2015 – 103 Massive anti immigration protests in Germany censored in UK BBC and MSM.

Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 06:00:56 +0000 (UTC)
From: robert henderson <anywhere156@yahoo.co.uk>
Reply-To: robert henderson <anywhere156@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Conquest by other means  –  The mainstream media’s under reporting
of resistance to the mass invasion of Europe

Note: This type of under-reporting is routine in the British media. RH

The notable exception is Breitbart London News which is one of the very few sources of balanced news available to UK readers.

The controlled media has deliberately blacked out mass German opposition to the ‘refugee’ invasion of …
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see also theeuroprobe.org The Euro Probe 2015 – 101 EU plans for a Euarabian Superstate to allow unlimited Muslims into Europe and UK


The controlled media has deliberately blacked out mass German opposition to the ‘refugee’ invasion of Europe, with the latest such example being the huge rally held in Dresden on September 21.


The rally, attended by tens of thousands of ordinary Germans, men, women and children—accompanied by a smmattering of other European nationalities—filled the entire city cenntre, but news of this possibly biggest ever public opposition to Angela Merkel’s treasonous policies was covered in a highly negative fashion by some German media, and completely ignored by media outside of that country.
The MSM clearly fear the possibility of ‘contagion, with awareness of the scale of the protests in turn encouraging them to grow in other countries. Here are just a few of the pictures that the Lying Press here won’t let you see:


The German coalition government has been shaken to its core by the announcement by Bavarian Christian Socialist Union (CSU) party leader Horst Seehofer, who is also prime minister of that state, that he supports Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s move to close the Hungarian border.
The CSU is Angela Merkel’s most senior coalition partner, and Seehofer’s open split with her on the topic is the clearest indication yet of a potential crack in the German government over the issue.
In an interview with the Ingolstadt Donaukurier, the CSU chief openly criticized Merkel, saying that “I would not have taken the decision to let the refugees from Hungary to enter Germany and I still maintain that. That was a mistake that must not be repeated.â€


This video shows the scene at the very end of the protest. With the far-left and police shocked into good behaviour by the sheer size of the crowd, the demonstrators sang a huge chorus of their national anthem before dispersing peacefully. They’ll be back next week, with all concerned aware that it was popular protest in Dresden that played a key role in bringing down the last destructive tyranny that Angela Merkel was involved with – the old Communist dictatorship in East Germany.



Hungary to EU: migrant quotas will repeat Western Europe’s ‘failed’ attempts at multiculturalism


Budapest tells EU officials to stop “lectures” over question of taking in Syrian refugees

Migrants walk to the Austrian border in Nickelsdorf after arriv
Refugees walk to the Austrian border in Nickelsdorf after arriving by train in Hegyeshalom, Hungary  Photo: REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger

Colin Freeman
By Colin Freeman, Chief foreign correspondent
9:00PM BST 26 Sep 2015
Comments 81 Comments
Hungary has defended its opposition to Brussels’ plans for compulsory migrant quotas, saying it did not wish to repeat the West’s “failed experiments” in multiculturalism.
In a defiant rejection of diktats from Europe’s high command, the country’s right-wing government said it was not interested in “lectures” from the European Union about taking in Middle Eastern refugees.
The comments were a direct challenge to remarks last week by one of the EU’s most senior figures, who criticised Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, for opposing the quotas plan and for fencing off its borders to migrants trying to reach Europe.
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban addresses a news conferen Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban addresses a news conference in Vienna, Austria  Photo: REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader
Frans Timmermans, the Dutch vice-president of the European Commission, said that “diversity was the future of the world,” and that Eastern European nations would just have to “get used to that.”
European Commissioner Frans Timmermans, during a joint news con European Commissioner Frans Timmermans, during a joint news conference on the current migration and refugees crisis in Europe, in Brussels  Photo: Rex
In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph, Mr Orban’s spokesman, Zoltán Kovács, responded by saying that integration in much of Western Europe had been at best a limited success. Hungary, he said, felt neither the wish nor the obligation to follow suit.
“Contrary to Mr Timmerman’s vision, we can’t see into the future,” Mr Kovács said. “But we are aware of the past, and multi-culturalism in Western Europe has not been a success in our view. We want to avoid making the same mistakes ourselves.”
Refugees cross railroad tracks as they walk towards the Austria Refugees cross railroad tracks as they walk towards the Austrian border in Hegyeshalom, Hungary  Photo: REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader
The latest tough language from Budapest show the widening political gulf between Brussels and the European Union’s newer Eastern European members, whose normally integrationist stance has come under unprecedented strain over the migrant issue.
On Wednesday, a plan drawn up Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, for EU states to redistribute 120,000 asylum seekers across the 28-member bloc was pushed through by a qualified majority vote, in the teeth of opposition from Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Both Hungary and Slovakia have threatened legal challenges to the ruling.
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker talks to the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker talks to the media after the emergency EU heads of state summit on the migrant crisis at the EU council building in Brussels  Photo: AP/Martin Meissner
While critics accuse Mr Orban of racism over his comments that “Christian Europe” is now under threat, Budapest insists that ex-Communist states have neither the money nor the cultural history to host large numbers of non-European migrants. The prescriptions from Brussels bureaucrats on what constitutes the make-up of an ideal society has also revived memories of Soviet rule from Moscow.
Refugees walk towards the Austrian border in Hegyeshalom, Hunga Migrants walk towards the Austrian border in Hegyeshalom, Hungary  Photo: REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader
“Mr Timmermans is right that we have not had the same experience as Western Europe, where countries like Holland, Britain and France have had mass immigration as a result of their colonial legacies,” added Mr Kovács. “But we would like to deal with our problems in a way that suits us.
“And we especially don’t like it when people who have never lived in Hungary try to give us lectures on how we should cope with our own problems. Calling us racists or xenophobes is the cheapest argument. It’s used just to dodge the issues.”
Migrants flash victory sign as they wait for buses in Nickelsdo Migrants flash victory sign as they wait for buses in Nickelsdorf, Austria  Photo: REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger
The wrath directed at Hungary was prompted by its decision to fence off its borders, and to then use tear gas and water cannon when migrants continued to enter the country.
But while Mr Orban has been cast as a bogeyman for his blunt and often inflammatory language, his solution for dealing with the migrant crisis is little different from Britain’s, arguing that creating a quota system will only encourage more new arrivals.
Instead, both countries say the priorities should be improving conditions in refugee camps in Syria’s neighbouring states, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon, and greater funding of the Frontex border control agency in so-called “frontline” states like Greece, from where thousands of migrants are now arriving every week across the Aegean Sea from Turkey. Mr Kovács also queried why the Greece’s 100,000 strong army – historically large because its past war with Turkey – could not do more.
His comments came as Hungary’s ambassador to London, Péter Szabadhegy, also spoke out to claim common cause with Britain on the issue. In a briefing to British journalists last week, he said the British public had been jamming the switchboard of Hungary’s embassy to London in support of Budapest’s controversial stance. Of the 300 phone calls, emails and letters that were reaching the embassy’s Belgravia HQ every day, 70 per cent described Hungary’s actions as “God’s gift to Europe.” The rest were mostly insults such as “heartless scumâ€.
Reiterating Hungary’s opposition to quotas, Mr Szabadhegy said: “We don’t think it’s the right priority. If you have a burst pipe in your house, it is like worrying which rooms the water is going into instead of fixing the pipe.”
Meanwhile, the influx of migrants continued on Saturday, with thousands streaming into Croatia. Hungary also attempted to defuse tensions with its neighbours, who say its policy of unilaterally building fences has forced migrants onto their own terrorities.
Refugees wait to cross the border from Serbia into Croatia, nea Refugees wait to cross the border from Serbia into Croatia, near the village of Bapska  Photo: REUTERS/Antonio Bronic
Budapest said it had removed razor wire from a section of border with Slovenia, and also promised to consult with other states before it completes a fence along its border with Croatia. Amid pressure from Brussels to show a more united front in the crisis, Croatia and Serbia, which have likewise traded bitter insults over border closures, also lifted restrictions along their shared frontier.
Mr Orban, who has accused Germany of “moral imperialism” over its insistence that Hungary should take its share of migrants, does not appear to have paid a domestic political price for his stance. A poll conducted earlier this month showed that some 82 of Hungarians favoured tighter immigration controls, reflecting how for many Hungarians, being a “monocultural society” is seen as a source of pride rather than concern.
“Homogeneity is seen as a value, and this is difficult to understand in the West,†said Konstanty Gebert, an expert with the European Council on Foreign Relations think-tank.
Mr Orban has been accused of playing to the demands of Hungary’s Far Right Jobbik movement, one of the strongest and most radical Far Right movements in Europe, which is currently Hungary’s second most popular party.
A refugee talks on smartphone as he waits to cross the border f A refugee talks on smartphone as he waits to cross the border from Serbia into Croatia, near the village of Strosinci  Photo: REUTERS/Antonio Bronic
Mr Kovács claimed that Mr Orban’s Fidesz party had enough of a parliamentary majority not to have to cede to pressure from Jobbik. But he warned of a growing disconnect between ordinary European voters and most of Europe’s political masters on the migrant issue.
“If you take a look at the most polls across Europe, it is very visible that most Europeans see migration as the most important issue, and their view is now at odd with those of the leaders of Europe,” he said.
He spoke as the German chancellor, Angela Merkel urged Germans to bring back the spirit of the country’s reunification in 1990 to face the challenge of accommodating an anticipated 800,000 migrants this year.
“German unity was naturally very special,” Ms Merkel said, speaking ahead of the 25th anniversary of reunification on October 3. “That general feeling – when we are faced with a major task that we can achieve – that, I believe, we can absolutely remember how to do.”
The legal challenge that Hungary and Slovakia are now contemplating to the quota edict will end up before the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg, which adjudicates on decisions made by EU bodies.
Professor Michelle Everson, an expert in European law at London University’s Birkbeck College, doubted it would succeed, as the court would probably rule the quota edict be a legitimate response to a “state of emergency”.
“Given that Angela Merkel has already said that the migrant crisis is a greater crisis than the sovereign debt crisis, I really wouldn’t give much for the chances of Hungary in challenging the decision,” she said.

