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What of the future?In order to understand the bizarre behaviour and decisions of many of our top politicians that seem to defy common sense.
There is a war going on but not a war as we know it. It is not being fought with tanks and bombs but in our schools and universities, degrading our culture, rewriting our history, and the extreme left legacy press. It is between Globalism (who have been busy the last 100 years infiltrating all our institutions) and Populism but the Populists and becoming very aware that something is going wrong but not sure yet of what is happening. There is also Marxism and Islam that both want to rule the world.
In 1775 an Adam Weishaupt was given a job by the US International Banks to devise a new society. He came with a rudementary New World Order. It would consist of The Illuminarti ( a few wealthy families, a select few, international banks and intenational corporates, The Club of Rome (?) who would rule competely undemocratically. It has now manifested as the Davos World Economic Forum and the UN Agenda 20/30. They are the new society of the Illuminati to be in charge, the Nomenklatura (AKA the Civil Service) to implement the wishes of the Illuminarti and the Proletariat who will do all the work, have no vote, have no free speach, no property, no personal privacy but they will be ‘happy’.
Two Tier Kier Starmer has stated he prefers Davos to Westminster – that is for the UK to be governed by faceless unelected beaurocrats that democratically elected Westminster. search for Starmer, Davos and Westminster and his interview with Emily Maitlis
What do the Globalists (WEF) want? – their primary aim is to destroy all notions of your Nationality, your Nation and your loyalty to family and Nation. They try to generate conflict between different social groups and even within families – Covid, Global Warming, Immigration. While people are fighting each other they are not noticing what the Globalists are doing.
Essentially the UK Globalists are anti UK sovereignty and pro undemocratic Global governance
WEF Document Confirms 6 Billion Humans Will Die In 2025
![A World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 - and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on target to be achieved. A World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 - and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on target to be achieved.](
A World Economic Forum report hiding in plain sight confirms that upwards of six billion people will die in 2025 – and according to reports from Davos, Klaus Schwab has confirmed the stated goal is on target to be achieved.
And the difference between Capitalism and Corporatism.
For ORDINARY PEOPLE the purpose of MONEY Is to buy things now & pass on wealth to FAMILY MEMBERS. For GLOBALISTS the purpose is to use DEBT To ENSLAVE Nations and their Populations In order to CONTROL every aspect of OUR BEHAVIOUR.
The World Economic Forum (the Great Reset) is a precurser the New World Order. Their mantra seems to be Build Back Better rather than Build Back as it was before. They have also been funding (bribing?) and inserting many people (as sleepers) into the governments of many countries. Their ultimate aim is the bring back serfdom for the world’s population. They hope to achive this by reducing the population to abject poverty then declaring that the only solution is to embrace The New World Order. Their aim is also to change your loyalty to your family to loyalty to the state.
Globalism wants to use Artificial Intelligence for the benefit of the elite and to control all the Hoi Polloi where as Populism wants to use it to remove much of the drudgery of the Hoi polloi’s lives.
Very similar to the Bilderberg Group,the Club of Rome, the commitee of 500, the illuminati and others
Basically everything going on in the world right now boils down to this: The elite see you and me as a cancer on the earth. We are in the way, making a mess of the planet, and we need to be removed. There is no good in these people, they are psychopaths and they want us gone.
How is this to be achieved? Fear -Covid, Global warming, Monkeypox, food shortage, energy shortage anything will do.
You will not be allowed to own anything. Everthing will be owned by the state and some faceless bureaucrat will decide what you can have. Self empolyment will not be allowed and the state will decide what work you can undertake.
Generally the Globalists want to denationaise all countries and have completely open borders with anyone being able to freely move to any country, no personal property, complete state control, no free speech, no freedom to earn and exploit your talents.
Populists want free speech, entitled to the fruits of your labour, property owning populace, full democracy.
What is the UN Agenda 21 – now 20 30
It is for you to decide if this a conspiracy theory or not. All the attributes of it being true are there more or less.
