2012- -031 Whatever Happened to the ‘Common Market’?

6. Whatever Happened to the ‘Common Market’?
Parliament voted to join the European Economic Community (then the EEC and now the European Union Project) with the 1972 European Communities Bill.  In the middle of para 2-(1) are three words of enormous consequence, the far-reaching significance of which was not fully understood at the time, ‘…without further enactment.’ These innocent looking words enabled all previous – and subsequent – EU legislation to automatically become British law without further enactment by our parliament.

The EEC was continually described as a free trade ‘Common Market’.
Whatever happened to it? Well, there was never any such thing as the Common Market.  Founder member Paul-Henri Spaak, (A Belgian Communist) advised Jean Monnet (acknowedged as ‘the father of the EU) that the only way to achieve the goal – a politically integrated Europe –  is to pretend (i.e. Lie to the public) that it was to be only a ‘Common Market’ – nothing more than a Trade Agreement.
Founder member Altiero Spinelli (an Italian communist) advocated that the aim should be to stealthily assemble the components of a supranational government and only to declare its true purpose at the end of the process by unveiling a ‘Constitution’. (i.e. deceive the public.)
Edward Heath, the Tory prime minister at the time, knew the plan was for the UK to disappear into a ‘Greater Europe’. There was to be a complete loss of our sovereignty, culture and democratic political control of the UK. England would cease to exist. see 2012-029

The EEC was nothing whatsoever to do with ‘free trade Common Market. It was  a Trojan  Horse to get  the UK  into the EU by stealth.

Politicians of the day who were aware of this were told under no circumstances to it discuss that in public. They were to continually insist that it was merely a ‘free trade agreement’ and nothing more – a blatant and deliberate lie.
Heath refused to allow a referendum. He knew it would be lost if the people of the UK were ever to become aware of the true nature of what they would be voting for.
Sir Crispin Tickell, one of Heath’s chief negotiators, later admitted that the government covered up the full implications of membership.
The policy was ‘Don’t talk about this in public’. The BBC also kept all information of what the EEC was about from the viewers.
Heath lied to parliament; he lied to, and deceived, the UK citizens and he knew perfectly well at the time that he was lying.

Why did he do that? – Mr Heath firmly believed that democracy was unsatisfactory and political control should be the exclusive right of himself and his elitist chums.

Just the Tories? No! The deception was continued by Labour premier Harold Wilson with a referendum in 1975 to confirm continued UK membership of what was still being fraudulently called the ‘Common Market’.

What ever happened to the Common Market? – it never existed

© Mick Greenhough 2008


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