 Pope’s World and the Real World
By Patrick J. Buchanan

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Tuesday – September 29, 2015

Pope Francis’s four-day visit to the United States was by any measure a personal and political triumph.

The crowds were immense, and coverage of the Holy Father on television and in the print press swamped the state visit of Xi Jinping, the leader of the world’s second-greatest power.

But how enduring, and how relevant, was the pope’s celebration of diversity, multiculturalism, inclusiveness, open borders, and a world of forgiveness, peace, harmony and love is another question.

The day the pope departed Philadelphia, 48 percent of Catalonia, in a record turnout of 78 percent, voted to deliver a parliamentary majority to two parties that advocate seceding from Spain.

Like the Scots in Britain, the Walloons in Belgium and the Italians of Veneto, they want to live apart, not together.

While the pope called on America and Europe to welcome the migrant millions of the Third World, Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, whose diocese stretches across the southern reaches of Catholic Hungary, says of those pouring into Europe: “They’re not refugees. This is an invasion. They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They want to take over.”

The bishop hailed Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who denounced any open door: “Everything which is now taking place before our eyes threatens to have explosive consequences for the whole of Europe. We must acknowledge that the European Union’s misguided immigration policy is responsible for this situation.

“We shouldn’t forget that the people who are coming here grew up in a different religion and represent a completely different culture. Most are not Christian, but Muslim. … That is an important question, because Europe and European culture have Christian roots.”

The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland joined Hungary in voting to reject EU quotas for migrants. Under pressure from her allies in Bavaria, even Angela Merkel is re-imposing border controls.

A backlash against refugees, migrants and asylum seekers from Africa and the Islamic world is sweeping Europe. Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front, the strongest anti-EU party in Europe, has called on Paris to ship all migrants back across the Mediterranean.

This was the solution Dwight Eisenhower settled on in “Operation Wetback,” when he ordered Gen. Joseph Swing to send the million aliens in Texas illegally back to Mexico in 1954. Swing did as ordered.

Indeed, the call to repatriate the 12 million aliens here illegally has been a propellant behind the candidacy of GOP front-runner Donald Trump.

Behind this rising resistance to illegal and mass migration is human nature — the innate desire of peoples of oone tribe or nation, who share a common language, history, faith, culture, traditions and identity, to live together — and to live apart from aall the rest.

Such currents are stronger than any written constitutions.

That Global Citizen Festival concert in Central Park Saturday, featuring Beyonce, may have spoken to the globalist beliefs of Barack Obama, whose wife was there, and of the pope, who was flying to Philly.

But in the real world, nationalism, not globalism, is ascendant.

Though Gen. David Petraeus claims Vladimir Putin seeks to re-establish the Russian Empire, this misses the point. If Putin sought that, he would by now, 15 years in power, have annexed Belarus and Ukraine, but he has not even annexed the pro-Russian Donbass.

Putin is a nationalist who sees his country as one of the world’s great powers and sees himself as protector of Russian peoples everywhere. He believes Moscow should have its own Monroe Doctrine, and that rival powers should not be planting military bases on Russia’s doorstep.

Is that so hard for Americans to understand? How did we like having Soviet troops and bases in Castro’s Cuba?

China, too, which abandoned the world Communist revolution, is now a nationalistic power that seeks the same dominance of the waters around it — the Yellow Sea and Taiwan Strait, the East and the Soouth China seas — that the United States has had for over a century in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, the Atlantic, and the Pacific from California to the China coast.

The stronger China grows, the more she will push us away, as we pushed the European powers and the Royal Navy out of our hemisphere.

While China is involved in territorial quarrels with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines, none of her claims represents a threat to U.S. vital interests. Nor does Russia’s actions in reclaiming Crimea or in aiding pro-Russian rebels achieve autonomy in East Ukraine.

What is threatened today is the New World Order of Bush I, the “unipolar world” preached by the neocons and Bush II, and the “rules-based” world of Barack Obama.

Russia and China, and other rising powers, are going to play by their rules, the rules of the 19th and early 20th century, the rules by which we Americans became the first power on earth.

America’s “red lines” should be set down clearly in front of our vital interests. Then, we should inform our friends and allies that their defense is, first and foremost, their own responsibility.

Read More At: http://buchanan.org/blog/popes-world-and-the-real-world-124122

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Beware the rise of radical Right as migrants arrive in Europe, says German spy chief


There is a mobilisation on the street of Right-wing extremists in connection with the refugee crisis, says Hans-Georg Maassen

Demonstrators holding flags during a protest organized by the r
Demonstrators holding flags during a protest organized by the right wing Jobbik political party against the influx of refugees into their country Photo: Rex