You have to be aware that there is a titanic struggle taking place between two conflicting World Orders that are quite incompatible with each other. However it is taking place out of the public domain. The Main Stream Media and TV resolutely refuse to expose this as they are generally part of the Globalists agenda. Globalism is the New World Order. It is the undeclared policy of the UN although they have alluded to it several times and is known as agenda 2021 now 2030.
The only thing you need to know about the World Economic Forum and their ‘Great Reset’ – you didn’t vote for them or it and nobody did.
Getting rid of farmers is to deprive us of meat. Getting rid of fossil fuel cars is to deprive us of independant transport. Signing the WHO treaty is to deprive us of sovereign rule, Implementing energy price hikes are to deprive us of heating etc etc RESEARCH ‘THE GREAT RESET’
They claim to have infiltrated many governments and their institutions around the world with complicit people. Troudeau is a case in point
You have to know the difference between Capitalism and Corporatism. Capitalism is free speech, personal freedom, personal property, you are entitled to the fruits of your labour, a buyer and a seller agree on the value of the product. A Capitalist company considers its workforce as one of its main assets and is looked after accordingly. If it does not it is verging on being a Corporate company. Corporatism is everything is run by the state or large faceless international conglomerates where you have no personal property, very limited free speech, everything is owned by the state, the fruits of your labour belong to the state. all small self employed companies to be taken over by the State or the Corporates. Corporatism is International Banks, International Corporate Companies frequently coupled with a dictatorship. (eg Nazi Party and I G Farben)
Their latest mantra is ‘Build Back Better.
Multiculturalism isn’t about welcoming new cultures. It’s about erasing the white Caucasian industrial one. Multiculturalism leads eventually to Monoculturalism
To achieve the New World Order it is first necessary to reduce society to chaos. To set children against their parents, neighbour against neighbour , destroy citizens faith in the law-abiding society and bring family life into disrepute. Our political elite seems to be achieving all this. see
You will need official permission to do anything you want to do. Starting and running a football club, visiting your parents in the next village etc It is starting with 15 minute cities like Oxford where can only travel 15 minutes from your home.
Essentially Trump is a Populist and the Democrats and Deep State are Globalists. The UN is up to its neck as well with its Agenda 21. As Trump said “they’re not after me, they’re after you… I’m just in the way “. Trump’s main ‘crime’ is that he has so much personal money that he cannot be bought.
Populism is ‘far right’
Knowing men aren’t women = Far Right
Not scared of the weather = Far Right
Not wanting illegal criminals = Far Right
Not wanting kids sexualised = Far Right
Not wanting roads blocked = Far Right
Not wanting socialism = Far Right If you’re Far Right
Covid clearly has the potential to be a serious pandemic but nore than flu. However there is a strong suspicion that Covid is being exaggerated to enable the Great Reset and The New World Order to be infiltrated in by the back door.
Faux Global Warming and Covid are being used as Trojan Horses to further Globalism’
The Zero option by 2050 is a move to split the population into the rich who can afford it and the bulk (the prols) who rely on the industrial society for their improved lifestyle that the New World Order wishes to restrict considerably.
‘Build Back Better’ is the mantra of the New World Order.
There is a war going on but not with tanks and bombs. It is between Globalists and Populists. The Globalists want to completely control all human activity, they are extreme Socialists. Their weapons are the Mockingbird MSM (, lies, bribery, deceit, with the Education community brainwashing of our children, destruction of the nuclear family and rioting. They wish to reduce the Western industrial society to a complete shambles for it to be rebuilt as a Soviet-style Marxist society. It is spearheaded by the United Nations that has been hijacked by Globalism. They are not secret but very secretive.
The NWO used to be sort of lead by Maurice Strong and George Soros. Strong has now died and Klaus Schwab has now taken over. The UN is a leader in this with their Agenda 21 and 20-30
The ‘One Nation’ Tories are not Tory but nearer Puke Green Liberals (Not to be confused with Libertarians)
from Klaus Schwab on the Committee 300
Klaus Schwab’s mother. Her name: Marianne Schwab, who by chance has a father called Louis Rothschild.
