2015 – 024 After 31 March 2017 UK will lose the right to leave EU unilaterally

After 31st March 2017 we lose right to use Article 50 to unilaterally leave the EU and the right to Repeal European Communities Act 1972. Qualitative voting kicks in then and we will need 14 countries to agree we can leave. If they do not agree then we cannot leave
UK will then be completely hog tied by the EU.

see 2013 – 013 How the Lisbon Treaty was voted through when none of the MPs had seen it.

I too have wrote a piece on this, as the rules of QMV have now been rewritten? Originally we were to ask 27 members and we needed 255 votes, as all members would have been ‘weighted’, this has now changed. We now need 20 countries to agree and their populations must add up to 65% of the population of the Union? http://t.co/1HhnvYsoyU all links included. We become FULLY INTEGRATED after 31st March 2017, which is why Cameron said LATE 2017 also on this date, we lose right to use Article 50 and the right to Repeal European Communities Act 1972?

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