11:48PM BST 27 Sep 2015
Germany’s domestic intelligence chief warned ON Sunday of a radicalisation of Right-wing groups amid a record influx of migrants, as xenophobic rallies and clashes shook several towns at the weekend.
President Joachim Gauck meanwhile warned of Germany’s “finite capacity” to absorb refugees, cautioning against more “tensions between newcomers and established residents”.
Domestic spy chief Hans-Georg Maassen said that “what we’re seeing in connection with the refugee crisis is a mobilisation on the street of Right-wing extremists, but also of some Left-wing extremists” who oppose them.
He added, speaking on Deutschlandfunk public radio, that for the past few years his service had witnessed a “radicalisation” and “a greater willingness to use violence” by all extremist groups, including the far right, the anti-fascist far-left and Islamists.
Mr Maassen spoke as Germany expects up to one million migrants this year, and after protests against refugee homes and clashes with police again rocked several towns, mostly in the former communist East Germany.Police and soldiers guarded two buses carrying about 100 migrants on Saturday night to a shelter in the town of Niederau, in the eastern Saxony state, after Right-wing protesters had rallied at the site, a former supermarket, since Friday.
More than 1,000 people also demonstrated against refugees in several towns in the eastern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Friday, including in coastal Stralsund where three people were wounded in clashes with counter-protesters.
In the eastern city of Leipzig, the right-wing rally “Offensive for Germany”, organised by local anti-Islam activists with about 400 marchers, sparked a larger counter-protest that police said drew more than 1,000 activists.
In the ensuing street clashes, the rival groups hurled rocks and fireworks at each other.
In the western city of Bremen unidentified people attempted to set fire to a tent that was to house refugees from October.
This year alone has seen 22 arson attacks against would-be or existing refugee shelters, said Mr Maassen, whose service is called the federal office for the protection of the constitution.
Mr Gauck, in an evening speech, urged “a broad social debate” on managing the influx, to ensure a “humane reception policy into the future”.
“Our hearts are wide open, but our capabilities are finite,” Mr Gauck said, according to the pre-released text of a speech he was to give in the western city of Mainz.
“Given the rapid influx,” he said, the government must now “promote the construction of apartments and build schools, hire teachers and kindergarten staff, adjust the labour market and vocational training, teach the German language and German law – and do all of that at the same time”.
Mr Gauck called Germany’s massive volunteer efforts to welcome the migrants a “grassroots movement of humanity”, but also warned of more impending “tensions between newcomers and established residents”.
Such conflicts could be best avoided, he said, when “neither side feels it is getting a bad deal”.



Christian and Muslim refugees should be housed separately, says German police chief


As attacks on Christians in asylum seeker centres increase and religious groups clash, Jörg Radek says refugees should be separately accommodated based on their faith

A police officer survey as refugees stand outside a migrants sh
A police officer survey as refugees stand outside a migrants shelter in Calden, near Kassel where clashes erupted between hundreds of occupants. At least nine people were wounded during the fighting a police spokesman said. Photo: UWE ZUCCHI/AFP/Getty

By Melanie Hall, Berlin
5:35PM BST 28 Sep 2015
Christian and Muslim refugees should be housed separately in Germany to minimise tensions following growing levels of violence at asylum seeker shelters, a police chief has urged.
Jörg Radek, deputy head of Germany’s police union, said migrants should be divided, following increasing numbers of attacks on Christians in refugee centres.
“I think housing separated according to religion makes perfect sense,†Jörg Radek, deputy head of Germany’s police union, told German newspaper Die Welt, particularly for Muslims and Christians.
Two separate clashes erupted between refugees on Sunday at a temporary migrant shelter in Kassel-Calden in northern Germany left 14 people injured, police said.

The first outbreak of violence in the afternoon was triggered by a dispute in the canteen at lunchtime between two groups of around 60 refugees, followed by a second clash in the evening involving a group of 70 migrants against another of 300.
A few days earlier on Thursday evening, a fight broke out among up to 200 Syrian and Afghan refugees at a shelter in Leipzig, with migrants wielding table legs and slats.
German police have come under huge pressure during the refugee crisis as they are required to register new arrivals, settle conflicts in migrant homes and protect asylum seekers from Right-wing extremist protesters.
“The police have reached their absolute breaking point,†said Mr Radek. “Our officials are increasingly being called to confrontations in refugee homes. When there are 4,000 people in a home which only actually has places for 750, this confinement then leads to aggression where even a tiny thing like the corridor to the toilet can lead to violence.â€
Mr Radek’s comments follow calls from German MPs from across the political spectrum for better protection for Christians, Yazidis and other religious minorities in asylum accommodation.
Thuringia is currently the only German state to try to accommodate refugees separately according to their country of origin, following a decision from the state’s premier Bodo Ramelow from the Left party after an outbreak of violence at accommodation in the town of Suhl in August.
Germany officially expects to receive 800,000 asylum applications by the end of this year, although a senior figure has put this figure higher at one million.
German chancellor Angela Merkel’s bold open-door policy for refugees has hit her usually high popularity ratings as well as brought a backlash in her conservative ranks.
The initial party-like atmosphere at train stations in Germany in recent weeks where volunteers and members of the public greeted refugees with applause and sweets has since turned more sober, with Mrs Merkel, usually voted Germany’s most popular politician, slipping to fourth place according to news magazine Der Spiegel.



Smuggling kingpin apparently killed with bodyguards in Libya – but who was he and who did it?


Salah al-Maskhout and eight armed bodyguards travelling with him were reportedly killed and among those suspected include Italian special forces who deny any involvement

Tripoli Medical Centre
The shoot-out had happened near the Tripoli Medical Centre, the city’s main hospital, on Friday morning as Mr Maskhout, alleged mastermind of the biggest operation smuggling migrants across the Mediterranean sea, was leaving a relative’s house. Photo: REUTERS/Ismail Zetouny

By Andrea Vogt, Bologna
6:32PM BST 27 Sep 2015
The claims, as often in Libya, were dramatic: Salah al-Maskhout, the country’s biggest people smuggler, had been shot dead along with eight of his bodyguards in the capital, Tripoli.
Prime suspects were a special forces unit of the Italian army, accused by officials of the Tripoli-based government – one of two rival authorities in war-torn Libya – of responsibility, on the bassis of the ammunition employed.
The shoot-out had happened near the Tripoli Medical Centre, the city’s main hospital, on Friday morning as Mr Maskhout, alleged mastermind of the biggest operation smuggling migrants across the Mediterranean sea, was leaving a relative’s house.
A four-strong hit squad armed with handguns reportedly used their 4×4 vehicle to block the man’s car as he was leaving, killing him and others.
Over the weekend, though, the apparently straightforward story was questioned from all sides.
Italy said it was not behind the killing, saying it “categorically denies any involvement of Italian special forces in Libya that have appeared in news outlets related to the Salah Al-Maskhout event”.
Paolo Gentiloni, Italy’s foreign minister, warned of “false scoops, poison and diversions” in the decisive days of negotiations when Italy is pushing for a Libyan government of national accord.
Then the identity of the victim was also challenged. Relatives of the man identified by the Italian foreign ministry as the man its operatives did not kill – Salah Al-Maskhout – issued a sa statement saying he was alive and well in Zuwara.
The town, to the west of Tripoli, is well-known as the biggest hub in Libya of the people-smuggling trade.
Residents of the Tripoli suburb of Furnaj asked whether the man killed might not have been Muhammed Salahuddin al-Maskhout, a former marine official until 2009 in the government of ex-Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, who controlled fishing territories between Zuwara, Sicily and Tunisia.
This family is believed to have influence in the area around the Mellitah oil and gas complex, the starting point of the Greenstream pipeline, largely operated by the Italian firm Eni.
Four Italians employed by the Bonatti oil construction company operating there were taken hostage in July, and negotiations for their release continue. Speculation as to who was behind the attack – and who was itss victim – continued on Sunday. Medical workers at the hospital, whiich treated the victims, claimed they had found special projectiles only used by Western special forces units.
Italian news agencies also suggested the attack may have been a mafia hit – an attempt by orgganised crime gangs to consolidate their control over the lucrative Mediterranean smuggling routes.
Mapped: Migrant deaths attempting to reach Europe by sea since 2000
Western powers have threatened to take direct action against the people smuggling operation on Libyan soil.
On Thursday, Federica Mogherini, the European Union foreign policy chief, warned that the second phase of operations against people smugglers at sea was poised to begin soon.
EU navies have been gathering intelligence via wiretaps, reconnaissance crafts and drones for months. This next phase includes four warships and several planes ready to carry out military action against smugglers operating in international waters.
The EU does not have a mandate for land operations in Libya without prior UN approval. EU navies currently rescue thousands of migrants weekly from the Libyan coast near Zuwara, from where the rickety boats take off.
The UN’s refugee agency estimates 129,000 people have arrived in Europe via Libya so far in 2015.