However there are many who have infiltrated into positions of authority and are quietly awaiting their big chance.
It is very easy to suspect that the Covid ‘crisis’ is being exploited to seriously damage our way of life to hasten in the New World Order. Lockdown has destroyed many small companies and seriously effected the mental health and physical health of millions.
Public support for the New World Order is being achieved by brainwashing our children in schools and Universities.
Quite bizarrely it also seems that behind the scenes there are plans to tell you what you can eat daily via your mobile phone to save the planet.
Essentially the Great Reset, devised by Klaus Schwab at Davos, is a precursor to The New World Order. Davos is a town in Switzerland attended by self appointed wealthy people who believe that they are intelligent and we are stupid and so can decide how we should live. It is communism with lipstick on.
The promotion and tolerance of Islam by the government and civil servants is to help destroy Western culture and so aid the coming of Globalism.
Their aim is to remove the white DNA from the human gene pool by mass migration into white nations and persuade white families to have only two children or none at all thus systematically reducing the number of Caucasians and replacing them with Coudenhove’s Mestizo people, many of whom lack the work ethic to bring themselves out of poverty.
Over the last 50 years Globalists have systematically and covertly infiltrated our institutions and are now beginning to come out into the open.
Jack Kennedy knew all about and that is why he was shot by the US Deep State.
His speech in 1962
Extinction Rebellion and Black Lives Matter are fronts for the Marxist ‘revolution’ funded by rogue billionaires. What the Marxists cannot achieve at the ballot box they hope to achieve by violent civil disorder.
Globalism and New World Order is extreme socialism and socialism is an inevitable precursor to Marxism. The NWO is trying to exploit the Covid crisis to bypass any democratic mandate to bring in the Great Reset by the back door.
Globalism is for those in control to sequestrate everything you own and all the money and wealth you earn to distribute it to those who generate nothing’
A significant aim is to replace the white Caucasian people with the Coudenhove Mestizo people as they will be more docile and easier to control.
All babies are to have an ID chip inserted into their body asap after birth. Very sinsiter.
They also want to do away with the nuclear family of parents, children, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Parents to have no control over their children which will be carried out by the state. To quote Brock Chisholm when he was the Director of the UN Health Organisation – ‘To achieve the New World Order it is first necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions and national identity”.
The NEW world Order also wants to do away with self employed status as they are difficult to control. Under this regime you will own nothing. Everything you have will be allocated by the State and owned by the State who will also decide what you can have and how long you can have it.
Possibly a significance between them is the Globalism does not accept national frontiers. Globalists believe anyone has the right to go to live in any country whether they be a criminal, health hazzard, workshy and entitled to be looked after. Populism believes in a people having the exclusive right to a nation with frontiers and full control of who wants to come and live in their nation.
Globalism is essentially Cultural Marxism and will happily burn a society to the ground so they can rule over the ashes. Their remit is to achieve their aims by any means possible. Bribery, deceit, lies, violence – anything. Let the arsonist who burned down your house build it back better.
Globalism is to have a world government spearheaded by the United Nations and run by very few unelected super families, international banks and international Corporates – the New Illuminati. People will be completely controlled, dragooned and not allowed any personal possessions. Populism is ‘The industrial Western Culture’ of benign Capitalism with free speech and personal liberty and you are entitled to the fruits of your labour.
“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed. But always—do not forget this, Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler.” George Orwell, 1984
A significant aim of the NWO is to have every one to have chip inserted in them at birth so they can be tracked every where they go for their entire life. Possibly for the chip to be part of a vaccination.
When Ted Heath was asked why he deliberately lied to parliament and the country to get the UK into the EU he said it was necessary as ‘the British people are too stupid to be involved in governing themselves’. That is the firm belief of the Globalists about the world’s population.
