2016 – 050 BNE

A list of the appendices Brave New Europe? are below – scroll down.

see also http://www.shieldcrest.co.uk/mick-greenhough.html

Local Bookshop  ISBN 978-1-911090-48-9

Amazon reviews  https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1911090488/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1487240777&sr=8-1&keywords=mick+greenhough

For the full documents control click on hyperlinks below

 These books are must-reads if you want to know the full extent to which the citizens of the UK have been betrayed by our political elite (Appendix 5 [ref 7]).

Easily available from Amazon or your local bookshop

  • Brave New Europe? tells how the EU arrived from 1870 in Paris via Stazberg in 1944 to the EU we have today.
  • .And into the Fire’ by Rodney Atkinson gives a very detailed account of the Nazi roots of the EU.
  • ‘The Great Deception’ by Booker and North. A very academic and detailed account of the duplicity used to get UK into the EU
  • ‘The Rotten Heart of Europe’ by Bernard Connolly. What really goes on behind the closed doors of the EU
  • The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’ The Rath Foundation
  • Broken Vows  by Tom Boyer  What went on in the Blair government.
  • The Fourth Reich  by Sara Moore More info on the Nazi roots of the EU.
  • Adults In The Room: My Battle With Europe’s Deep Establishment    Yanis Varoufakis.  Tells of the absolutely despicable treatment of Greece by the unelected bullying and deceitful EU negotiators 
  • 1984  George Orwell Was written as a warning to mankind. The New World Order are using it as an instruction manual
  • The New World Order  Mark Dice A superb expose of the New World Order
  • eliberate Corruption of Science  by Tim Ball –
  • 1   Cost of EU Almost €7 billion of the EU budget was illegally spent in 2013, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) revealed on Wednesday (5 November), as it declined to sign off EU spending for the 20th consecutive year.  https://euobserver.com/news/126405


  • 2.    Common Purpose  Common Purpose (CP) is a Charity, based in Great Britain, which creates ‘Future Leaders’ of society. CP selects individuals and ‘trains’ them to learn how society works, who ‘pulls the levers of power’ and how CP ‘graduates’ can use this knowledge to lead ‘Outside of Authority and the democratic process.’.

Common Purpose needs these ‘graduates’ to run the social control bureaucracy of the British regions of the European Union in what they call the ‘post-democratic’ society.

It is essentially a crypto Marxist training college.



Video of Common Purpose by Brien Gerrish who has made a detailed study of CP.




  • 3.    Frankfurt School
    The ACW Review examined the corrosive work of the ‘Frankfurt School’ – a group of German-American scholars who developed highly provocative and original perspectives on contemporary society and culture, drawing on Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, and Weber. Not that their idea of a ‘cultural revolution’ was particularly new. ‘Until now’, wrote Joseph, Comte de Maistre (1753-1821) who for fifteen years was a Freemason, ‘nations were killed by conquest, that is by invasion: But here an important question arises; can a nation not die on its own soil, without resettlement or invasion, by allowing the flies of decomposition to corrupt to the very core those original and constituent principles which make it what it is.’ Leveson Inquiry has momentous implications for free speech. But Mail dossier raises disturbing questions about the influence of ‘people who know best’ 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2233681/Leveson-Inquiry-Mail-dossier-raises-disturbing-questions-influence-quasi-masonic-nexus-people-know-best.html#ixzz4MhMQbbV3


Parenting magazine Baby & Family has told readers to beware of families who are “inconspicuous” and “cheerful”, as these warning signs indicate they are right wing and thus “dangerous”.

Depicted with illustrations featuring solely blonde women and children, the report says ordinary parents must take action against right-wing families and make clear that their ideology has no place in the world.



Feminist Professor to Teach Course Lamenting ‘American Whiteness



The EU want to change all the cultures of the Europeans to a single European Culture. Lenin and Stalin changed the Russian culture by starving to death millions of Kulaks. The Kulaks were small farmers and the backbone of Russian culture.