Iranian man who threatened to behead passers-by not deported because officials couldn’t get him passport


A man who threatened to behead members of the public was set free by authorities because they could not get him a passport

Muslim fanatic Noureden Mallaky-Soodmand, 41, who has been jail
Muslim fanatic Noureden Mallaky-Soodmand, 41, who has been jailed for four years at Teesside Crown Court Photo: North News
By Gregory Walton
7:49PM BST 24 Sep 2015
An Iranian man who threatened to behead members of the public was set free by authorities because they could not complete the paper work required to deport him.
Officials lost track of Noureden Mallaky-Soodmand, 41, who should have been sent back to Iran following arrests for carrying knives on the streets of London.
But because Iranian embassy officials could not issue travel documents, he was never deported and was simply re-housed 250 miles away in Stockton-on-Tees, a court has heard.
On April 2 this year he ran amok with a curved knife – specifically designed for decapitating victims.
[] The blade that was brandished by Mallaky-Soodmand
He shouted: “I am Isis and my people will cut off your b—s, Christians.â€

One of his targets, Stephen Daumler, 22, has been suffering flashbacks and panic attacks since the incident, which left him in fear for his life.
Stephen and his girlfriend’s 15-year-old brother ran for their lives from Soodmand, who was captured by armed police before he managed to carry out his threats.
Stephen, who works for his family’s salvage business in Stockton, said: “I still wake up panicking and have dreams about being beheaded. I’ve had some really dark thoughts about what happened to Lee Rigby.
“I really thought I was going to die the same way as he did and I’m certain by the look in his eyes that he was prepared to kill that night.
“He was in the middle of the road but he came over and blocked my path and drew a huge curved knife and started yelling “I am a muslim, I am ISIS†he was within arm’s’ reach.
“He had the knife raised and was waiting for someone else to come along. Thankfully the police arrived within about 15 minutes and took him down. It is pure luck that myself or someone else wasn’t killed.
“The police told me later that the knife he was carrying was designed with the purpose of beheading people.â€
Teesside Crown Court heard how Stephen walked past him in the street and he shouted: “I’m a Muslim and I’m going to chop your f—ing head off.â€
Even after police arrived, the 41-year-old continued to rant, telling officers: “I’m a Muslim and I’ll chop you f—ing head, mother f—ers.
“I’m Isis and my people will cut off your balls, Christians . . . I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you all . . . I’m going to chop your head off, and f— you up.â€
Victim Stephen Daumler Victim Stephen Daumler  Photo: File
Noureden Mallaky-Soodmand, who has convictions for carrying bladed objects, was settled in a flat in Stockton just weeks before the incident.
Julian Gaskin, mitigating, said Mallaky-Soodmand had been in custody and was moved to a deportation detention centre, but because the Iranian embassy was closed, he could not be deported so was simply rehoused in Stockton.
Home Office officials seeking to deport foreign nationals must normally procure documents from the deportee’s country to allow them to travel.
Because of the lull in diplomatic relations between Britain and Iran, the Islamic Republic’s embassy in London was not fully functional when the attempt to obtain a passport for Mallaky-Soodmand was first made.
When he was detained on April 2, he told police he was ready to fight for Isis, but maintained the accounts of all the witnesses were not correct.
Mr Recorder Batiste described the case as “extremely worrying†and said the threats to behead were “clearly reminiscent†of Fusilier Rigby’s murder.
[] Drummer Lee Rigby in uniform and on his wedding day with Rebecca Metcalfe (MOD/rossparry.co.uk)
Mallaky-Soodmand admitted making threats to kill and two charges of possessing offensive weapons, a knife and a wooden pole, as his trial was due to begin.



Syrian refugees to be housed in Grade-II listed cottage


Syrian refugees will be housed in a Grade-II listed cottage at the heart of Lambeth Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury

Justin Welby
Syrian refugees will be housed in a Grade-II listed cottage at the heart of Lambeth Palace by the Archbishop of Canterbury Photo: PA
By Javier Espinoza
3:15PM BST 20 Sep 2015
Syrian refugees will be housed in a Grade-II listed cottage at the heart of Lambeth Palace, it has emerged.
The refugee family will live at the four-bedroom building after it emerged the Most Rev Justin Welby will welcome people fleeing the war-ravaged country at his official London residence.
However, it is understood the family will not move straight away as the building is currently being redecorated. The rent will be reportedly paid for by charitable funds under the Archbishop of Canterbury’s personal control.
Lambeth Palace is the official London residence of the Archbish Lambeth Palace is the official London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury  Photo: ALAMY
A spokeswoman said: “We don’t know when exactly it’s going to happen. We have got one cottage that could house a family, but the Archbishop wants to get it refurbished first.”
She said the cottage in the palace grounds is currently being redecorated and could provide room for a “family or two”.
She added: “As a Christian who leads the Church of England it is something he feels absolutely passionate about.
“As the Archbishop has said, Jesus was a refugee, and there are refugees here who are desperate for sanctuary from war-torn places and the Archbishop is completely torn about their situation and wants to make a difference.”
As a Christian who leads the Church of England it is something he feels absolutely passionate about.
The Archbishop of Canterbury had been reportedly thinking about housing Syrian refugees for a while. Earlier this month he is understood to have met the prime minister as concerns grew that Christians in Syria will be by and large excluded from the 20,000 refugees due to come to Britain over the next few years.
He raised the issue with David Cameron during the private meeting over worries that Christians in Syria will not be able to seek safe haven in the UK, a source told the Telegraph.
Syrian refugees arrive at Qaa village in northern Lebanon “As a Christian who leads the Church of England it is something he feels absolutely passionate about,” a spokeswoman said  Photo: REUTERS
The Government has expressed its commitment to house refugees from UN camps in Syria and neighbouring countries, in line with European Union Policy. This means it is not able to discriminate against any religious denomination.
However, Archbishop Welby has raised concerns that Christians have avoided refugee camps because of fears of persecution from Islamist groups.
Archbishop Welby isn’t the first religious leader offering to house Syrian refugees. Pope Francis has already said two refugee families would move into Vatican housing.

Swedes’ Homes May Be Confiscated to Accommodate Asylum Seekers
One month of Islam and Multiculturalism in Sweden: August 2015

by Ingrid Carlqvist
September 25, 2015 at 5:00 am
Translation of the original text:
Svenskarnas bostäder kan konfiskeras till förmån för asylsökande


  • In 1992, the “Threat and Risk Assessment Commission” established that the government should have the option to seize property, especially summer homes, from the Swedish people in a time of crisis.
  • Despite Sayadi’s commission of three rapes and his sexual molestation of young girls, as well as his systematic criminal activity, he received only a four-year prison sentence, and will not have to face deportation.
  • Husein wants a Swedish passport so he can go back to Somalia, the country he claims to have escaped from — to “visit his mom and establish business contacts.”
  • “The situation affects everyone who lives and stays in our little county. The climate has grown tougher, many people feel scared and unsafe and with that comes the risk of increased xenophobia, antagonism and exclusion.” — From a letter to the government from Örkelljunga County leaders. The county swiftly received criticism from the mainstream media, and the Immigration Service let it be known that they have no intention of helping Örkelljunga.

