Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
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mick greenhough – editor@theeuroprobe.org
It is essential that the voting public understand what CBDC is (Central Bank Digital Currency). It is a creature of the Great Reset (World Economic Forum). DC will be a means by which the Elite will have complete control of your life. The Banks are relentlessly closing bank accounts of companies who deal in cash making ruunning such a business almost impossible. A MILLION accounts closed in just 4 years!
We now have a stark example why a cashless society is political control. To close Nigel Farage’s bank account and not allow him another is political. A watershed moment when we stop being a democracy and become an authoritarian state. It must be fully understood that with digital money only the powers that be can block your use of your digital credit card for any reason they think fit.
It must be realised that CBCD is a very easy, inexpensive and convenient way for financial transactions. It is also a prefect way for the ‘Illuminati’ (Establishment) to have complete control of our lives – the Proletariat and Plebians. What we can do, what we can buy or not buy, have no personal fruits of our labour or property. However every time you make a cashless transaction the Bank creams off 1,5% so you have less money for your next transaction. Paying by credit card is exceptionally easy and convenient but cash is essential as a safety net.
CBCD is a monstrous scam by the banks to transfer your money to them whenever you use a credit card – Are you happy with relying completely on digital applications after the Post Office Scandal? read on
First to understand Normal Banking – You want to borrow £10,000 from a bank – If the Bank lends you £10,000 in money they have to have £10,000 in gold in a shed behind the Bank. They do not have that so they lend you Currency instead which is a just a cluster of electrons in a computer. That money does not exist, it is FIAT money and then the bank charges you interest on that non existant money loan. That begs the question as to why it cannot be paid back as a cluster of electrons not by your labour?
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