The EU and UN are trying to do similar but by mass immigration from Africa and Middle East to ethnically dilute the White Tribes out of existence. By White tribes they mean Caucasians and those of Caucasian descent. The end game is to remove the White Caucasian DNA from the human gene pool. Not my words but those of the Cultural Marxists.

see  youtu.be/uN4ip9t7JvU?a  one of the most important videos you can view – it is happening now.

The end game of the UN and EU is The New World Order. George Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning to man. The New World Order is using it as an instruction manual.  https://www.bookdepository.com/The-New-World-Order-Mark-Dice/9780967346670?redirected=true&selectCurrency=GBP&pdg=kwd-439670015:cmp-618857924:adg-28319690936:crv-103937796656:pos-1t4&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu9ilsoWO1QIVhhwbCh2XJgJmEAAYBCAAEgI9JfD_BwE


Generally known as Cultural Marxism  http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2015-028-we-are-controlled-by-cultural-marxists-what-is-it/


  • 5.   From the beginning, one of the main financiers of the “Brussels EU” was the West German Government. On April 24, 1964, the key architects of the “Brussels EU” – all of them active members of the IG Farben/Nazi coalition during WWII – met at the “Brussels EU” headquarters to stake their claims on the future of the European continent. Apparently they were so sure about their success to take control over Europe in their 3rd attempt, via the “Brussels EU”, that they posed proudly for this picture.

http://www.eu-facts.org/en/whoiswho/architects.html  Details of the histories of the 5 1964 Committee for the German EU

http://www.theeuroprobe.org/the-european-unions-evil-pedigree-berlin-1942- by Edward Spalton forward by-rodney-atkinson/


  • 6  The EU was set up to be initially a disguised police State. (or as Gorbachev said ‘why is Europe setting itself up as a copy of the USSR?’) This became more obvious (but not much) within the Maastricht Treaty. Gerard Batten, the MEP for London) has produced a very clear pamphlet showing this clearly (ref 6)
  • Ref 6 http://gerardbattenmep.co.uk/2015/04/13/eu-police-states-comes-one-stop-closer/

http://www.theeuroprobe.org/223/   What is an Authoritarian or ‘Police State’?

Is the EU a fascist body?  http://www.theeuroprobe.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=881&action=edit


7  Speech by Rodney Atkinson to House of Commons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nf5KeC4dAsA very detailed book ‘And Into the Fire’ by Rodney Atkinson gives a far more detailed account of the EU. Another significant book is ‘The Great Deception by Booker and North. Also The Rotten Heart of Europe by Bernard Connolly

ref 7  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nf5KeC4dAs



2016 – 052 Hillary, Obama And The Cult Of Alinsky and how the Democratic Party was hijacked



  • 9   EUropaische WirtschaftGemeinschaft as published in Nazi Germany in 1942 being in many ways one of the foundation documents  of today’s EUropean Union.THE TRUTH WILL BE A HARD ACT TO FOLLOW for the Political scum and their apparatchiks in the EU who seek to continue to destroy Britain for their own gain in apparent compliance with this 1942 Nazi German document.I would like to thank ALL those who have given such an immense amount of
    help in the location, acquisition!!!, translation and now distribution of this seminal document which undermines ALL of the LIES of ALL of the politicians about the benign and beneficial aims of the EU – they are EVIL and they are forming an Evil Union as part of the Evil concept of the New World Order comprising the vassals and their self styled elite and their apparatchiks

The 1942 document used as the first draft of the EU  http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2015-123-europaische-wiertschaftsgemeinschaft-the-1942-first-draft-of-the-eu/


  • 10.   A brief audit of how UK how been Asset Stripped by EU

Posted on 4 August, 2015 | 2 Comments

The 1942 German document Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinsschaft intended that UK would be asset stripped and all engineering and science activities which would be transferred to Germany post war.