August 3: Ahmad El-Moghrabi, 21, who has no driver’s license, was indicted for driving like a madman through the city of Malmö in February, and nearly killing a mother and baby. On February 11, he drove a luxury Mercedes at high speed, with some other Arab men as passengers, one of whom is a well-known extremist, when the police tried to pull the car over. Instead of stopping, El-Moghrabi sped away at about 150 km/h on the busy inner city street of Amiralsgatan, where the speed limit is 40 km/h.
The police chase ended when El-Moghrabi hit some parked cars. Three people were injured, and the mother and baby sustained life-threatening injuries after being crushed between the cars.
El-Moghrabi fled the scene, but was apprehended later. He has been charged with gross negligence, grievous bodily harm, fleeing the scene of an accident, and driving without a license. His own explanation to the rampage was that he did not want to be caught by the police, as his license had been revoked.
August 3: It was reported that 2000 third-world immigrants are seeking asylum in Sweden — each week. The largest groups were Syrians, then Afghans, stateless people, Eritreans and Somalis. The Immigration Service now reports that there are close to 50,000 asylum seekers living in various housing and rental facilities, and more are on their way to a country that already suffers from a major housing shortage.
The question is: Where will they live? More and more people are now worrying that the government will confiscate the homes of Swedes and give them to asylum seekers. In 1992, the “Threat and Risk Assessment Commission” (Hot- och riskutredningen) established that the government should have the option to seize property, especially summer homes, from the Swedish people in a time of crisis. In early September, editorial columnist Anna Dahlberg of Expressen, one of Sweden’s largest dailies, urged Swedes to “make way” and “hand over the keys to their apartments to those in greater need.”
August 3: Another shooting took place in the violence-stricken city of Malmö. No one was hurt this time, but the police found empty shell casings on Rasmusgatan Street in the Seved area, one of Malmö’s “no go-zones,” where a majority of the inhabitants are of foreign descent. The area is known for its open drug trade, and over the last few years, a large number of shootings and grenade attacks have occurred there. (On June 12, a hand grenade was thrown, and four people were wounded.) In an attempt to bring down the crime rate, local authorities gave the police permission on August 12 to place four cameras in the area to film events around the clock.
August 5: The Stockholm police department caused an uproar with a shocking story about everyday life in immigrant-heavy suburbs such as Tensta-Rinkeby, Hjulsta, Kista and Husby. Youth gangs regularly attack police by using lasers to blind them, and throwing rocks and firebombs. Criminal gangs resolve conflicts by shooting at each other in public places, risking the lives of innocent people who may be in their way. Police officer Nikolina Bucht wrote in a column in the daily Svenska Dagbladet that it is time to “take back the area from the criminals and protect all the respectable people who have their neighborhoods destroyed, their cars set on fire and feel unsafe.” She wrote:

“Last week my colleagues got a call about a sudden cardiac arrest in Rinkeby. … When they arrive at the scene, they are met by about ten young people who are provoked by their mere presence, turn aggressive and mask their faces. The police are forced to focus on the rock throwing instead of going up to the apartment and starting CPR. He had to wait for several minutes extra before he got help, time that could have saved his life. This was not an isolated event.”

August 7: A Somali refugee, Mohamed Husein, complained he has not yet received a Swedish citizenship. Somalis must wait three years longer than others for citizenship, as they cannot prove their identity. Husein wants a Swedish passport so he can go back to the country he claims to have escaped from — to “visit his mom and establish business contacts.”
August 10: It was reported that a 15-year-old pregnant girl, who six weeks prior traveled with her boyfriend to Syria, had been captured by the Islamic State (ISIS). How the girl managed to travel without a passport or identification papers remains a mystery. Swedish media made no effort to sort out why she would object to living with ISIS. Her boyfriend is reported to have joined an al-Qaeda-affiliated group.
August 11: The law journal Dagens Juridik reported that a 19-year-old girl was taken into custody, in accordance with the LVU law (“Care of Young Persons Special Provisions Act”), after her family threatened to subject her to honor violence. Social service workers on the island of Gotland applied for “administered care” after the girl, in spite of threats, had escaped from the shelter where she was living and moved back with her family. The court stated that the investigation showed that the girl’s desire to return is rooted in her upbringing, which has taught her that the honor of the family is more important than her individual rights. She may also feel guilt, because she thinks she is dishonoring the family by not being with them. According to the court, the girl’s behavior should be considered socially disruptive under the definition of the LVU law, and therefore, she needs to be protected.
August 14: Two men, 21 and 26 years of age, were remanded, suspected of two of the many recent hand grenade attacks in Malmö. At the same time, another 26-year-old was remanded for attempted murder and possession of an illegal weapon, both of which occurred in Rasmusgatan, in Malmö’s “no-go” Seved neighborhood.
Early that morning, police also discovered two hand grenades in Adelgatan, in central Malmö. One had exploded, and the other one failed to work. A large area was barricaded and several buildings had to be evacuated. The police suspected the incident could be linked to a car bomb that had detonated in Malmö two days earlier. Malmö has experienced the most bomb attacks of all Scandinavian cities: this year alone, 20 bombings have taken place.
August 12: A 43-year-old Iranian citizen, Ramin Sayadi, was sentenced to four years in prison for three rapes and two counts of sexual molestation of young girls. Sayadi also sold the girls large quantities of prescription narcotics such as Tramadol, Ritalin and Subutex. The police investigation showed that he had close to 1,000 customers. When the girls became addicted to the drugs, he took advantage of them sexually. The police believe there are many more victims who have not come forward. Detective inspector Jan-Ã…ke Stendahl told daily Göteborgs-Posten that the man had over 200 contacts listed in his mobile phone, and a majority of the numbers belonged to young girls. Sayadi was caught in May of last year, walking around Gothenburg’s central station trawling for customers.
Despite his systematic criminal activity, he received only a four-year prison sentence, and will not have to face deportation.
August 14: A so-called unaccompanied refugee child was prosecuted on rape charges. The act took place on the night of January 10, in a youth home in Västerbotten in northern Sweden. The suspect is a native of Afghanistan and claims to be 17 years old. The police believe he raped the woman when she was in a drunken stupor, and therefore in what the law calls a “particularly vulnerable situation.”
August 17: The police issued an international arrest warrant for a Congolese citizen, Loran Guy Mogi, 23, wanted for the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Therese Eriksson, 23, of VÃ¥rgÃ¥rda. Eriksson had been found dead four days earlier in Mogi’s apartment, but he had fled the scene. She was killed by blows to the head and body. After a week on the run, Loran Guy Mogi was apprehended at a refugee facility in the German city of Hannover. He has since been remandedpending trial. According to the prosecutor, Robert Beckard, Mogi has pled not guilty to the murder charge, but admits that he beat Eriksson and may thus have caused her death.
August 18: The media website Avpixlat wrote that an Algerian man, who has not lived in Sweden for six years, is entitled to financial aid to cover doctor’s visits and the cost of his medicine. The man came to Sweden in the 1990s, but never worked or paid taxes there. Six years ago, he returned to Algeria, but in April of this year, he suddenly appeared in Sweden again to seek emergency health care. He underwent two surgeries at taxpayer expense, and considered himself entitled to financial aid for the cost of his medicine and several doctor’s visits. The municipality of Gothenburg had ruled against the request, but an administrative court now ruled that since the man has no income or assets, he is entitled to aid.
August 18: Five representatives of the Church of Sweden wrote, in an op-ed in the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter, that the church should also be open to Muslims. The article astonished and angered Christians. Stefan Gustavsson, secretary general of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance, pointed outthat Islam, Judaism and Christianity promote three radically different versions of what happened to Jesus:

  • Islam: Jesus did not die.
  • Judaism: Jesus died but was not resurrected.
  • Christianity: Jesus died and was resurrected.

These different versions cannot all be true, Gustavsson points out, and urges the Church of Sweden to awake from their Sleeping Beauty-slumber and start taking big questions seriously:

“The religion relativism that is now widespread throughout the Church of Sweden is not just an intellectual dead end, it is an insult to the Christians of Iraq and Syria who face forced conversion and who are willing to give their lives for their faith in Jesus Christ.”

