2014 – 067 The Met Police and Common Purpose

Police forces hand £470,000 to group dubbed the ‘left-wing Freemasons’ for training courses
•Common Purpose offers training courses to police for £5,000 per week
•Organisation described as ‘left-wing Freemasons’ by Tory MP
•Trustee is co-founder of group behind Hacked Off Press campaign
•Met police, who are leading phone hacking probe, spent £60,00 on training

By Vanessa Allen for the Daily Mail

see http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2015-074-common-purpose/

Published: 00:02, 7 July 2014 | Updated: 14:35, 7 July 2014 Please forward this blog on to all your email contacts.

Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick, the Met’s most senior female police officer, attended one of the training courses while at Thames Valley Police, which spent £28,000 on them over six years. She is now lined up to be head of the Met Police.

Police forces have spent almost £470,000 on training courses run by a group dubbed a ‘left-wing Freemasons’.

Its trustees include a co-founder of the group behind the Hacked Off campaign for Press reform.
The Metropolitan Police – which is leading investigations into alleged corruption and phone hacking at newspapers – has spent £60,000 on the leadership courses.

Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders, Chief Inspector of the CPS Michael Fuller and the Met’s top female officer, Cressida Dick, have all attended the £5,000 per week sessions.

Tory MP Philip Davies said: ‘Common Purpose is like a left-wing version of the Freemasons.

‘It’s a networking organisation for the great and good to advance their politically correct view.’ (Frankfurt School Marxism)

In the last six years, 22 forces have spent £467,547 on courses, Freedom of Information requests by the Sun on Sunday revealed.

The Met has spent £60,000 since 1999. Assistant Commissioner Dick attended while at Thames Valley Police, which spent nearly £28,000. The biggest spender was Police Scotland, at £94,595.

The TaxPayers’ Alliance said: ‘Police must be much clearer about what courses deliver.’

The Met police (HQ pictured), who are leading the investigations into phone hacking, spent £60,000 on courses run by an organisation with links to the Hacked Off campaign

The charity’s website says it offers ‘inspiration, skills and connections’. Its 35,000 graduates can stay in touch on a password-protected website, and attendees at alumni events are not allowed to reveal other guests’ identity.

In 2006, founder Julia Middleton and ex-chairman Sir David Bell founded the Media Standards Trust, which led to Hacked Off. The aim of HO is to bring all media under direct state control.

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