Here’s a short list of financial and industrial FUBARs from the EU

From: http://www.ukipdaily.com/good-eu-jobs-businesses/


  •  11   In 1944 the Germans realised they could not win the war. A meeting was held in Strasbourg to organise how to win the peace. The strategy they came up with was a bureaucratic and undemocratic society and they made preparations to set it up a post war to reassert its ambitions to rule Europe after the war (Appendix 12 ). They would not use guns and tanks but business suits, bureaucratic procedures and the vast stocks of stolen money hidden outside of Germany.





  • 12  The 5 German leaders of the embrionic EU were all ex Nazi. From the beginning, one of the main financiers of the “Brussels EU” was the West German Government. On April 24, 1964, the key architects of the “Brussels EU” – all of them active members of the IG Farben/Nazi coalition during WWII (IG Farben supplied the Zyklon B for the gas chambers) – met at the “Brussels EU” headquarters to stake their claims on the future of the European continent.   http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2016-037-the-leaders-of-the-embryonic-eu/

US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128


Copies of this have been sent to several Warmists including George Monbiot at the Guardian and Dr Brian Cox at the BBC asking that if they see any inaccuracies they inform me. To date I have had not a single adverse comment. We can, therefore, assume they agree with the following and they owe me a £tenner.

The Global Warming debate can be very academic and riddled with miss understandings, half truths and downright lies. This blog is shortened and written in non technical language for easier reading. For thoroughly researched account that gives the whole disgraceful story see The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science by Dr Tim Ball



  • 14    In my village we had a policeman in a police house as did the next parish. He knew everyone and who the problem locals were. His children went to our village school. He also was an active participant in the village life. He was a  good, honest copper.

The urban areas also had ‘beat’ policeman who knew their patch.

The police house was then sold and the policeman removed to car duty. This meant that the close personal contact between the policeman and the villagers was broken. The political and police authorities were clearly starting to isolate the police from the public. They were also dazzled by USA methods with officers roaring around in fast cars with ‘blues and twos’ as they erroneously think that such behaviour means that the public will believe they are, therefore, being very active. The BBC closed down the local friendly copper Dixon of Dock Green programme to replace it with wiz bang Z Cars to big up police in cars. Coincidence?

One of the worst things to happen to our police was the mad Macpherson Report that spuriously accused the police of ‘institutional racism’. The consequence of that is they are now terrified to apply the law to ‘ethnic minorities’. The Rotherham mass raping of little girls was a direct result of Macpherson as the police allowed it rather than risk any spurious accusation of racism. The ethnic minorities and their solicitors know that and exploit it to the full.



  • 15   Agenda 21“The impulse to possess turf is a powerful one for all species; yet it is one that people must overcome. Sensitivity over the relationship between international responsibility and national sovereignty [is a]considerable obstacle to the leadership at the international level. Sovereignty is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the imperatives of global environmental cooperation.”

[“Report of the Commission on Global Governance,” eco-logic Magazine (publ. By Environmental Conservation Organization, Hollow Rock, TN), January/February 1996, p.4.]

Conservative environmental scientists have known for years that global forces behind the scenes were moving toward one-world government, but it was not until recently that it was possible to see the comprehensive plan, published in an official document offered to the world, entitled Our Global Neighbourhood: The Report of the Commission on Global Governance

http://www.cgg.ch/CHAP1.html>. Oxford University Press







  • 16   The main way that Common Purpose is subverting Britain is by infiltrating their ‘graduates’ into managerial positions of power in national and local government, the media, the NHS, the military, the police and the judiciary.




How valid is all this?

You can check for yourself. What I have done is put the evidence in a line and looked along it to see where it points.


  • 18   Vladimer Bukovsky Russian dissident

Vladimir Bukovksy, the 63-year old former Soviet dissident, fears that the European Union is on its way to becoming another Soviet Union.

In a speech he delivered in Brussels last week Mr Bukovsky called the EU a monster that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it develops into a fully fledged totalitarian state.



  • 19   The 1971 F&CO letter to Ted Heath stating in no uncertain terms that the  then so called Common Market was, in fact, a deceitful ploy to transfer UK sovereignty to Brussels. When he said in parliament and to the British people that it was nothing more than a trading arrangement he was lying and he knew he was lying.