But the Church of Sweden persists, and on August 30, it invited imam Mohammad Muslim Eneborg to take part in high mass. Before he converted, the imam was named Ã…ke Daniel Eneborg and he was a left-wing activist.
August 24: Former member of parliament Thoralf Alfsson (Sweden Democrats) wrote on his blog that the Immigration Service had hired no fewer than 1,200 people during the last year. Earlier, in August 2014, the Immigration Service had about 5,000 employees; in August 2015 that figure was 6,200. This means that the wage costs have increased by 50 million kronor (about $5.9 million) a month. In all, the Immigration Service’s staff now cost Swedish taxpayers 250 million kronor ($29.6 million USD) a month, or 3 billion kroner ($360 million) a year.
Aside from skyrocketing costs, Alfsson questions why so many people of foreign descent find employment with the Immigration Service. He writes: “I can’t but wonder what kind of screening process the Immigration Service have in regard to the people they hire. Could there be employees with residency status in Sweden who use a fake identity? Are there ISIS-sympathizers among the employees?” And there are.
Social commentator and author Merit Wager, who frequently publishes anonymous posts from Immigration Service employees, wrote in an August 21 blog post that authorities now no longer take rejected asylum seekers into custody, due to attacks from left-wing extremists. That is why the IKEA-murderer, who had received a deportation order, was not in custody, a failure that led to the death of two innocent people in the heart of the Swedish idyll. One Immigration Service employee said:

“Years ago, the Immigration Service was often heavily criticized by various left-wing groups who wanted to ‘protect’ the asylum seekers who had been found lacking in reasons for protection and targeted for deportation. Sometimes there were big demonstrations and now and again Immigration Service buildings were vandalized. Today these actions have ceased almost completely. The reason is very simple – the Immigration Service has hhired the activists. They are now officials at the authority! I’ve met several people who are quite open about their backgrounds in these activist groups. The reason the Immigration Service hires them is that they state on their CVs exactly what the government wants to hear – that they have aa ‘burning engagement in human rights issues.'”

August 24: A police van was attacked with a hand grenade in the Stockholm suburb of Tumba. Four policemen were in the vehicle at the time. If it had not been for the fact that the vehicle was armored, the incident could have ended in a bloodbath. The attack began when several people threw rocks at police officers, and a fire was set at the local police station. Moments later, the hand grenade was thrown and landed about five feet from the police van. No one was injured, but the vehicle sustained 105 holes from shrapnel. Despite intense police efforts, the perpetrators of this attempted murder have not yet been apprehended.
A police van is riddled with shrapnel (left) from a hand grenade attack in Stockholm on August 24. The four policemen in the vehicle at the time could have been killed if the van had not been armored. At right, the Malmö police bomb squad disarms a hand grenade found in Landskrona, on September 22.
August 25: Local politicians in small southern county of Örkelljunga (population 10,000) wrote a desperate letter to the government; its signatories begged for help in solving the problems brought by the wave of asylum seekers. The Immigration Service has opened housing in Örkelljunga for about 250 asylum seekers in apartments, a former motel, and a number of private family residences — including housing for unaccompanied refugee children. An additional 100 units may open up in the Ã…sljungagÃ¥rden Hotel.
The local politicians wrote in their letter that crime rates have risen and that the police have been called on a number of occasions. Rape, assault, battery and shoplifting are mentioned, as is the temporary closing of the Centrumhuset youth center. At the largest housing facility, an old motel, there are 90 adults and children. The mix of various ethnic groups is said to have led to riots, threats and hunger strikes. The letter states:

“The situation affects everyone who lives and stays in our little county. The climate has grown tougher; many people feel scared and unsafe and with that comes the risk of increased xenophobia, antagonism and exclusion.”

The county swiftly received criticism from the mainstream media, and August 27 the Immigration Service let it be known that they have no intention of helping Örkelljunga. Immigration Service Press Officer Fredrik Bengtsson, quoted in the daily Helsingborgs Dagblad, was especially angry about the county’s criticism concerning different groups being placed together:

“If one thinks along the lines of placing asylum seekers any other way, you’re on a slippery slope. Separate housing for Christians and Muslims is not something we have in society. We have freedom of religion, and that applies to housing as well. You have to stop for a moment and think about it, because that’s not how we do things in society.”

August 26: Swedes heard the news that politicians in the nation’s three largest cities want to offer courses in “self-care and sexual matters” to gypsy women beggars. Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö are applying for 8.7 million kronor (just over $1 million USD) from the European Social Fund, for the project, and hope to reach 250 women. Twice a week they will attend class and get food, free health checkups and free hygiene- and sanitary articles and condoms. They will also receive compensation for “loss of work income.” Local politicians from opposition parties in Stockholm criticized the project strongly.
August 28: “Afrikas Horn,” an immigrants’ organization, reports another “Swedish” ISIS-warrior killed in battle. The man was in his thirties and originally from Somalia, but lived in the immigrant-heavy area of Vivalla in Örebro. The man was apparently one of three who have repeatedly traveled to join ISIS, but were twice intercepted in Turkey and sent back to Sweden. The man is the fourth resident of Örebro who has died as an ISIS terrorist. The chairman of Afrikas Horn tells the local paper Nerikes Allehanda that “the family is in mourning.”
August 28: Ali Khoddami, once an asylum seeker to Sweden, was sentenced to prison for defrauding an elderly woman. Khoddami worked in home care services and tricked Inga Lill, a 90-year-old woman suffering from dementia, out of millions of kronor. By pretending to be the woman’s friend, Khoddami was able to take over her bank accounts and move into her house, along with his family. He used her savings of two million kronor (about $240,000 USD) for luxury items, as well as several cars. Khoddami also managed to persuade Lill to sign over her house — her childhood home built by her father — to him. The house is apparently worth five million kronor ($590,000 USD). It was only after Khoddami put Lill, who has no living relatives, in a nursing home that the fraud was uncovered. The District Court sentenced Khoddami to 2.5 years in prison and fined him 7 million kronor ($830,000) plus interest and damages.
August 28: There were reports that people-smugglers have, over a short period of time, dumped 100 asylum seekers in the Gothenburg area. Pernilla Wallin, unit manager of the application unit at the Immigration Service for the Western Region, told Swedish Public Television that she never thought the situation would escalate like this and that the circumstances are “exceptional.” The Immigration Service is now desperately looking for “external contractors who want to bid on temporary housing for asylum seekers.”

Ingrid Carlqvist, a noted journalist based in Sweden, is a Distinguished Fellow at Gatestone Institute.


Germany: Migrants In, Germans Out
The Death of Property Rights

by Soeren Kern
September 27, 2015 at 5:00 am


  • Hamburg city officials say that owners of vacant real estate have refused to make their property available to the city on a voluntary basis, and thus the city should be given the right to take it by force.
  • “The proposed confiscation of private land and buildings is a massive attack on the property rights of the citizens of Hamburg. It amounts to an expropriation by the state [and a] “law of intimidation.” — AAndré Trepoll, Christian Democratic Union.
  • “If a property is confiscated… a lawsuit to determine the legality of the confiscation can only be resolved after the fact. But the accommodation would succeed in any event.” — Tübingen Mayor Boris Palmer.
  • Officials in North Rhine-Westphalia seized a private resort in the town of Olpe to provide housing for up to 400 migrants
  • “I find it impossible to understand how the city can treat me like this. I have struggled through life with grief and sorrow and now I get an eviction notice. It is a like a kick in the stomach.” — Betttina Halbey, 51-year-old nurse, after being notified that she must vacate her apartment so that migrants can move in.
  • The landlord is being paid 552 euros ($617) for each migrant he takes in. By cramming as many migrants into his property as possible, he stands to receive payments of more than 2 million euros a year from government.
  • “Considering that migrants cannot afford to rent new properties… moves must be initiated in which higher income households purchase or build more expensive accommodations for themselves in order to free up the less expensive housing for migrants.” — The Berlin Institute for Urbann Development, the Housing Industry and Loan Associations
  • “I saw an unbelievable situation: the elderly volunteer lifted the table halfway, looked at the migrant and moved his head asking the migrant to lend a hand. The migrant paused for a moment and then just walked away.” — Firsthand account, refugee shelter.

