AnthonyScholefield CIB
1. Business supports staying in the EU. WRONG.
Many businessmen make speeches about the advantages of staying in the Single
Market. It is perfectly possible to stay in the Single Market and leave the EU, as
detailed in the FLEXCIT plan. Businessmen do not make speeches about
supporting any other part of the EU membership.
2. The referendum is about business. WRONG.
By staying in the Single Market there will be no change to jobs, investment or
3. The referendum is about the UK’s trading arrangements. WRONG.
Staying in the Single Market means there will be no change to jobs, investment or
trade. Deciding future trading arrangements will be done at a future date by the
democratic discussion in an independent UK.
4. The alternatives are presented as staying in the EU as it is or departing to an
unknown future. WRONG.
There is no option of staying in the EU as it is. The correct alternatives were put
by Jacques Delors, in 2012::
“If the British cannot support the trend to more integration in Europe, we can remain friends
but on a different basis. I could imagine a form such as an European Economic Area or a Free
Trade Agreement.”
5. The referendum is about whether or not Cameron’s reforms are satisfactory.
The referendum is about ‘in’ or ‘out’ of the European Union, not choosing
between an ‘unreformed’ and ‘reformed’ European Union.
6. A ‘remain in’ vote proved to be a blank cheque in 1975. The British government
took a ‘yes’ vote as authority to push through numerous further treaties, further
integration and loss of independence. A new ‘yes’ vote is another blank cheque.
7. The referendum is about British influence and sitting at the ‘top table’. WRONG.
The UK is not, and does not want to be, a member of the inner core of the EU
either in the eurozone or the Schengen agreement on open borders. This lack of
involvement has not diminished British influence because the EU long ceased to
be the ‘top table’ and is nowadays more a transmission belt for regulation from
global bodies.

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