Brexit is part of this struggle. Those who want to thwart Brexit are, whether they realise it or not, aiding the New World Order
The Advocates of Globalism also want to eliminate Christianity, particularly Protestantism, due to its culture of free speech and personal liberty.
It is a basic tenet of Globalism that you have no right to your homeland. Anyone in the world has the right to move to your homeland and you have no right to prevent them. You will have no right to own personal property, everything will belong to the state. You will not be allowed to own anything, your home, your garden, your car – nothing. More important you will have no free speech, freedom of travel and not be allowed to work to improve your lifestyle.
They also support the ‘Debt Economy’ where everyone is in debt to the banks as you are then easier to control. Populism supports a Debt Free Economy which gives the populace a much happier and relaxed existence.
The terms Left-wing and Right wing no longer explain current politics. Globalism and Populism are much nearer the mark.
The end game for the New World Order is to eliminate ‘Western Culture, dismantle the Industrial Society, reduce the world’s population by some 90% (how they intend to do that they do not say), remove Western Society culture and the white DNA and have a population of docile, easy to control Mestizo people. They will be returned to serfdom and servitude for the benefit of a small number of fabulously wealthy families, International Corporates and international banks.
Nothing wrong with the industrial society. It is not a threat to humanity as it has lifted millions upon millions out of poverty. The overwhelming threats are the third world birth rate that is out of control and polluting waste.
The Industrial Society has given us, among many others:
Clean running drinking water from a tap in the kitchen.
electricity from a switch on the wall.
Foul water removed at the press of a lever.
paved roads
washing machines that have released millions of women from washday drudgery
mobile phones to talk directly to relatives on the other side of the world
Medicines that control or eliminate disease
The Authoritarian Globalists and the Libertarian Populists. They are, in reality, the true Left and Right wings. Globalists are of the extreme Left (Cultural Marxists) and Populists are of the Right. (more properly the Center Wing)
Simply put Globalism supports Corporatism and Populism supports Capitalism. eBay and auctions are pure forms of Capitalism.
The extreme ‘left’ is a dictatorship in alliance with international Corporates. eg Hitler and I G Farben(a conglomerate of large German Chemical and Industrial Corporates.)
The extreme Right is very similar to the extreme Left as they both have the same modus operandi. Globalism ( Socialism ) is power to the state, Populism is power to the people.
The remit of a Populist society is that you can do anything you like that is not prohibited or causes other people grief and you are entitled to the possessions that you have worked for. In a Globalist society, you can do nothing unless you get permission from the authorities and personal possessions are not allowed. The Populist society is what the vast majority of citizens want with just law for everyone. Nobody is above the law.
A fair days pay for a fair days work and you are entitled the fruits of your labour.
The New World Order was first mooted in 1775 by Adam Weishaupt. It ticked over quietly as a curiosity until post-WWII when it began to be taken seriously. For 70 years the Globalists have been quietly infiltrating all the arms of government, the Education Authority, police, civil service, charities, BBC etc etc. One way is by Common Purpose. see
The EU is a major step towards the undemocratic New World Order. As Peter Mandelson said “We now have to move into the post Democratic society”
They want the world to be like a giant anthill. The queen ant is the Illuminati, the soldier ants as the bureaucracy and the rest mindless, soulless worker ants.
Aims of NWO, the UN and the EU. These are not my words but the stated aims of the New World Order.
- to dismantle to Industrial society and eliminate ‘Western Culture’ of free speech and personal liberty.
- to have an exclusive ruling elite of a few very wealthy families, international Corporates and banks who will control all aspects of your life.
- Destroying all national cultures especially Western Culture for a Soviet-style universal culture.
- To destroy Christianity – particularly Protestantism with its culture of Free Speech and Personal Liberty.
- To reduce the world population by 90% but they do not say how they will do that.