·        http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2017-040-the-1971-fco-301048-heath-knew-it-was-treason/




  • 21  According to a classified document, the German government now estimates that Germany will receive as many as 1.5 million asylum seekers in 2015, including 920,000 in the last quarter of 2015 alone. With family reunifications, the actual number of asylum seekers could swell to more than 7 million. Separately, German authorities now estimate that at least 290,000 migrants and refugees have entered the country without being registered.



  • 22  What will happen to the English sports teams?

Does anybody know?  European National football teams, (indeed all National sports teams), are quite incompatible with the principles of the EU. The EU Toine Mander’s plan is to eliminate all national teams

Will the Commission allow an ‘England’ sports team to exist when they have gone to such lengths to remove England from the map of Europe?



  • 23 The EU to control all Media





  • 24 The organisation called the EUROGENDFOR, EGF, or more properly the European Gendarmerie Force, should be better known in Britain than it is, for its function is worrying and could affect this country in the future.



  • 25  The Lisbon Treaty was originally the EU Constitution. This was comprehensively rejected by the French and Dutch. To get around this Giscard d’Estaing , the ex French premier, had the constitution deliberately re written in such a way that it was almost impossible for any one but a constitutional expert to understand. Several critical passages were removed and hidden in other Treaties. The label on the tin was different but the contents the same   Lisbon  http://www.theeuroprobe.org/2013-013-how-the-lisbon-treaty-was-voted-through/  



  • 26 The organisation called the EUROGENDFOR, EGF, or more properly the European Gendarmerie Force, should be better known in Britain than it is, for its function is worrying and could affect this country in the future.




  • 28    Europe has had a long history of abuse of Human Rights from the Feudal System, the Spanish Inquisition, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic code to Hitler’s NSDAP and Stalin’s Soviet Eastern European states.

The European Court of Human Rights was started after WWII from an initiative by Eleanor Roosevelt because of the appalling abuse of Human Rights in Europe during the Nazi era. This was before the appalling behaviour of Stalin became exposed as very similar to the behaviour of the Nazi party.


 also European Court of Human Rights   www.theeuroprobe.org 2013 – 036a


  • 29 When he was president of the EU Romano Prodi said “there will be an EU army and only an EU army”. EuroCorps intends to take over and absorb the British Armed Forces. To this end the morale, capability and facilities of our armed forces are being steadily degraded by our own political elite. It will soon be at a point where the only option left will be to hand over our hollowed out armed forces to EuroCorps as they will incapable of operating on their own.



  • 30  This means that if you criticise to EU in the UK you can be arrested and extradited on a EAW to the EU for something that is not a crime (criticising the EU) in the UK. It is a crime in Europe Held in custody without being charged for up to 2 years and without informing your relatives where you are.We might be placated by the “double criminality rule” which basically states that the crime for which the issuing state requests extradition must also be a crime in the executing state.




  • 31   Tony Blair and Gordon Brown reneged on this promise but so has David Cameron reneged on his ‘Cast Iron’ promise on the feeble excuse that it is now called the ‘Lisbon Treaty’ instead.
    A recent court case challenged the decision by Gordon Brown not to have the Labour Party manifesto promise of a referendum, along with the formal statement by Tony Blair that the Labour Party manifesto was a Contract with the People. But Gordon Brown’s barrister Ms. Cecelia Ivimy said on behalf of her client: “They (NuLabour manifesto promises and contracts) are not subject to legitimate expectation”. Astonishing?



  • 32   BBC  Over the last three years the BBC has secretly obtained millions of pounds in grants from the European Union. Licence fee payers might assume that the Corporation would have been compelled to disclose the source of this money in its annual reports, but they bear no trace of it specifically. In the latest set of accounts, for example, these funds are simply referred to as ‘other grant income’.



  • 33   Almost €7 billion of the EU budget was illegally spent in 2013, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) revealed on Wednesday (5 November), as it declined to sign off EU spending for the 20th consecutive year.

