2012-018 What is an Authoritarian or ‘Police State’?

2012-018 What is an Authoritarian or ‘Police State’?

The EU was set up to be initially a disguised police State. (or as Gorbachev said ‘why is Europe setting itself up as a copy of the USSR?’) This became more obvious (but not much) within the Maastricht Treaty. Gerard Batten, the MEP for London) has produced a very clear pamphlet showing this clearly

Freedom, Security and Justice – the creation of a European Police state.

Available free from Gerard Batten MEP, PO Box 2409, Ilford, IG1 8ES.

There are a number of specific criteria that define a police state from a true democracy:  from ‘Brave New Europe?’ see 2013 – 011

What criteria  defines A Police State?
1.    Government is an by un-elected ‘elite’ or ‘higher authority’ who are the ‘state’
2.    Any elected parliament will have no power or function other than to pass on the edicts of the elite and enable them to fraudulently call themselves democratic
3.    Elections are usually permitted, but there are no effective opposition parties. In reality you can usually only vote for the  one ruling party or not to vote at all
4.    The system is usually run by pampered and compliant bureaucrats – the unaccountable senior civil service and appointed administrators on very generous conditions of employment
5.    No dissension or criticism of the state is tolerated. Anyone who does usually becomes unemployable, can be declared ‘mentally unstable’ and confined to a psychiatric ‘hospital’ … or just disappears. 2013-002 It is now against the European Law to criticise the EU
6.    The elite control all social, commercial, cultural, judicial, artistic activities and what you can think and say
7.    Press and media are totally controlled tools of the state.
8.    The system is enforced by police and a judiciary totally answerable to the state.
9.    The population’s monitored by a secrete police force for any political dissension or criticism of the state.
10.    The police can arrest citizens and hold them indefinitely without a warrant, evidence  or informing anyone.
11.     All deliberations of the ruling elite are held in secret sessions
12.   All individuals are required to carry an ID card at all times
13.    An organisation of local informers exists to spy and report on ‘friends’, neighbours and fellow citizens – including children to report on their parents.

39. What criteria defines a ‘Democratic State’

1.    Any enfranchised citizen can unconditionally stand for a political position – from parish councilor up to a member of parliament and become prime minister or president
2.    There can be many, and varied, political parties
3.    All enfranchised citizens are entitled to vote by ballot at regular intervals to change, or keep, the government of the day
4.    An elected member can freely ask any question of the government and be entitled to a frank and truthful answer
5.    A citizen is considered to be innocent until proven guilty by his peers
6.    The police and judiciary are completely independent of the government of the day and politically neutral (although the British police are now being systematically changed to Europol style police accountable to the state not the citizens.
7.    The press and media are completely independent of the government and, within the ‘shadow of the law’, free to publish anything they believe to be true.
8.    All debates in parliament are in the public domain
9.    Citizens have freedom of speech, religion and movement.

40. So how does the EU compare with the Democratic  and  Police State Criteria in Chapters  38 and 39?
An  Authoritarian,         The EU                  Traditional British                                    Police State                                                     Democracy (pre 1972)
(see chapter no)
38.1            yes                    yes         (5)                           no
38.2            yes                    almost   (5)                          no
38.3            yes                    sort of    (10)                       no
38.4            yes                    yes         (11)                         could be
38.5            yes                    partly     (29)                       no
38.6            yes                    intended                               no but UK police changing
38.7            yes                    intended. (33)                    no
38.8            yes                    intended.(16)                      no
38.9            yes                    intended.(23)                     no
38.10            yes                  yes         (16)                        no
38.11            yes                   many     (9 & 7)                 very rarely
38.12            yes                   yes         (23)                       only in times of war
38.13            yes                   yes        (23)                         no

As yet, much of the EU list is embryonic – but the clear conclusion is that this is an ongoing bloodless coup that has the potential to become a police state. The people of Europe may have had more than enough of police states. It would seem, though, that the Political Elite clearly think an authoritarian or potential police state to be a jolly good idea – it certainly will be for them (ref. 2007-28).
The Political Elite running the Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dem parties all fully support the EU Agenda. They must, therefore, also wish to have a political structure that’s rapidly approaching something very akin to an authoritarian or police state.

The rank and file of their parties have yet to become even faintly aware of exactly of what is being quietly and remorselessly established in their name.

It should be borne in mind that the EU used the 1942 German document on how they were going to run Europe after they had won the war as its first draft. 2012 0 021

Clearly, a structure is being set up that will be an authoritarian state. There will be no mechanism to prevent it, sooner or later, from becoming a full-blown police state.
The immediate appearance of such a police state is most unlikely … we could just drift into one via small increments (the well established Euro-salami technique) with each step fully justified and reasonable at the time until the result has been achieved either by deliberate stealth or mere happen-stance.
Excuses? We’ve many already – e.g. trade, political correctness, Health & Safety, anti-terrorist measures, economics and the all-encompassing ‘security’.
Can we trust the corrupt and anonymous elite of the Commission not to take advantage of such a golden opportunity to systematically increase their undemocratic control over us? History does not suggest that we can.

© Mick Greenhough 2008

see also 2012 – 021 for the 1942 German document 2012-021 Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinsschaft  used by Walter Hallstein as the document for the draft for the EU.  see theeuroprobe.org 2012 – 021 The origins of the EU

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