German authorities are applying heavy-handed tactics to find housing for the hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees pouring into the country from Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
With existing shelters filled to capacity, federal, state and local authorities are now using legally and morally dubious measures — including the expropriaation of private property and the eviction of German citizens from their homes — to make room for the newcomers.
German taxpayers are also being obliged to make colossal economic sacrifices to accommodate the influx of migrants, many of whom have no prospect of ever finding a job in the country. Sustaining the 800,000 migrants and refugees who are expected to arrive in Germany in 2015 will cost taxpayers at least at least 11 billion euros ($12 billion) a year for years to come.
As the migration crisis intensifies, and Germans are waking up to the sheer scale of the economic, financial and social costs they will expected to bear in the years ahead, anger is brewing.
In Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany, municipal officials on September 23 introduced an audacious bill in the local parliament (Hamburgische Bürgerschaft) that would allow the city to seize vacant commercial real estate (office buildings and land) and use it to house migrants.
City officials argue the measure is necessary because more than 400 new migrants are arriving in Hamburg each day and all the existing refugee shelters are full. They say that owners of vacant real estate have refused to make their property available to the city on a voluntary basis, and thus the city should be given the right to take it by force.
The measure, which will be voted upon in the Hamburg parliament within the next two weeks, is being applauded by those on the left of the political spectrum. “We are doing everything we can to ensure that the refugees are not homeless during the coming winter,” Senator Till Steffen of the Green Party said. “For this reason, we need to use vacant commercial properties.”
Others argue that efforts by the state to seize private property are autocratic and reek of Communism. “The proposed confiscation of private land and buildings is a massive attack on the property rights of the citizens of Hamburg,” saidAndré Trepoll of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU). “It amounts to an expropriation by the state.” He said the proposed measure is a “law of intimidation” that amounts to a “political dam break with far-reaching implications.” He added: “The ends do not justify any and all means.”
The leader of the Free Democrats (FDP) in Hamburg, Katja Suding, said that the proposed law is an “unacceptable crossing of red lines… Such coercive measures will only fuel resentment against refugees.”
In Tübingen, a town in Baden-Württemberg, Mayor Boris Palmer (also of the Green Party), is making offers to rent or buy vacant properties to house migrants. But he is also threatening to confiscate the property of landlords who dare to reject his offer. In an interview with the newspaper Die Welt, Palmer said:

“In the written offers, I advise that the Police Law (Polizeigesetz) gives us the possibility, in cases of emergency, to confiscate homes for several months. The law provides for seizure in emergencies. I want to avoid this, but if there is no other way, I will make use of this law.”

When asked if he was afraid of lawsuits, Palmer said:

“No. The Police Law has clear rules. When the town is threatened with homelessness, empty homes may be confiscated. This emergency can happen when accommodations are overcrowded and we continue to receive 50 new migrants in Tübingen. If a property is confiscated, we would order immediate enforcement. That is to say, a lawsuit to determine the legality of the confiscation can only be resolved after the fact. But the accommodation would succeed in any event.”

In February 2015, officials in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) seized a private resort in the town of Olpe to provide housing for up to 400 migrants. The initial plan was for the town to purchase the resort from its Bavarian owners and rent it to NRW, but NRW officials decided to confiscate the property instead. According to NRW Interior Minister Ralf Jäger, properties may be seized whenever there is a “threat to public order and safety,” and the threat of mass homelessness among migrants fits the bill.
In Nieheim, another town in NRW, Mayor Rainer Vidal is using a legal maneuver called “right of repossession” (Eigenbedarf) to terminate the leases of German citizens living in state-owned apartment buildings so that migrants can move in.
On September 1, 51-year-old Bettina Halbey, who has been living in her apartment for more than 16 years, received a letter notifying her that she must vacate her apartment by May 2016 so that migrants can move in. Halbey was shell-shocked:

“I’m completely taken by surprise. I find it impossible to understand how the city can treat me like this. I cannot come to grips with this situation. I have struggled through life with grief and sorrow and now I get an eviction notice. It is a like a kick in the stomach.”

Halbey, a nurse, says that it will be difficult for her to find another place to live: “I have a dog and a cat. Many landlords will not even consider renting to me.”
Out with the old, in with the new… German authorities are using legally and morally dubious measures — including the eviction of Germaan citizens from their homes — in an attempt to find housing for hunndreds of thousands of migrants arriving this year.
In the same building, a single mother with two children has been given until August 2016 to move out of her apartment, also to make room for migrants. Initially, she had been ordered to vacate the property by November 2015, but her eviction was delayed to allow her daughter to finish the school year without interruption.
In an interview with the newspaper Westfalen-Blatt, Vidal, an independent who does not belong to any political party, said: “I know this is an unconventional measure. But as a community, we have an obligation to provide housing for migrants.” He said he wanted to turn the entire apartment building into housing for migrants. Vidal said it would not be financially viable to house them anywhere else.
In some cases, landlords are evicting long-time residents because the government is offering them more money to house migrants than they are receiving in rent from existing tenants.
In Braunsbedra, a small town in the state of Saxony-Anhalt, a landlord evicted dozens of residents from an apartment building to make way for migrants. According to local media, the landlord, Marcus Skowronek, is being paid 552 euros ($617) for each migrant he takes in. By cramming as many migrants into his property as possible, he stands to receive payments of more than 2 million euros a year from local and regional governments.
When reporters from public broadcaster Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk visited the property to interview Skowronek, he said:

“I am asking you to leave the premises. You are banned (Hausverbot) from entering the building. Please leave the property. I am sorry. Otherwise I will have to call the police. Please go.”

In Berlin, the Institute for Urban Development, the Housing Industry and Loan Associations (Berliner Institut für Städtebau, Wohnungswirtschaft und Bausparwesen, IFS) has warned that, given the influx of so many migrants, the demand for housing will outstrip supply for many years to come. Of the 285,000 building permits approved in 2014, only 56,000 were apartments in multi-unit buildings of the kind that are suitable for migrants.
The IFS is now calling for the initiation of a process in which Germans who are currently living in inexpensive housing, but who can afford more expensive accommodations, move out of their existing homes to make way for migrants. According to the IFS:

“Considering that migrants cannot afford to rent new properties, the vast majority can only afford cheaper housing, a chain reaction of moves (Umzugsketten) must be initiated in which higher income households purchase or build more expensive accommodations for themselves in order to free up the less expensive housing for migrants.”

The IFS does not explain why Germans who are living within their means should suddenly be expected to take on debt to purchase a more expensive home.
Germans are not only being evicted from their homes to make way for migrants, they are also being removed from their schools.
In Lübbecke, another town in NRW, teachers and students were given less than 24 hours to vacate the Jahn-Realschule, a secondary school for 150 students, so that the building can be used to house 300 migrants.
The school principal, Marion Bienen, said that municipal authorities notified her at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, September 15, that last day of classes at the school would be Wednesday, September 16. Students were ordered immediately to remove all of their belongings from the premises and to take a week off until alternative classrooms could be found. Bienen said:

“My students are also human beings. You cannot treat them this way. They were given 15 minutes to remove their belongings from the classroom. Then they had to get out. The evacuation was as during wartime…. There were no discussions. No one forewarned us.”

The Center for Economic Studies, a think tank based in Munich, has published a report warning that most of the migrants arriving in Germany lack the most basic qualifications to find work in the country. This implies that they will become long-term wards of the state and thus a drag on the German economy. The report advises lowering the minimum wage as a way to prevent a surge in the unemployment rate:

“To ensure that the refugee crisis does not lead to an ongoing financial overload for the German taxpayer, refugees must find paid employment as soon as possible, so that they can contribute to their own livelihoods. It is feared that many of them will not be able to find employment at the minimum wage of 8.50 euros because their productivity simply is too low. Therefore, the minimum wage should be lowered, so that the unemployment rate does not go up.”

Meanwhile, politicians are demanding that German citizens do more to ensure that the migrants feel at home. But a first-hand account of the goings-on in a refugee shelter articulates the frustration felt by many Germans that this is a one-way street:

“For about a week now, 500 migrants and refugees are being housed in the gym in our neighborhood. So I went over there because I wanted to see the conditions there with my own eyes. There were about ten vehicles belonging to the Red Cross and volunteers.
“Older men over 60 were unloading tables and benches from the trucks, cleaning them with a bucket of water and cloth, and then carrying them into the hall….
“What made me really angry was to see the incredible lethargy of the young men. All of them in their 20s and 30s, all sitting there, smoking and looking at their cell phones, while the 60-year-old volunteers where laboring away….
“While I was watching how the Red Cross volunteers were working and no one was helping them, I saw an unbelievable situation: an elderly gentleman was trying to carry a table into the hall when a refugee returned from the city center with a shopping bag. The elderly volunteer lifted the table halfway, looked at the migrant and moved his head asking the migrant to lend a hand. The migrant paused for a moment and then just walked away. I could hardly believe what I saw.”