Although the error rate of misspent funds fell fractionally to 4.7 percent from 4.8 percent in 2012, this is still well above the 2 percent threshold under which ECA could classify payments as error-free. Spending on administration was the only part of the budget to fall within the threshold, with an estimated 1 percent error rate.

In total, EU spending in 2013 reached €148.5 billion.

https://euobserver.com/news/126405  EU Audit


  • 34  A secret kept from the public, due to lack of media interest, is that every Government since 1972 has committed treason against the state. This ignorance has been maintained due to the media’s lack of knowledge on Constitutional matters.

When Heath took the UK into the EEC, he lied to Parliament and to the British people saying that there would be no loss of sovereignty. After forty years we now know this to be untrue. This has caused a great deal of damage to the country. Sadly there are two generations of people who think this is normal. It is only people of my generation, who are in their 60’s or more, who know differently.



  • 35  From the beginning, one of the main financiers of the “Brussels EU” was the West German Government. On April 24, 1964, the key architects of the “Brussels EU” – all of them active members of the IG Farben/Nazi coalition during WWII – met at the “Brussels EU” headquarters to stake their claims on the future of the European continent. Apparently they were so sure about their success to take control over Europe in their 3rd attempt, via the “Brussels EU”



  • 36  There does seem to be some serious confusion about Vienna, Article 50 and the ECA.

    This is really a subject for experts – non-experts, frankly, seem almost inevitably to fall into the trap of confusing international and domestic law, miring themselves in utter confusion in the process.



  • 37   Brexit  It is very hard for anybody not intimately involved or familiar with the EU and the workings of the UK business sector and economy to discern the nature of the advantages of Brexit. It has been made even harder by the relentless  promulgation of supposed self-evident ‘facts’ by the government machine and its cronies.  As a consequence a number of myths have begun to crystallise around the debate which beg to be challenged and debunked. Here is a myth-busting guide addressing some of the myths and those who seek the truth about Brexit.



  • 38   BBC  The Daily Telegraph says the BBC is ‘outdated’ and wants it to ‘demonstrate its continuing relevance’. Excuse me while I reach for my revolver. The BBC is a State broadcaster. State broadcasting was ‘relevant’ in the same way Communism was. Let’s spell it out, for those who don’t know the history. The BBC was set up to limit free speech.



  • 39   Tony Blair presided over a silent conspiracy to change the face of Britain for ever with mass immigration, an explosive book reveals.

He ordered his Labour government never to discuss in public the supposed ‘advantages’ of the unprecedented influx.

But behind the scenes ministers were instructed to wave tens of thousands of asylum seekers into the UK under cover of their being ‘economic migrants’. Astonishingly, the minister Mr Blair put in charge of borders ruled against deporting failed claimants because it would be too ‘emotional’.



  • 40  How on earth did our MPs vote it through?

The Lisbon Treaty was originally the EU Constitution. This was comprehensively rejected by the French and Dutch. To get around this Giscard d’Estaing , the ex -French premier, had the constitution deliberately re written in such a way that it was almost impossible for anyone but a constitutional expert to understand. Several critical passages were removed and hidden in other Treaties. The label on the tin was different but the contents the same.
Gordon Brown said after he had ratified it ‘I have ensured a number of Red Lines to secure Britain’s future’. Sounds good but he omitted to add that the Red Lines would be there for no more than 5 years. Was this lying? He was deceitful to such an extent that it was no different to lying.



  • 41     Giuliano Amato, a former prime minister of Italy, who later worked with the European Commission, helped draft the European Constitution, which became the Lisbon Treaty.

He said he had written the now infamous Article 50 but that it was largely for show.

Parliament must vote on Article 50, Dominic Grieve says

“I wrote Article 50, so I know it well,” Mr Amato told a conference in Rome, according to Reuters.

He told the meeting he had specifically inserted the article to prevent the British government complaining there was no way for them to leave the bloc.



  • 42          Embarrassing leaks have revealed that British Government officials colluded in Brussels to keep contentious issues about plans for making the EU into more of a superstate off the political agenda until after next week’s referendum.

