2013 – 022 UKIP is continually being accused by the commentators used by the BBC of being a ‘one trick pony’. It is quite clear they have never read the UKIP manifesto but merely repeating erroneous comments by equally previous lazy journalists.

UKIP is continually being accused by the commentators used by the BBC of being a ‘one trick pony’. It is quite clear they have never read the UKIP manifesto but merely repeating erroneous comments by equally previous lazy journalists.

For a more detailed draft go to www.theeuroprobe.org  policies

Below is a brief para on each the many policies of UKIP

Food, Farming and the Countryside: UKIP policy

Thursday, 28th March 2013

For too long, the EU and the UK’s major political parties have ridden roughshod over the concerns of farmers and rural people. UKIP will implement policies to ease key worries, breathe new life into the rural economy and enhance the countryside. UKIP will: More

Immigration and Asylum: UKIP Policy

Thursday, 28th March 2013

As a member of the EU, Britain has lost control of her borders. Some 2.5 million immigrants have arrived since 1997 and up to one million economic migrants live here illegally. Former New Labour staff maintain that this policy has been a deliberate attempt to water down the British identity… More

UKIP Proposed Tax Policy

Wednesday, 27th March 2013

Taxation is, of course, as old as civilization itself.  No one wants to pay it and the state either in the shape of the old monarchies or modern democracies have a voracious appetite for it.  More

UKIP response to the government’s consultation on same-sex marriage

Thursday, 15th November 2012

The UK Independence Party’s position on this issue may be stated simply: while UKIP fully supports the concept of civil partnerships, it opposes the move to legislate for same-sex marriage. More

Health: UKIP Policy

Monday, 5th November 2012

Summary ‘What to do about the NHS?’ is the most difficult domestic policy issue facing this generation. Failure to tackle it will mean that it continues to be an ever-growing problem for generations to come. UKIP’s Health Policy provides a new way forward. More

Police & Crime Commissioner Manifesto

Tuesday, 30th October 2012

The UKIP Police & Crime Commissioner manifesto is now available as a download. More

Keeping The Lights On

Wednesday, 19th September 2012

Roger Helmer MEP launched UKIP’s new energy policy at the Party’s National Conference in Birmingham. More

Small Business: UKIP Policy

Thursday, 2nd August 2012

Small businesses are the backbone of a dynamic, entrepreneurial economy and society.  They are the innovators, creators and activists, people who take an idea and run with it in the marketplace.  They are the ones who do not rely on the state for handouts, they are ‘get up and… More

UKIP London Manifesto 2012

Friday, 13th April 2012

The UKIP London 2012 Manifesto has been launched. More

What We Stand For

Monday, 28th November 2011

These are anxious and troubled times. As crisis has followed crisis our politicians are seen to be impotent in the face of the dangers rearing up all around us.   More

Fishing: UKIP Policy

Tuesday, 14th June 2011

UKIP deplores the decision to sign over control of British fishing grounds – which contain nearly 70% of Europe’s fish – to the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The CFP has driven the British fishing industry and many fish species to the edge of extinction while non-EU nations … More

UKIP Northern Ireland Manifesto

Thursday, 21st April 2011

You can download the 2011 UKIP Northern Ireland Manifesto here. More


UKIP Wales Manifesto

Sunday, 10th April 2011

You can download the 2011 UKIP Wales Manifesto here. More

UKIP Scotland manifesto

Sunday, 10th April 2011

The UKIP Scotland Manifesto 2011 is available for download here. More




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