP on the Draft Withdrawal Agreement. Civil servants were told to exclude DUP from planning emails.
- May even had the effrontery to threaten if she did not get support for her surrender Deal there could be “NO BREXIT AT ALL” – this despite Parliament having passed all the necessary legislation and Brexit will happen on 29th March – unless her Government decides otherwise.
- May has even conspired with elements in the Labour Party to seek their support for her Deal.
- May lied in her public statements and interviews saying e.g. that “We will be able to negotiate trade deals” – which is word for word true but none of those deal can be implemented until the EU says we can leave!
- May said that the Deal “does not involve the jurisdiction of EU court” but not only is that a lie for the duration of the “Transition” but for some matters that control lasts years longer! As Martin Howe QC has pointed out there was no precedent for the European Court binding a third party country in trade agreements – until they forced it on weak supplicant nations like Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia – and now the United Kingdom!!!!!
- May lined up a propaganda programme for her Deal – since put on ice. But that plan included Mark Littlewood of the Institute for Economic Affairs – who was not aware of the fact and in fact opposes it, saying: “If it were to pass it would close off almost all the opportunities opened up by Brexit”
- May has even said she did not like the Deal but we should not worry about it because the transition would come to an end and none of it would come into effect!
That’s what buffoonish Tory MPs said before the disgraceful Maastricht Treaty.
So Mrs May (like all those Quisling Prime Ministers in the UK since 1972 (apart from Margaret Thatcher) has come to the conclusion that it is in the interests of the British nation to surrender the British nation to EU control – this time potentially indefinitely.
At least when Neville Chamberlain came back from Munich where Adolf Hitler had signed his “piece of paper” the then Prime Minister knew he was buying time to prepare for the war to come. Mrs May’s piece of paper is a surrender document before a shot has been fired. At least Chamberlain’s piece of paper DID NOT COST £40BN
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