One of the most shocking of these secret proposals involves allowing 1.5 million Turks visa-free access to Britain.



43  This article highlights the birth place of the “Brussels EU” on the drawing boards of the Nazi/IG Farben-coalition for a post-war Europe under their control. It is an excerpt of the speech by Dr. Rath on the occasion of receiving the “Relay of Life” award from survivors of the Auschwitz concentration camp.




  • 45  Should it be by negotiation with the EU under Clause 50 or cut the Gordian Knot by repealing the 1972 Act?

What if we go the Lisbon Clause 50 route?

It will give the EU several years to prevaricate and keep kicking the can down the road. The EU will heavily ‘bribe’ the BBC, Universities, Charities, and our ‘independent’ national establishments to continually pester for Remain. We would also require the agreement of other EU countries who currently rely on UK continually funding them



  • 46  The State University of New York at Binghamton (SUNY-Binghamton) is offering a training class titled “StopWhitePeople2k16,” to instruct residential assistants (RAs) on how to deal with “uneducated” people who don’t believe in ideas like white privilege.

The class is just one of several available to RAs at the school, and was discovered by the Binghamton Review, a student newspaper. Residential assistants are students who agree to assist with overseeing and monitoring residential life in return for receiving a free room from the school. Apparently, though, Binghamton RAs also have the responsibility of “stopping” white people.



  • 47  Clegg’s fib the BBC allowed him to continually repeat



  • 48    Jean-Claude Juncker’s most outrageous political quotations

The former Luxembourg prime minister expected to become European Commission president tomorrow has a pragmatic approach to politics, the press and the public – and is rarely afraid to show it


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-4467930/Who-d-want-ruled-risible-Juncker.html    Who is the ‘brains’ behind Juncker?


  • 49  Brussels is offering British firms cash ‘bribes’ of almost £1,000 a time to take on foreign workers.

Thousands of youngsters are also being offered payments totalling more than £1,100 to take a job in Britain under the European Commission scheme.

The extraordinary initiative appears to directly undermine Government efforts to persuade firms to take on British workers as the recovery takes hold



  • 50    New World Order (NWO) UN-Agenda-2030

The UN have unveiled their masterplan for the next 14 years – saying that they wish to implement global socialism and corporate fascism as part of their “Agenda 2030” plans. It should be remembered that the original UN Charter was written by Alger Hiss later exposed as a covert Marxist. Part of their plans, officially dubbed “Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals,” aims to reduce inequality worldwide by forcing individual governments and citizens alike to share their wealth under the guidance of a one world government.



  • 51   The extent of corruption in Europe is “breathtaking” and it costs the EU economy at least 120bn euros (£99bn) annually, the European Commission says.

EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem has presented a full report on the problem.She said the true cost of corruption was “probably much higher” than 120bn.

Three-quarters of Europeans surveyed for the Commission study said that corruption was widespread, and more than half said the level had increased.



  • 52  “The impulse to possess turf is a powerful one for all species; yet it is one that people must overcome. sensitivity over the relationship between international responsibility and national sovereignty [is a]considerable obstacle to the leadership at the international level. Sovereignty is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the imperatives of global environmental cooperation.”



  • 53  Whenever a Leftard is losing an argument they resort to accusing their opponent of being a ‘Racist’. You know then they have no rational argument. What is the accusation of ‘Racism’? It is a political tool used by the Frankfurt School and their followers to silence valid comments they do not wish the general public to voice or hear. It is to suppress free speech. An invention of Leon Trotsky.
    It is a personal attack by the Leftards to damage your character when they cannot destroy your argument.



  • 54      UN Agenda 21 Today, the means of pushing the New Age one-world religion is the environmental movement of the UN. The more deceptive aim of the Environmental movement, however, is its use to further the eugenics agenda, by arguing for limits to growth, and creating the backwardness that serves British Imperialism.

Its covert and fundamental aim is the eradication of the white tribes of the world.