- To remove the white Caucasian DNA from the human gene pool by overwhelming them with 3rd world migrants. The proposal of Richard Coudenhove Kalergi’s Pan European Movement. The UN Migrant Pact and the EU Coudenhove plan are to do just that to produce his Mestizo people who will be docile and easily controlled. It is only aimed at Western Culture countries. (e.g. Saudi, Africa, Pakistan, India etc not included).
- To remove all national borders give all people unrestricted right to move to any country they wish regardless of the wishes of the indigenous population and to freely receive all the benefits that others have paid for.
- 3rd world migration into Western Culture countries to replace the white population with Coudenhove’s Mestizo people who will be poorly educated to produce a docile and dim serflike workforce.
- to remove all democratic accountability from the ruling elite
- Remove ‘Free Speech from the proletariat/people’
- Ban all self-employment status as they are difficult to control
- Remove all personal liberty and rights from the ‘proletariat/people’.You will have no personal privacy. The state will know everything about you.
- There will be no such thing as personal property. Everything will belong to the State.
- What money you are allowed to have the banks will have full control of it and decide on what you can spend it on.
- To break up the traditional nuclear family structure and remove all loyalty to your family, clan and country.
- To allow only free speech that they approve of
- It is now the major driving force of the United Nations that has been hijacked by the Globalists.
- U.N. Official Admits Global Warming Agenda Is Really About Destroying Capitalism
- The law does not apply to every one. The Illuminati and other select and useful groups may be excused from inconvenient law.
- Leading NWO people are Peter Southerland, Brock Chisholm, Maurice Strong, George Soros, Klaus Schwab
The uncontrolled birth rate and inability to feed themselves the Third World is putting impossible strains on the First World. The overexploitation of the earth’s resources is also becoming critical. The third world wants to share freely in the wealth that is being generated by ‘Western Civilisation’ as an entitlement without having the work ethic to generate any wealth.
The Globalists want to be in absolute control over all human activities with their version of a perfect, ordered and completely undemocratic society with all trade controlled by International Corporates. Society will be divided up into. It is important to reallise the The Illuminati consider the Proletariate (that is you and me) ignorant, stupid fools and of no value other than to work for the Illuminati.
- The Illuminati – a small handful of obscenely wealthy families , international Corporates and banks who will control everything. (Orwell’s Inner Party in 1984). They will have the best of everything.
- The Nomenklatura – the bureaucrats who will have a very pleasant lifestyle. Their remit is to implement the edicts of the Illuminati without mercy. (Orwell’s Outer party in 1984). They will have a good lifestyle, Homes, own cars, holidays, property (perhaps?) so long as they do as the Illuminati tell them. They will have excessive pensions.
- They eat filet mignon, while discussing how to make you eat bugs, they travel in SUV motorcades, while telling you to buy an electric vehicle, they ban guns while having armed security, they jet around the world in private jets while telling you to reduce your carbon footprint
- The Proletariat i.e.The rest of the people (effectively SLAVES of the Illuminati) The vast rest of peoples who will be returned to serfdom with no free speech, personal liberty or personal property. No cars and personal travel anywhere without permission from the Nomenklatura. They are the working class and the middle class who have to work to survive. The aim for these people will be to be cross-bred to eliminate the various tribes, especially the white tribes, to have a single ‘tribe’. (Orwell’s Plebs in 1984 but more accurately the proletariat). They will have no property, holidays etc. All their requisits to eat, live and work will be supplied at the discretion of their Nomenklatura. They will have meager pensions.
- Coudenhove’s Mestizo tribe, (a mix of African, Middle East and European Caucasians) who will be docile and easier to control. (UN Agenda 21 and EU Coudenhove plan)
- There will clearly be a need for technicians to keep the water supply, electricity, drainage and construction. No mention has been made of this class but they will be essential to keep the infrastructure operating.
Orwell’s 1984 is essentially being used as an instruction manual for the Globalist New World Order.
Mick Greenhough
Read also The New World Order by Mark Dice.
