2014 – 006 What is the The Fabian Society all about?

From: Bill & Ann Woodhouse

As you probably well know the “Guardian” is the newspaper of the Fabian Society, one of their best know columnists is Polly Toynbe, whose grandfather and great uncle were founding members of the society.  The BBC, who admit that they have exclusively recruited their staff from the Guardian newspaper for the last 45 years, are the mouthpiece of the Fabian Society.

It is perhaps therefore a moment to remind ourselves of exactly what this Society stands for.  Apologies for the occasional duplication that occurs in this otherwise erudite piece.


July 15, 2013 By Paul Preston   By Paul Preston

The Fabian Society was founded on 4 January 1884 in London as an offshoot of a society founded in 1883 called The Fellowship of the New Life. Fellowship members included poets Edward Carpenter and John Davidson, sexologist Havelock Ellis and the future Fabian secretary Edward R. Pease. They wanted to transform society by setting an example of clean simplified living for others to follow, but when some members also wanted to become politically involved to aid society’s transformation, it was decided that a separate society, the Fabian Society, also be set up. All members were free to attend both societies. The Fabian Society additionally advocated renewal of Western European Renaissance ideas and their promulgation throughout the rest of the world.
The Fellowship of the New Life was dissolved in 1899, but the Fabian Society grew to become the pre-eminent academic society in the United Kingdom in the Edwardian era, typified by the members of its vanguard Coefficients club. Public meetings of the Society were for many years held at Essex Hall, a popular location just off the Strand in central London.

The Fabian Society, which favoured gradual change rather than revolutionary change, was named – at the suggestion of Frank Podmore –  in honour of the Roman general Fabius Maximus (nicknamed  ‘Cunctator’). His Fabian strategy advocated tactics of harassment and attrition rather than head-on battles against the Carthaginian army under the renowned general Hannibal.
An explanatory note appearing on the title page of the group’s first pamphlet declared: For the right moment you must wait, as Fabius did most patiently, when warring against Hannibal, though many censured his delays; but when the time comes you must strike hard, as Fabius did, or your waiting will be in vain, and fruitless. The Fabian Society, along with other Secret Societies, work together for the ‘Common Purpose’ of a New World Order… (see 2013 – 004) We see this consistently, with denial and delay tactics used in response to complaints by the people and the lies, omissions and twisted truths that spin doctors play to the public in the mass media. Creeping Communism.
The Fabians, whose logo until very recently was a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, are a breed of Communism who believe in Collectivism (Communism) by stealth. Many of the ‘Globalists’ would belong to this scheming organisation. Some of the more erudite members, of the wealthy and intellectual classes of England, formed an organization to perpetuate the concept of collectivism, but not exactly according to Marx. In 1884, it was called the Fabian Society. The name is significant, because it was in honor of Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, the Roman general who, in the second century B.C. kept General Hannibal at bay by wearing down his army with delaying tactics, endless maneouvering, and avoiding confrontation wherever possible. Unlike the Marxists, who were in a hurry to come to power through direct confrontation with established governments, the Fabians were willing to take their time, to come to power without direct confrontation, working quietly and patiently from inside the target governments. To emphasise this strategy, and to separate themselves from the Marxists, their official shield portrayed an image of a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. Those two images perfectly summarise their strategy.
It is now 1884 and we find ourselves in Surrey, England observing a small group of these Fabians, sitting around a table in the stylish home of two of their more prominent members, Sydney and Beatrice Webb. The Webbs would be known world-wide as the founders of the London School of Economics. Their home eventually was donated to the Fabian Society and became its official headquarters. Around the table are such well-known figures as George Bernard Shaw, Arnold Toynbee, H.G. Wells and numerous others of similar caliber. The Fabian Society still exists, and many prominent people are members, not the least of which is England’s Ex-Prime Minister, Tony Blair. H.G. Wells wrote a book to serve as a guide showing how collectivism can be embedded into society without arousing alarm or serious opposition. It was called the Open Conspiracy and the plan for his new world order was spelled out in minute detail. His fervor was intense. He said that the old religions of the world must give way to the new religion of collectivism. The new religion should be the state, he said, and the state should take charge of all human activity with, of course, elitists, such as himself, in control. On the very first page he says: ‘This book states as plainly and clearly as possible the essential ideas of my life, the perspective of my world… This is my religion. Here are my directive aims and the criteria of all I do. When he said that collectivism was his religion, he was serious.
Like many collectivists, he felt that traditional religion is a barrier to the acceptance of state power. It is a competitor for man’s loyalties.  Collectivists see religion as a device by which the clerics keep the downtrodden masses content by offering a vision of something better in the next world. If your goal is to bring about change, contentment is not what you want. You want discontentment That’s why Marx called religion the opiate of the masses. It gets in the way of revolutionary change. Wells said that collectivism should become the new opiate, that it should become the vision for better things in the next world. The new order must be built on the concept that individuals are nothing compared to the long continuum of society, and that only by serving society do we become connected to eternity (HG Wells The Open Conspiracy 1928 p 7).
The blueprint in The Open Conspiracy has been followed in both the UK and the United States. As a result, today’s world is very close to the vision of H.G. Wells. A worship of the god called society has become the new religion. No matter what insult to our dignity or liberty, we are told it’s necessary for the advancement of society, and that has become the basis for contentment under the hardships of collectivism.

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