2013 – 021 The German ‘UKIP’

Alternative for Germany to abolish Euro
An end to the euro: “Alternative for Germany”, a new party of liberal and conservative intellectuals want to take the federal election. The goal: to save what can still be saved.

Photo: Alternative for Germany “alternative for Germany” calls for the dissolution of the euro
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• Conservatism
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• Alternative for Germany
Critics of the euro rescue policy to prepare a report in the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” the establishment of a party with the name “alternative for Germany”.
The party calls in their own words, the “resolution of the euro in favor of national currencies or smaller currency unions”. It was also against other “billionaire bailouts” and against a European transfer union.
Thirdly, it calls the “alternative for Germany” the bureaucracy of the EU – which should be done by “reverse transfer of powers to the national level.”
For the parliamentary elections in September
The party is to be officially launched in April and the general election in September to take, but no later than the European elections in June 2014, the newspaper reported.
Founder accordingly the economist and director of the “Association for the Support of the Electoral Alternative 2013”, Bernd Lucke, the journalist and former “FAZ” editor Konrad Adam and publicist Alexander Gauland.
Adam and Gauland value are conservatives. Gauland was once under the right wing of the CDU counting Walter Wallmann Secretary in the Hesse State.
“The mood of the people is a very different”

Photo: pa / dpa / dpa-ZBZu belongs to the supporters by the former President of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), Hans-Olaf Henkel
For years Gauland criticized the loss of conservative profile of the CDU. Compared to the “world” he explained in October his motivation: “I do not see in the CDU, the possibility to further the theme, which is at issue, namely the money and not the rescue euro bailout.”
So he had asked the question of where in Germany give more powers who sought to change a policy that he and “at least a very large minority, if not a majority” thought wrong.
“The mood of the people is quite another,” says Gauland. “And none of the big, established parties captures this mood.” Even within his own party, the CDU, critical voices have “no chance to move in any way something”. In the debate over the debt crisis, he put in all the established parties set a fear, “anti-European or even appear to German nationalist”. “We are unable to formulate national interests,” says Gauland.
“Germany is in the worst crisis of history”
“The Federal Republic of Germany is in the worst crisis in its history,” says the founding manifesto. The “alternative for Germany” wants to save what can still be saved: “. The euro area has proved to be unsuitable Southern European countries into poverty under the competitive pressure of the whole euro countries are on the verge of insolvency.”
On Saturday, founded the “alternative for Germany,” a new Facebook page. Among the supporters of the report, including a disproportionate number of liberal and conservative professors who hold chairs of economics or did.
Also the former president of the Federation of German Industries (BDI), Hans-Olaf Henkel find on the list of supporters. The new party is intended by its own account against the euro bailout, but fully committed to the peaceful unification of Europe.
The main signatories of the “alternative for Germany”:

Dr. Konrad Adam, Journalist und Publizist.
Prof. Dr. Charles Blankart, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Berlin.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Blum, Präsident des Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle a. D.
Prof. Dr. Ursula Braun-Moser, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments (CDU) 1984-1994.
Peter Christ, vormals Leiter der Wirtschaftsredaktion “Die Zeit” und Chefredakteur von “Stuttgarter Zeitung”, “Manager Magazin”, “Sächsische Zeitung” u. a., Luzern.
Dr. Ebenhöh, Orthopädie, Chefarzt MediClin Reha-Zentrum, Bad Orb.
Günter Ederer, Filmemacher und Wirtschaftsjournalist, Weiler bei Bingen am Rhein.
Dieter Farwick, Brigadegeneral a. D. und Publizist, Sigmaringen-Laiz.
Dr. Alexander Gauland, Staatssekretär a. D.
Prof. Dr. Andrea Gubitz, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Frankfurt.
Christian Hanika, Mitglied im Bundesfachbereichsvorstand Ver.di Ver- und Entsorgung, Bad Abbach.
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hankel, Präsident der Hessischen Landesbank a. D., Königswinter.
Prof. Dr. Ing. E.h. Hans-Olaf Henkel, Präsident der IBM Europa, des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Industrie (BDI) und der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft a. D.
Dr. Wolfgang Hönig, Generalbevollmächtigter a. D. der Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Hannover.
Dr. Klaus-Peter Last, freiberuflicher Softwarespezialist, 1991-1998 Landesschatzmeister von Bündnis90/Die Grünen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Prof. Dr. Bernd Lucke, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Hamburg.
Prof. Dr. Helga Luckenbach, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Gießen.
Prof. Dr. Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider, Öffentliches Recht, Hamburg.
Dr. Dieter Spethmann, Vorstandsvorsitzender Thyssen AG a. D.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Starbatty, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Tübingen.
Beatrix von Storch, Zivile Koalition, Berlin.
Uwe Woltemath, Journalist, ehemaliger Landes- und Fraktionsvorsitzender der FDP Bremen


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