Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 01:31:45 +0100
>From: Simon Bunce <>
>To: “professional. standards@hampshire. pnn. police. uk”
> <>
>CC: “” <>
>Subject: 20151001-Update from Mr S C Bunce-P
>Attn: Hampshire Constabulary Department for Professional Standards
>DCI Linda DAWSON et al
>It is with interest that I now learn that complaining about the
>abuse I have suffered from PC 939 Taylor (IPCC Appeal refers –
>complex multiple complaints linked) and the false allegations which
>resulted in my complaint against PC 25360 Plascott (DPS refers
>September 18, 2015, acknowledged by Mr S Franks) now appears to
>constitute a ‘Criminal Offence’.
>Since when is complaining about the conduct of Public Officials
>deemed a Criminal Offence, because I, for one, would really like to
>know? I do believe that this may be in the Public Interest so shall
>copy this far and wide.
>Furthermore, you may find the attached article of interest:
>Thank you. Kindest Regards
>S C Bunce MOD Whistle Blower sacked by MOD for reporting fraud
>within the MOD to the MOD Police -END-
2 responses to “2015 – 104 Police arrest MoD whistle blower for reporting fraud.”