2013 – 010 LibLabCon manifesto promises

What About the UK Referendum promised by Tony Blair, the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives? They are a pack of deceptful knaves.
Is it just another of their many empty promises? Tony Blair and Gordon Brown reneged on this promise but so has David Cameron reneged on his ‘Cast Iron’ promise on the feeble excuse that it is now called the ‘Lisbon Treaty’ instead.
A recent court case challenged the decision by Gordon Brown not to have the Labour Party manifesto promise of a referendum, along with the formal statement by Tony Blair that the Labour Party manifesto was a Contract with the People. But Gordon Brown’s barrister Ms. Cecelia Ivimy said on behalf of her client: “They (NuLabour manifesto promises and contracts) are not subject to legitimate expectation”. Astonishing?
Even more astonishing is that the Brighton County Court judge accepted this defence. His judgement was: ‘The public should not expect promises or contracts made in NuLabour Party manifestos to be kept’. A case of lies, damn lies and NuLabour manifesto promises perhaps? From now on any promise in a NuLabour manifesto will be pointless as they can quite legally ignore all promises and contracts made in that manifesto if they regain power. (ref. 2008-15). Presumably that also applies to the Cameron Tories.
The ‘Treaty’ is the Constitution – with a different name. As previously noted: ‘the label on the tin may be different, but the contents are identical’ (see chapter 15 for Mandelson’s statement on referenda and ref. 2006-54). And it should be remembered that the most insidious part of the Lisbon Treaty is that it’s ‘self-amending

© Mick Greenhough 2008


Brussels questions future of EU referendums Published: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 11:09:51 GMT+02
Author: Bruno Waterfield

A new EU constitution should not be put to the people, European Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson has insisted.
Germany will start the process to revive or redraft an EU constitutional treaty following last year’s referendum rejections in France and the Netherlands.

Mandelson is clear that any new text can not be a hostage to democratic votes – referendums in the UK, Denmark and Ireland were called off amid concerns that more negative results would plunge the EU into deep crisis.
“Anything that crosses the threshold of requiring a referendum will immediately run into difficulties,” he told E!Sharp magazine.



Democracy EU style – as reported by  EUobserver.com  Hungary to hold referendum on the euro
23.03.2006 - 08:49 CET - By Lucia Kubosova

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Hungary is planning to hold a referendum on joining the Euro-zone, but is insisting it will adopt the EU common currency even if a majority of the country's citizens vote against it.

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