The Club of Rome (see type BNE into search box and appendix 80) or hyperlink
The Libertarian Populists
We currently have a Libertarian Populist society where traditional nuclear family life and one’s ethnic and national history are of great importance to the individual. The bedrock of Populism is the nuclear family. The desire to work (the work ethic) to improve your life and family, individualism, personal freedom and free speech are highly prized. The individual has the opportunity to exploit their natural talents for the benefit of themselves and their families with spin-off for society in general. Democratic governance is of prime importance for the individual as opposed to being the exclusive right of the political class. The genetic heritage and legacy of the individual are of great importance.
Populism stands for
1. Small state
2. Freedom of choice
3. Entrepreneurship
4. Lower taxes
5. Empowering the individual
6. Law & order
7. Secure borders
8. Pro military forces
9 Most important Free Speech. Even if is not approved by the Establishment
10. Pro house ownership
11. Promoting the UK’s proud history & achievements
The industrial society has taken hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and drudgery. However the resulting pollution and waste need to be very strictly controlled with recycling not dumping.
Libertarian Populism can be somewhat chaotic but individual liberty and free speech are your choice. It has been under continual attack since the end of WWII
The Authoritarian Globalists
The other is the United Nation’s New World Order and Agenda 21 that wants to supplant our varied cultures with a single rigid, monolithic controlled society. Now called Cultural Marxism.
With this philosophy, all National borders, traditional family life, your ethnic heritage, private property, national cultures, national history are to be destroyed for a new society. This will be run by the ‘New Illuminati’. A controlling Soviet-style group of fabulously wealthy unelected families, politicians and bureaucrats. UN Agenda 21 (now 2030). The Bureaucrats (the Nomenklatura) will be appointed and unaccountable to the citizens. So long as they acquiesce and stay ‘on message’ they will have a very pleasant lifestyle indeed. The citizens will have no say whatsoever in governing. Individualism and free speech are quite incompatible with such Soviet governance. The bulk of the population will be little more than serfs who will be controlled and ordered.
The aim of Globalism is to make the genetic heritage and legacy of no importance to the individual. It is a core requirement is to mix all the various tribes, particularly the white tribes, into one undifferentiated monolithic tribe as it is considered they will then be much easier to control. Coudenhove’s Mestizo race.
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
George Orwell
International Corporates will control all trade with self- employed squeezed out. Nobody will be allowed to be self-supporting. Everyone must be beholding to the state for all their needs. This will enable to the state to have complete control of everyone. Everyone must be in debt. Those in debt are much easier to control.
Individuals (AKA Proletariat or Serfs) will be told what they can do when they can do it, where they can do it and how they can do it.
However, everyone would be fed and housed but with no personal choice. All will be allocated by faceless bureaucrats.
BNE in Appendix 86 The Committee of 300: Some of the Shadow “Elite”
The EU is part of this project spearheaded by the UN – a sort of updated version of the Roman Empire.
This is been quietly set up over the last 50 years without consulting ‘the people’ or even informing them of the UN’s intentions.
We can only have one of the above cultures.
The UN charter was written by Alger Hiss later exposed as a closet Marxist. The UN is now like a stick of Blackpool Rock. Sweet and sugary on the outside with Cultural Marxism running through its core.
(BNE appendix 80)
It is like the fable of the fox wandering into the farm meeting a farm dog. ‘What are you doing?’ said the dog ‘Looking for some food’ said the fox. ‘Well join me here’ said the dog. ‘The farmer gives me food and a nice kennel to sleep in’. ‘Sounds great’ said the fox ‘but what is that chain around your neck?’’ Well’ said the dog ‘the farmer only allows me to do what he wants when he wants it’. ‘And the rest of the time?’ asked the fox. ‘Nothing I just sit in front of my kennel when not working for the farmer.’ ‘Not for me’ said the fox ‘I like to run free and do what I want – goodbye.
But of course, the fox is very disruptive to the smooth, orderly way of running the farm and so has to be hunted down and killed.
6 responses to “2016 – 082 Authoritarian Globalism or Libertarian Populism”