Soeren Kern is a Senior Fellow at the New York-based Gatestone Institute. He is also Senior Fellow for European Politics at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. Follow him on Facebook and on Twitter. His first book, Global Fire, will be out in early 2016.

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video Migrants trampled on the food and demanded money – English subtitle
Migrants trampled on the food and demanded money – English subtitle








Cost of migration crisis means nothing to us, says top EU official


Dimitris Avramopoulos, EU official in charge of migration, says political backlash over migration ‘means nothing’ as he is not elected

EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris Avramop
EU Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs Dimitris Avramopoulos during a joint news conference on the current migration and refugees crisis in Europe, in Brussels Photo: Rex
Matthew Holehouse
By Matthew Holehouse, Brussels
5:56PM BST 28 Sep 2015
The EU’s leaders “do not care about the political cost” of their handling of the migration crisis because they do not have to face election, one of its top officials has admitted.
Dimitris Avramopoulos, the commissioner for migration whose controversial plan to relocate 120,000 refugees badly split the EU last week, said national leaders should “stop thinking about†the backlash they face over migration.
The relocation policy is deeply unpopular in eastern Europe, but without the threat of re-election this “means nothingâ€, Mr Avramopoulos said. The remarks were met with anger by British eurosceptics.
Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and the Czech Republic were outvoted on the scheme last week, after arguing it simply will not work because migrants will refuse to be moved from Greece and Italy to poor countries, and quickly flee to Germany if they are.
Hungary has claimed the plan is an “invitation” to Muslim economic migrants who threaten the country’s “Christian identity”.
The Polish government’s decision to split with the Visegrad group of central European neighbours and back the German-driven plan was met with fury at home, just a month before a general election..
But Mr Avramopoulos, the architect of the policy and a former Greek defence minister, told national governments to shrug it off.
“The Commission does not take the blame because it does not care about the political cost,†he said. “The Commission is here for five years to do its job and we did it with vision, responsibility and commitment. Because what is driving us is not to be re-elected. That is why for us the political cost means nothing.â€Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos arriving at the European Justice Home Affairs Ministers council on the migration crisis in Brussels  Photo: Rex
European leaders, he said, should be follow suit. “This is the message I would send all around Europe: stop thinking about the so-called political cost,†he told Politico, a Brussels-based news website.
European Commissioners are nominated by each of the EU’s 28 member states, and then assigned a portfolio by the president of the commission – currently Jean-Claude Juncker.
Whether Mr Juncker’s appointment as president represented a genuine “election†by the people of Europe – he was backed by the biggest party bloc in the European parliamment – is a matter of dispute.
Ashley Fox MEP, the leader of the Conservative Party in Europe, said: “This shows what’s wrong in the EU: powerful people who feel no need to account for their actions. Sometimes politicians do need to take unpopular or long-term decisions, but they also have to stand and justify those decisions every few years.â€
Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, added: “This unspeakable arrogance is the result of a corrupt political system where unelected EU bureaucrats have power without responsibility or accountability to a national electorate.â€
“Eurocrats aren’t even bothering to go through the democratic motions any more,” said Dan Hannan, a Tory MEP.
It came as a Right-wing populist party in Austria made huge gains in regional elections on the back of the migrant crisis.
The Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) won 30.4 per cent of the vote in the state of Upper Austria, the country’s industrial heartland, a striking improvement on its performance in the state’s last election in 2009 when it took half as many votes with 15.3 per cent.
Manfred Haimbuchner (R) of the FPOE and leader of the Austrian Manfred Haimbuchner (R) of the FPOE and leader of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPOE) Heinz-Christian Strache smile after the first results of the Upper Austria regional election in Linz  Photo: EPA/HELMUT FOHRINGER
The party is closing in on the more centrist conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), which lost 10.4 per cent of its vote from the last election but managed to retain its lead to win 36.4 per cent.
Despite the welcome many refugees and migrants received from Vienna initially, fears over the influx of refugees in Austria appear to have played a significant role in the election. The country in recent months has become a major transit country for tens of thousands of migrants entering from Hungary en route to Germany.
Frans Timmermans, Mr Avramopoulos’ colleague and the EU’s first vice president, warned last week that the far right parties could surge unless comprehensive action is taken to address the crisis.
Margaritis Schinas, the commission’s chief spokesman, said officials are “monitored throughout their work†by MEPs in the European Parliament.
“It is one of the most effective accountability systems we have, it works,†he said.
“I won’t go into an interpretation of what he said but knowing him as I do I have the feeling that what he had in mind is the usual sport of Brussels bashing. The commission has not anything to regret.â€
David Cameron’s struggle with Brussels
Treaty of Paris creates the European Coal and Steel Community. Britain stays out.
Britain, facing economic decline, enters the European Community.
Membership reaffirmed in a national referendum
The margin is 67.2 per cent. It comes after Harold Wilson promises a fundamental renegotiation of terms that, he insists, does not jeopardise national sovereignty.
Rebate on EU contributions
Margaret Thatcher during a press conference at the end of the European Economic Summit in 1984 (Photo: AP)
Margaret Thatcher wields the handbag, and secures a rebate on Britain’s EU budget contributions.
The Maastricht Treaty widens the European Union
The treaty lays the framework for the Euro and shared foreign, social and justice policies. Its passage tears the Tory Party apart.
The New Labour era begins
Tony Blair opts into the social chapter, bringing the working time directive into force in Britain. Gordon Brown torpedoes membership of the Euro, which launches on January 1 2002.
Eight Eastern European countries join the EU
Citizens of eight Eastern European countries including Poland and Hungary get movement rights to Britain immediately.
David Cameron wins the Tory leadership
David Cameron and his wife Samantha wave to the audience after delivering his speech to the Annual Party Conference in 2005 (Picture: Bruno Vincent/Getty)
He later tells his party to stop “banging on about Europeâ€.
The Lisbon Treaty
The treaty sees the creation of an EU president and Foreign Service, and removes Britain’s veto over 40 areas of policy.
December 2011
David Cameron vetoes treaty to strengthen control over Eurozone
He says it would jeopardise Britain’s access to the single market.
January 2013
The Bloomberg speech
David Cameron sets out a sweeping vision for reform to save Europe, highlighting the working time directive and Brussels’ bloated bureaucracy, followed by an in-out referendum in 2017.
1 January 2014
Greater freedoms for Bulgarians and Romanians
Picture: Warren Allott/The Telegraph
Bulgarians and Romanians given unrestricted right to travel and work in the EU after joining in 2007. Government responds with new laws to deport beggars and powers to end dole payments after six months.
May 2014
Ukip come first in the European elections
Photo: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images
Over the summer, Tory MPs Douglas Carswell and Mark Reckless defect to Ukip.
June 2014:
Jean-Claude Juncker becomes president of the European Commission
Most other member states backed Juncker’s appointment (Photo: EPA)
David Cameron is defeated in a bid to stop Jean-Claude Juncker becoming president of the European Commission by 26 to 2.
November 2014
Cameron sets out his plan to reform EU migration
It includes: denying migrants in-work benefits for four years and deporting unemployed EU migrants after six months.
December 2014
£1.7bn bill for EU membership
Cameron is furious after Britain is hit with a £1.7bn bill for EU membership, calculated due to the economy’s success compared to the Eurozone.
May 7 2015
David Cameron wins the General Election
His manifesto is based on reform and referendum. The renegotiation process is launched, and Cameron launches a whirlwind tour of Europe to visit all 27 counterparts.
June 2015
Threat to use British budget contributions in emergency Greece loans
In first unpleasant shock of the renegotiation, the European Commission threatens to use British budget contributions in emergency loans to Greece – tearing upp a promise won by David Cameron four years previously.
September 2015
Refugee crisis engulfs the continent
Cameron is warned he will get nothing from his renegotiation unless he does more to tackle the crisis.


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