  • 55    “The impulse to possess turf is a powerful one for all species; yet it is one that people must overcome. sensitivity over the relationship between international responsibility and national sovereignty [is a]considerable obstacle to the leadership at the international level. Sovereignty is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the imperatives of global environmental cooperation.” [“Report of the Commission on Global Governance,” eco-logic Magazine (publ. By Environmental Conservation Organization, Hollow Rock, TN), January/February 1996, p.4.]




  • 57        A  historian has slammed the double standards employed in French schools which present Muslim conquerors as peaceful and brilliant, and Christians as backwards oppressors.

Against the backdrop of terror attacks and rising Islamic extremism worldwide, teacher and author Barbara Lefebvre contends that education on Islam has “never been more necessary”. But the historian, who has published several books on the Holocaust, argues that textbooks’ sanitisation of Muslim conquests and their presentation of an Islamic supremacist version of history is completely unhelpful.



  • 58  The 1971 F&CO letter to Ted Heath stating in no uncertain terms that the  then so called Common Market was, in fact, a deceitful ploy to transfer UK sovereignty to Brussels. When he said in parliament and to the British people that it was nothing more than a trading arrangement he was lying and he knew he was lying.



  • 59 The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU, the key architects of the so-called ‘European Union’ were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-WW2 Europe under the control of the Nazi/IG Farben coalition. Based on literally tens of thousands of historical documents obtained by our Foundation from international archives, the growing global awareness of the facts means that the Brussels EU “experiment” is effectively now over.

http://www.reject-the-eu.co.uk/nazi-roots/chapter.html  From The Dr Rath Foundation



  • 61  I decided to write this essay after a comment from a journalist, not a Leftist by my country’s standards, who dismissed Eurabia as merely a conspiracy theory, one on a par with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I do not disagree with the fact that conspiracy theories exist, nor that they can be dangerous. After all, the Protocols and the Dolchstosslegende, or “stab in the back myth” — the idea that Germany didn’t lose WW1 but was betrayed by Socialists, intellectuals and Jews — helped pave the way for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis before WW2.




  • 62 The bell rang three times early on a cold Friday morning before a sleepy Hans-Martin Tillack, an investigative reporter for the German newsweekly Stern, answered the door in his T-shirt and boxers. Six Belgian policemen politely filed in, he recalled, handed him a search warrant and went to work.

For the next 10 hours, they combed through his apartment and his separate office, seizing his computer hard drives, his bank records, his Filofax organizer, four cell phones, 18 boxes of files and a copy of “Spaceship Brussels,” his exposé of fraud and waste inside the European Union. When Tillack complained, he recalled, one of the officers shrugged. In Burma, the policeman told him, “journalists get treated much worse.”





  • 64   In a crass and ill-timed intervention, the unelected president of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy has warned Vladimir Putin that the EU intends ultimately to control every country on the western flank of Russia.

In an interview with De Standaard newspaper, Van Rompuy speaks about his “dreams” that all the Balkan states will join the EU. He calls it an “inspiring thought” that in the long term “the whole of European territory outside Russia” will be tied to the EU

http://www.breitbart.com/london/2014/05/01/van-rompuy-says-europe-will-expand-without-public-backing/ …………………………………………………………………………………………


  • 66  By Gerard Batten MEP who is perhaps the most clued MEP on this subject





Peter Sutherland  http://www.azquotes.com/quote/705883


  • 70     List of BBC staff who are Common Purpose alumni









  • 76   EU corruption  EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem has presented a full report on the problem.

She said the true cost of corruption was “probably much higher” than 120bn.
















  •   85 New UN Boss Tells Europe Migration Unstoppable, Says Politicians Should Ignore Voters

     http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/11 /24/un-europe-migration-unstoppable/



Joe Biden and the Globalist ‘end game’ to eliminate the white Tribes


  • 88  Cameron  Your Decision. Nobody Else. Not politicians. Not parliament.”Your decision. Nobody elses. Not politicians. Not Parliament.”








  • 91  How the Railways of UK have been bought up by EU Nationalised railways and over charge UK travelers to subsidise their home customers.






2017 – 027 An excellent expose of Common Purpose

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